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Genki, genki desu ka? he is such a beauty :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hai, Genki desu. He is really a cute guy (as well as healthy - HA!) and the smartest cat either Mrs. mota or I have ever known.


Wore his nails all the way to the meat digging this day. He doesnā€™t have an off button when outside but as soon as heā€™s inside heā€™s like a lay English lab.


He looks awesome! That lit up face in the first one too you know he is having a blastšŸ»good times


Beautiful pics everyone! Baby Oliver and big sis Rosie became fast friends.


Got a kitty.

no name yet. Fun little thing.


@pawsfodocaws thas a lil cutie right there :blush:

Angus-bean here is growing as fast as our plants :grin:. 9 months old


Thanks man., :blush:

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7 weeks?? Oohhh those little needle claws, lol.

Any names on the list yet?


Iā€™m a rescue guy, so I regularly have a house full. Currently in my home I have 5 dogs along with some cats.

Here are my 2 latest foster fails. Found them as puppies and got way too attached, even as a person who often finds dogs, gets them in the rescue and gets them adopted. I just couldnā€™t stand the thought of not having these 2 grow up with me. So here they are to stay


Iā€™m out of likes, but thatā€™s pretty awesome :metal:. Back in the day I used to do a bunch of work with a rescue place, I had 2 ā€œon purposeā€ dog rescues and 1 ā€œon purposeā€ cat rescue, and 7 foster fail kittens :grin:šŸ¤¦. Now I just have the 2 rescue pups :grin::metal:

The eyes on your pups, gah, I understand why you couldnā€™t let them go :grin::metal:


Man itā€™s a lot of work but itā€™s so worth it. The area Iā€™m in is such a bad area for abandoned dogs. I wish I could save them all, but I do what I can.

Itā€™s honestly pretty soul cleansing to just get out to a rescue and walk and play with dogs. I probably get more out of it than they do lol.


Theyā€™re pure souls, no hidden intentions (unless you have treats, lol), no grudges (usually)ā€¦ Dogs are amazing, if you let yourself connect with them :metal::+1:

Rescue work is very hard, for sure. Iā€™m a big guy, so I was always the guy used to help dogs who were fearful of big guys, oh what fun it was, hahaha. Itā€™s so great to see them turn around though!


Not yet lol yep about 7. Havenā€™t figured any out yet.

Oohhh, theyā€™re still soft?? Oh man, I wish you luck when they harden up :joy::metal:

This is Marley. The sweetest and most polite dog Iā€™ve ever met. Mix of a Shiba Inu and Husky.


Just a heads up for all the dog people, also cats if they like balls. The chuck it balls are on sale on Amazon for 4.99 for two. Stopped in petsmart they wanted 12.99 for one.

Note: she is a medium size pup so we only checked price on the medium ones.


Tele is now 6 months old. The breeder and the owner of the father that sired this litter want to show him. That means he gets to keep his nuts and that sits well with me. The keeping the nuts, and not so much the showing. My wife doesnā€™t understand. Itā€™s a guy thing. :grinning:

Teleā€™s father Jai-Jai, took best in breed at Westminster and the AKC Nationals last year so
the owner of Jai-Jai loved the look of Tele. She said he reminds her of Jai-Jai. She would know I guess because of Teleā€™s father being Jai-Jai. I could care less about a show dog and would have easily settled for a rescue as there are so many dogs post covid that need a good home, but the wife wanted another Corgi for River. Tele has the clown temperament.

Corgiā€™s come in two distinct personalities. One is the super serious, and the other is the clown. Tele falls into the latter category as he is definitely a clown. He always has to take a toy outside with him when he goes out.

River is now 8 years old.


The kittens name is sparkles. Finally no more no kitty, hey kitty.


Great name, reminds me of this meme that my wife loves.