SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

I’d found with most that I’d grew were 7/8 weeks max .


Ah, perfect! Thanks SS!!


My brother said 45 days was his favorite he ran .


Hard to travel with a bunch of meat but we do like to eat.
I think he wanted some fish, moose, elk maybe goose, beaver whatever you hunted up.
We had talked about a wild game dinner, but it never happened.

@Tonygreen made a mean Mexican dish last year, I forget the name but he spent all day on the meat prep with real fruit and spices.
It was fantastic, but I did overcook the meat. :pensive:


I;m a bit of a home chef myself there @shag
today I have a dozen fillets of kokanee in the smoker hehehe
I don’t think I can bring game meat or fish across the line… not without a bunch of paperwork anyways.
Need to have a gathering at a ranch in texas or something… somewhere the wild pigs roam. Sure be nice to sit around a campfire smoking weed while we roast a pig on a spit :wink:

@GMan The original Shishkaberry released starting in 98 , had a lot of early finishers. 45 to 50 days were pretty common flowering numbers in that original line. In the Ustad Shishkaberry 3f2 seeds I have grown out I think the flowering times are a wee bit longer if you are after some amber in the trichomes before harvest. A couple of the ladies in flower right now are starting to develop some fade in the large fan leaves. Normally I practice deleafing those big fans by end of week 3 but I let these girls run with all thier leaves intact. It will be difficult to judge flowering times other than by observing the trichomes in this fully seeded grow. The plants have not put out any new pistils since the males started dumping pollen. That whole room was saturated in pollen LOL When I washed it down the other night the bleach water on the floor from running down the walls was straight yellow. Those two males sure did yield very well.
For this run I am going to flower them a full 9 weeks to ensure the seeds are fully ripe. I like to allot 6 weeks from pollen set to ripe seed. Some strains may vary but I like 6 weeks , seems to produce good seed.

I have been slacking in the picture department and I apologize… depsite my cheery self online… since the turn of the new year we have been plagued with vehicle issues… all three of them. It;s almost comical if it wasn;t so fucking expensive LOL My baby is a 1st gen dodge ram 4x4 single cab with the 5.9 12 valve cummins. She needs a new radiator and when she blew she took out the alternator as the coolant caused a short … new alternator was pricey enough but holy hell who would have imagined that napa and lordco and every other place I’ve looked … want 1400 to 1600 for a new rad that is no where near the same quality as the original … but I can buy a fully welded aluminum Mishimoto rad off jeff bezo’s business killing amazon for a grand or less.
Okay so she is parked … a week later the wife’s car threw a cam shaft bearing and that;'s it… done, kaput!!! it is a 95 ford something or other LOL and I am not spending a dime getting that engine rebuilt or replaced… so we put her 89 lifted cherokee on the road… but first it needs a complete exhaust system put in… so we do that… hear that sound of bleeding money ??? haha it gets worse LOL. So the cherokee sounds great, runs great… woohoo!! so down to one vehicle and things seem good until I needed 4x4 leaving the fishin hole last week… All I hear is clunking and was like WTF!!! so I nurse her home and figure whatever winter is near done we can live without 4x4 till I can address it. Nah… it’s never that simple LOL Now the thing has a vibration when we drove it that was getting worse. So off to my trusted mechanic and 2300 bucks and 600 in car rental… the sound of more bleeding money.
So yesterday I’m driving the new and improved cherokee back from the post office and the whole front end starts to shake violently. i thought a wheel was coming off it’s lugs… for real. Wife is losing her shit… i’m trying to brake and pull over … fuck me what a nghtmare. So the shop is open for 15 more minutes so I took it easy and limped her to the shop. Something ain’t right and they just redid and replaced a pile of front end steering and suspension parts… so it’s in the shop… hopefully they figure out what they didn’t do right LOL and they gave us a nice courtesy car this time so I don’t have to rent a vehice for the wife to get to work… that’s been my last week… but these vehicle issues have plagued us since the turn of the new year LOL
ah shit… sorry for my ramble , we all got our own bullshit going on … just felt like venting :laughing: :laughing:


Damn, sorry to hear about your truck! Some cars just want to throw a tantrum once and awhile. Hope everything stays clear for rest of the year :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


It sounds like the Cherokee 4x4 needs a new motor mount. The mechanic should have the parts and get you back on the road in a few days.


