Show your JOTI Buds

not enough to run it on its own to be worthwhile but gonna do a nice joti combo batch,

Ive been studying Frenchy Cannolies methods and then started studying @JoeCrowe methods and am combining what ive learned from both, I have a great respect for what they both do.


Oh, yeah - that’s what I always do. You can make hash or RSO in small batches, but the work is just about the same, so it makes sense to wait until you have a bunch to work with.

RIP Frenchy :pray: I watched his video where he uses the ice hash machine on the deck to make some hash. That made me want to get one of those machines. If a purist like him uses one, that’s a green light for me!


:astonished::fire::fire: lemme know when some of those Chemo fems are ready!


20 day cure so far…mouth-watering and a punch in the nose. 🥲




Black Dosi Fire cross


Woohoo :raised_hands: :partying_face:

Some great lookin plants amigo’s! Love to see them all!

@Purple-N-Hairy I might have a few extra godbud 2.0 I can send your way. Just gotta Bare with me; ended up almost cutting my finger off yesterday with a skill saw. Feeling pretty damn sore now and surgery on Monday


Thanks for the offer, @Leaf! The truth is, I know I won’t have time to get to it any time soon, so please hold on to it. If you make F2’s with it, definitely keep me in mind!

As for your finger - OUCH!!! I sort of know how you feel. A buddy of mine and I were installing hardwood floors in his home, and his father was cutting the boards on a table saw. Well, he got one of his fingers too close and cut the end of it clean off. It was awful, but it was also just the tip (halfway down the nail bed). It couldn’t be reattached, so he ended up with a slightly shorter finger.

But my personal experience still makes me cringe. I got by finger caught in a rag that got pulled through the chain and rear sprocket of a motorcycle that was up on a center stand and running. The teeth punctured my pointer finger just above the middle knuckle, and when it got to the chain guard, it ripped the bone apart and my finger open to the very tip. AND - I was all alone. With greasy hands. Before cell phones. :grimacing:

I got very lucky and ended keeping what was left of my finger. It took 2 surgeons & 12 hours to complete the surgery, and we weren’t sure I’d be able to keep it until a couple of weeks had passed, but it healed nicely. No top knuckle, a funny shaped nail bed and serious scars, but still - I was lucky.

Bottom line - I know the pain that can be caused from a damaged finger. You have more nerve endings in your fingers than your leg, so take it easy for as long as you need to. Care for your wounds and follow your doctor’s orders!!

Thanks again, @Leaf. Good luck and TAKE GOOD CARE!!


Damn!! That must of hurt too brother. Some serious mistakes happen. Ouch.

Alright man I’ll hold on to em for now and do a full smoke report when done. :slight_smile:

like grandpa used to say ; the fingers a long way from the heart. I’ll be back to work after the surgery is done lol.


Chemo came down today…gonna do a quick dry and search for femmed seeds in a few days!!
If humidity was any higher, bud rot would have set in…tight as eff.
Probably 5-8 g dry…but this was for the seeds, not the buds…buds are just a bonus.
Looks and smells :star::star::star::star::star:…can’t wait to try some!!!




We’d all love a smoke report once you get the chance to try it, she looks amazing @Tappy


Very nice. Just trimmed the top layer of one of mine today and now for a 2 week hang.


Blackberry Breath


How does it smoke or is this the first round with it. I still have a half pack of my original blackberry breath I bought long ago that I want to go back to to find a good male. :crossed_fingers:


Ive grown one prior and it was phenomenal, hard to explain the flavor but it carried through very well, if youve made blackberry syrup before its kinda like that but with something else i cant place, it seemed to help my oldman get through the day so i gave him most of my last batch.

Some of these bbb x sb have your name on them :wink:


I had the Blackberry hammer going for a while and it wasn’t bad either. I made a few crosses with a male from that pack.


Did you find the blackberry hammer to help manage pain at all or reduce inflammation?


Can’t say it did the inflammation but did cut the pain. I was actually looking for something that would knock me out at night and it wasn’t that hit I was looking for.


I find blackberry breath much heavier than the blackberry hammer. Always sleep good with bbb !

Looks awesome @Chronickyle , fattening up!


Sensi star; week 8

This plant stretched the most, lots of lateral branching; real interesting smell to her. Lower yield but all buds look like such great quality- almost a sweet spice smell to her. Can’t wait to smoke it :slight_smile:


Damn @Leaf did you get in a fight with a pound of glitter?

Looks amazing man.