SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

I should throw in a plug for @Baudelaire and Fleur de Mal seeds as he is a preservationist of Spice of Life lines, with breeder steve’s blessings. He does have plans to do a Shishkaberry preservation run and has some of my shishkaberry work from a trade a couple or so years ago.

As a “breeder” releasing my own work to seedbanks, I won’t be releasing a “pure” line other than what we have here in this seed increase for OG’s only. I will leave the releasing of pure lines to Fleur de Mal.
I will be using the shishkaberry going forward though and feel blessed that @PineTarBastard chose to send me these seeds for this increase. It allows for another slice of the genetic pie to add to the line I am already working (98 shishka x shishka 3f2).


LOL the room these plants are in has massive air flow and circulation. It’s a 5x7.5 with a 8ft ceiling. I have a 450cfm 6" inline sucking air through a Can150 carbon scrubber, retrofitted with an inline ozone generator to kill exitting pollen. Then there is a 16 inch pedestal fan pointing into the corner away from the plants but the direction creates a hurricane effect and the plant’s leaves are all dancing from top to bottom :wink:


I’ll just shut my mouth, go back to the corner and watch the grow!


It’s a nice corner, I have a joint!? Want in?


You bet!!!


I hope my reply didn’t come across as abrasive as it wasn’t meant that way hehehe
you are most welcome to a front seat, no need to hide in the corner :wink:
heck after gifting me that poster… you are a VIP in my threads brother


Haha, no, not at all. I’ve got thick skin…no worries here.


You’re a gentleman and a scholar my friend!

Shiskaberry Dust has arrived!!!

Thank for my very early x-mas present! :laughing:



I’ve maxxed out my likes for the day apparently but it’s good to see those pollen packs starting to arrive. Been slacking getting the rest out but I will be contacting the rest of the list tomorrow and thursday.


I’ll be watching for mine to land any day now that people are starting to receive it. Thanks


Look what showed up today :grin: decisions decisions



last of the current list for the pollen packs please send me your details!!!

and Happy 420 everyone!!!
I will be starting another Wiki for the remainder of the pollen packs. The spots will be limitted to the number of packs on hand and everyone on the list will receive a pack.
Please don’t sign up on the next wiki if you have already been designated a pack on the last wiki.
Stay tuned… it will be this evening after 5pm Pacific.

23 Likes should be your friend, 1600 for a rad is sickening… we rebuild lots of vehicles, our road is 8km of hard turns dirt and pot hols, we go through a lot of vehicles… I almost exclusively use rock auto… although sometimes it’s more convenient to use lordco and such

I didn’t know your exact truck, but those are for a 1989 dodge w150 5.9l :man_shrugging:

Also jeep death wobble is a real thing, we currently have 5 jeeps at home and have had close to 10 over the years


hmmmm ya those are for the gas V8 engine W150
Mine is the 5.9 12V Cummins W250 4x4
I just learned there is a shop in Kamloops that can rebuild my rad because it is an original all metal unit. If that doesn’t pan out I’m going to order the Mishimoto all aluminum. At least it has a lifetime defect warranty.
I’ve owned several Jeeps now, YJ’s and cherokees and one 78 bj40 diesel landcruiser. I have never experienced the dreaded Death Wobble until the shop did this recent work. It has a 4 inch lift , done proper and I’ve driven that thing all over BC in every kind of weather this province can throw. Never any issue with the death wobble. So the shop obviously didn’t get something right when they replaced the parts. Track bar bushings, steering dampener shock, tie rod ends and bushings and a new front drive shaft assembly. So something in there is causing the issue. Dropped it off last friday and haven’t heard a word from them… I’m getting an uneasy feeling and kicking myself hard for not just doing the work myself. I can wrench on those older jeeps with my eyes closed.

edit to add… shop just called and apparently it was a compromised side wall in the front passenger tire. She’s ready to go and they aren’t charging me any extra $$$ for the fix. Fingers crossed they found the solution LOL


Those are looking good!

1 Like

I feel for ya pal, sometimes cars and truck are worse than boats.

I love kamloops, my second favorite part of canada, its so beautiful. I do a yearly fishing trip to roche lake and until the forest we did yearly hunting trips to Tunkwa. My uncle is the president of the army and navy veterans club there :call_me_hand:


Okay 15minute warning… I will open a wiki for the remaining TWENTY packs of mixed Shishkaberry 3f2 pollen.

Let’s get this party started!!
Happy 420 first of all, to all the Shishkaberry lovers out there!!
20 spots open for 20 packs of pollen , mixed from the 2 males.
** If you were on the previous wiki giveaway, please don’t sign up on this one so others can get a chance.

So let us begin :wink:

  1. @Tracker
  2. @Rhino_buddy
  3. @Kyumonryu
  4. @potpotpot
  5. @VAkish
  6. @Slammedsonoma420
  7. @catapult
  8. @repins12 :us:
  9. @tresbundles :us:
  10. @Oldguy :canada:
  11. @cannaloop :canada:
  12. @Mrgreenthumb
  13. @ix3u
  14. @herojuana.tom
  15. @MonasticDank :canada:
  16. @HumblePie420
  17. @middleman :us:
  18. @ABushOfKush :us:
  19. @Kasper0909
  20. @Skunksmoker

do not add more numbers


Your a good Dewd. Appreciate you man.


well thankyou for saying that… I appreciate you too :wink:
happy 420!!


Pretty awesome offering up even more :muscle: