SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

thankyou @shag , Happy Easter to you and yours as well :wink:


This was a fun thread to read through, all the weed lore laid out for us… Pity I didn’t put this on watch and get to read it in real time though haha.

I’ll be first in the beggars line if you can do any more pollen, also. I have a couple Hillbilly Fighters about to go into flower, and those lowers are gonna be sweatin for some love dust in a couple weeks, as they tend to haha.


My man @SHSC-1 has some dam good weed stories. :sunglasses:
I have said this a bunch…
He would be fun to sit around a bonfire with. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ya, know…I bet he would tell us some more shit if it was not being written down.
I think the term for that is evidence… :rofl:


Haha! @shag , I have lived an interesting life I suppose… not special or unique but interesting.
Managed to make it thru to the other side of 50 so I guess I’m making out okay all things considered. LOL
I am really trying my best to make this years trip… funding is my concern right now but we’ll see. Meeting you and @Tonygreen and burnin bats around a campfire would be a highlight for me that’s for sure

Now for all those on the pollen list I will begin contacting people from the top of the list down, 5 at a time for now as I need to get more stamps tomorrow. Should be able to get everyones cards mailed out by friday. I live in a small town so need to split the sending days up to not draw attention LOL… return address is bunk so don’t need any local posties scrutinizing it haha


@Rhai88 :us:

please send me your details by DM :slight_smile:


That camp out is a bucket list item


Great read brother…I think the periodic mention of double serration leafset is definitely skunk1/afghani heritage somewhere…lovely work!!!


I have this story in the back of my mind… I don;t know if I heard it on a potcast or from my vancouver/lowermainland circles back in the day but … I think that Afghan the red and the yellow were originally from genetics sourced from the Sheberghan region. Whether that is correct or not it is always what I have had in my head and looking at plants from that region I can see the resemblance.
Gonna try for some pics of the ladies. tonight , stay tuned :wink:


Hey @SHSC-1, check out the landrace threads with @Upstate and a bunch of others as they are always posting and discussing the heritage/history of cannabis in that region with lots of articles and photos of the past. :v:


@GMan hmmm thanx, I will check out those threads :wink:

Mailed some cards with pollen packs this morning and grabbed more supplies
@PineTarBastard , @Kavman , @Smooth , @Rhai88 your cards are enroute.

still need to hear from @Cartwright and @Kushking902

This evening I will contact the next group off the list for thier details

have a great day everyone… and ya… I forgot to get pics of the girls last night… fell asleep after smoking a big bat of Ghost Train Haze from @ShiskaberrySavior. Thats some nice bud man :wink:


@SHSC-1 Just sent pm, sorry I had a long 24 hours of travelling lol :grin:


No worries @Kushking902 , I got ya :wink:

so let’s have the next 6 OGs from the list , please contact me with your details


This is awesome. Thanks. Deets sent.


@SHSC-1 Thanks for the opportunity here. Love what you’ve been trying to do here. Good stuff.


Bring meat lol


@Tonygreen … so I guess that means travel light but stop at the butcher shop on the way… got it !! LOL


okay everyone who has sent me thier details so far… cards are in the mail, please let me know when you see them !!.

Now for the next round of mailouts… I am staggering these so I don’t draw attention at the post office LOL Was hoping to have everyone mailed out by today but that last batch will go out monday
So next 6 OG’s on the list, please send me your details


oh and I should add… I was able to make up more mixed pollen packs so next week I will open another wiki with limitted spots for those who didn’t make the first sign up.


Doin a little happy dance over here! Thank you @SHSC-1 stoked to be able to check this one out. PM incoming


How long does the Shiskaberry stay in flower? I found one pack from a 2020 co-op run. Seems like I got more from another source.

I’m thinking about letting a friend run them outside but he’s at a higher elevation and they would need to finish early maybe.