I travel everywhere with a bunch of meat. Never leave home without it. Sometimes I get more at the butcher.


nope… i wish it was that simple hehehe I actually installed new motor /tranny, transfer case mounts and bushings 2 years ago. A lot of work was put into get the driveline angles just right when we had the lift done and we paid good money for it. I smoked a deer doing 80 last year on the way home from hunting. The recovery bar on the front sits well above the hood and that made contact first when I hit the deer full broadside. The bar knocked it down before any body damage occured and then the drivers wheel took the next hit as the deer went under the vehicle and out the side. Poor deer… i’d rather kill em quick with a bullet and have something for the freezer… anyhow. Everything seemed good untill last week LOL. I guess I bent the front driveshaft , bent a tie rod, bent the steering dampener and cracked a track bar mount.
So all that repaired and the jeep experiences death wobble for the first time ever. Only changes are the newly repaired/replaced steering and suspension components. I’m thinking it needs the castor angles corrected for the lift… OR… the mechanic didn;t put something back together correctly and something has vibrated loose in the 430km I’ve put on it since we picked it up from the shop.


Damn, dude. That is a legit money pit. All the while Mercury Retro is messing up all things mechanical.

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Sorry to hear about all the car trouble @SHSC-1 , nothing is more frustrating. Hope things smooth out. Although I am not surprised about the Ford engine going down

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ya we’ll survive … just bleeding money I’d rather be spending on new grow lights and things hehehe

So the flower room lights up in 45 minutes, I’ll take the camera this time LOL
Pics coming tonight I promise :wink:


Campground full of stoners, burning lbs, no meat, recipe for disaster lolololo


here is the update I promised last night
The plants are beginning to differentiate themselves in the smell department and I notice one is noticeably taller than her sisters… otherwise it is very difficult to tell these plants apart.
Yesterday was day 45 of 12/12
Loads of trichomes all around. It looks like I pushed them a little bit on the feed end with a few burnt tips showing up the last couple days. If this was a bud run I might be a bit concerned but we are feeding seeds here not flowers so I pushed them a bit… will back off from here on out .I figure we have about 3 more weeks for the seeds to be fuly developed.
The HPs is making the plants look yellow , they are still green but a couple plants are starting to drop fans.


Oh man. Their really filling in nicely :raised_hands:


Look at all those beautiful seeds. Awesome work man. A few more laps and this race is done. Kudos


Those are coming along nicely. Great job on the breeding. Props.

Ya guys we are getting close to the finish :wink:
@Kavman ya they are rock hard with seeds. I’ll try and get some close up shots of some flowers later this evening.

I am also going to have to add some stakes and strings to hold up some lowers as they are starting to sag a bit. This brings me to an observation… We never had to string up any support for branches on the 98 release original shishkaberry. The branches were thick and angled upward with big knuckles at the stem/branch node. I assume the stock breeder steve used to make the shiskaberry 3 had more structure like the plants we are seeing here. I don’t see any “dome top or blockhead” type flower expressions either but we are dealing with a limitted group of plants here.
The common smell across the plants is an earthy stank and two of them have a berry type overtone to that. Smells really good hehehe.
Going forward in my own plans , I’ll be combining the shishkaberry line I have with the seeds from this generation for a more diverse gene pool and will share those when the time comes as well. This ain’t a one and done project here hehehe
I have a columnar shaped 90’s blues female and a male of the same. I will be blending them with whatever shishka plants rise to the top :wink: but that is down the road. Lots of work to do in selection before now and then.


Awesome :raised_hands:
I’m glad to hear these sound amazing in their own right, but you plan to work the line in the future.

I really can’t wait to try these one day. And that pollen is definitely getting used this year :laughing: thank you :pray:


Maybe the plants back then had a strong fan blowing on them?

Awesome what you’re doing anyway.