Show all those oddities

Here’s a freaky little surprise we found in growing out Feminized Frankenstein S1 seeds.

This was one of the two primary phenotypes that showed up in those seeds. We named her Olive and she appeared in a bit less than half of the seeds popped thus far.

Olive is tiny, wrinkled and clawed, but has a perfect symmetrical structure and appears to be developing nice little buds. Sprouted in early December and as pictured, a little over six weeks in flower.

More information here if anyone is interested.

Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome


Not to spam with my same lil Freaks, but here’s the last one’s SISTER. I know it because, sh!tty picture aside, those are 2 hairs. Popping out after the first set of leaves. I’ve personally never seen them anywhere near this early. I’ll get better pics, but had to snap the pic as soon as I saw it. There’s no way these are older than 2 weeks.


A trifoliate. (Didn’t really look different as it matured.)


Wedding Cake



Leaves growing from the centre of leaves.


Now that’s something that I haven’t seen before!

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It’s definitely a first for me but supposedly not all that uncommen. I’ve had buds grow from the centre of the leaves a few times but never leaves. :v:

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Haha the plant is finally evolving , fighting the defol lol


Day 39 Gelazzi from Greenpoint.

Double header on one branch.
Didn’t notice it until 3 weeks into flower. :face_with_monocle:


Nice polypoid flower!

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Those don’t look like hairs to me. They look more like the flat kinda spikey shaped structure that pops up above balls on the stem and next to female flowers against the stem.

It’s fasciation. As fascinating as it is. Those buds usually are way sub par in quality, producing less terps and taking on a grassy flavor compared to regular buds of the same plant.


First one I’ve had, I didn’t know the mutation had a name. Thanks!

I am surprised with the reaction to this picture. Not to be defensive, but I know a hair when I see it. I know the structures you are referring to, and it’s true that they sometimes can look like hairs, but these aren’t those. Anyway, I don’t really mind if no one believes it (now I do sound defensive), it was a surprise for me too. Like a hillbilly that is reporting a UFO: “I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!!” Lol


You know, on that pic you just posted I’d call it a pistil hair as well. Previous pic wasn’t as obvious. Even this one is a but of a doubtful one with the greenish base of the hair but the end looks like pistil hair :man_shrugging:

If only pics were 3D and 360°

Doesn’t look polyploid though, or maybe that’s just me. Looks like fasciation. Or whorled phyllotaxy. Can’t really tell from the pic.

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This is also my experience.

The branch was normal but then it threw 3 fan leaves on this individual branch, Then this double head formed at the cola. Only noticed it after a couple weeks of flowering.

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My tripod cat Leo? He’s a little odd.