Shishkaberry Preservation Run, Open-Pollination (CLOSED for sign up)

If you dont mind the mess, cover the floor with diatomaceous earth to slow their migration to other areas.


I ended up putting a konk mister in veg and sticky traps as well as DE , little cocksuckers didn’t know what hit ‘em , I sure hope you get ahead of these little shits


That was my last year. This year I had some outdoors, even moved some plants indoors and never had any issues. Good luck!


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!!

Let’s start with the bad and end on the good. :slight_smile:

The Bad - About two weeks ago I really hurt myself at work(Pouring concrete) and received a present in the form of a pretty bad Hernia that will need surgery…it’s on the left side and pretty damn painful so been off work and laid up the last two weeks. While in the ER getting tests ran they also found I have a relatively bad case of Diverticulitis!! Jesus….Been on a liquid diet the last week or so trying to get the inflammation down and ready for the Hernia surgery…Consultation is on the 29th and surgery not far after…So plants are still inside the house in solo cups needing a transplant and their future home.

The Ugly - Well the ugly is the plants…Aphids are still present as haven’t been sprayed as much as I’d like. Gonna give them a haircut this even and will take a bunch of pictures for the update.

The Good - The good is all the seedlings including the two little runts are alI alive just a little worse for ware. The project is still 100% moving forward just a slight delay in the timeline. :slight_smile: This is my 2nd attempt at these Shishkaberry and will go through till the end in glorious fashion! Lol. :crazy_face:

So that’s been my life the last few weeks…not what I would call ideal in anyway, shape, or form but that just life I guess. We deal with what life gives us the best we can! Sometimes I feel that if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have none at all! Haha

Hope everyone is happy and more importantly healthy…



aw dang, thats rough. Get better soon man!


Good luck with the recovery and pest battle!


Ouch! Been there that sucks. Best wishes on a speedy recovery.


The “like” is for the good.

The “luck” is for the rest. Hope it’s good…take care!


I live in West County Sonoma, aphids completely wiped out the Organic Gravenstein crop last year. All the fruit was rejected by the canneries. Unlike grapes the farmers don’t carry crop insurance on apples.


Is this a weed strain? If so could you tell me about it

LOL, no but that is a brilliant idea. Gravenstein is an apple variety Apple - Gravenstein - tasting notes, identification, reviews.

Might be a good name for an Apple Fritter X.


Atlas seeds had something with that name in it. I can never find info on it

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It would be appropriate for a AF, panama red x. The apples themselves are really beautiful.

I make a calvados style brandy out of them every year. Good hooch!


Atlas had an auto by that name:


Interesting. Gravensteins are sour & sweet, super crisp, with a very tart skin. Like a sweeter and more complex green apple. Would be cool to identify a strain that had those traits.

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Fsck! Hernia hurts, I feel you :confused: Hope it doesn’t give you too much pain and you made yourself cosy. Few days before you get the relief. Hope you’ll get better in no time!

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Aw man. Sorry to hear you’re in pain, man. Hoping the wurm turns for you soon and the wind and sun give you the lift you need to heal! Good luck!



I’ll be praying for you brother :pray:
In a way I’m glad you are able to get a surgery to heal. I know someone who has had one for a few years and pain for them comes and goes.

I don’t remember the reason they couldn’t get the surgery done, but I’m happy you can and I know you will feel better when it’s over.

Your gonna come back and finish this off strong :muscle:

In the meantime if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask me



Is your hernia in the groin area?
I wish you a fast and speedy recovery.
I’ve had 2 fixed in my gut and they never healed well. Still cause alot of pain.
I hope you recover 100% !


All the best for the surgery and wish you a speedy and healthy recovery.