SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Mark your calendar, I only dusted a couple branches so seed total will be small but here’s mama, and her all bagged up for treatment.

hefty bag, aka plant condom

Fingers crossed! Six weeks!


Oh sweeeet !! :raised_hands:

That’s gonna be amazing. I’m testing some home made “plant condoms” this year.

Using ziplocks, zip tie around the stems, and cutting some slots in the bags and covering with some 3M micropore tape to keep condensation from forming inside.

Spore size are typically no larger then 10 μm
Cannabis pollen ranges from 20 μm - 35 μm
And I know that specific tape dosnt let spores through, so it should be perfect in allowing airflow, while keeping pollen contained.

I think you can take the bag off, and spray the branches AND the bag down while doing so, after about 2-3 days from using pollen.

I’m thinking I’ll cut a small hole in the top and use a sprayer to soak everything inside before removing it from any branches.

I’m also thinking I’m a bit paranoid when it comes to pollen lol


Interesting! Micropore tape.

Sounds like a solid strategy, I enjoy overkill. Definitely curious how this turns out


HA!!! I’m gonna use the plant condom soon myself brother.


I love your plan. I cover my male plants with a plastic bag. I tie it around the bottom and take it to the shower, I get in the shower cloths on and give us all a shower. Everthing get wet just to be sure.

:green_heart: :seedling:


:joy: that’s awesome!

I originally made the bags for pollen collection.
I figured I would leave it on a male till I felt he was spent.

The tapped holes would hopefully keep the pollen safe by stopping any moisture from forming inside while over the leaf matter.

I was going to then cut below the zip tie, and bring the bag and branch to a Still Air Box. Then cut a small hole and transfer pollen to other containers to dry before sticking in freezer.

How do you transfer the pollen before showering ? lol

If I lived alone I would definitely do it that way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m just seriously paranoid about pollen. I’m to nervous to do an open pollination as I’m not sure I would be able to clean the tents well enough after.

I heard stories of people getting pollinated bud even after a full year in between an open Polination.

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I do this to kill the pollen before disposal. I want to try your way on the males next time if it works for you. I do open pollination as all my seed making is for preservation for OG.

With your method I could collect pollen, take the bag off and open pollenate all females with all the males pollen for a much sorter time. I would hope all the seeds would mature more uniform and pretty much eliminate those immature seeds.

Where do you get the tape/filter? The pollen from 8 males killed my filter and lights.


I run high air flow out of the rooms I am pollinating in.
For my set up the exhaust is double or more CFM than is generally used for the cubic feet of space being used. My intake is passive so that there is always negative pressure drawing like a vacuum on the room. That goes thru a prefilter (can 150 carbon), then an inline ozone generator and then a pollen/dust filter (2) then outside. Seems to work very well.

For “bag on branch” pollinations I use plastic bread bags and a twist tie to keep it tight at the stem.I will remove all but the top 3 mature fan leaves on the branch so that the pollen can disperse easier over the area in the bag.
to prep the bag I cut a few squares of coffee filter about 4x4 and I cut matching squares in the mid section of the bag, opposite each other. Then I use strips of duct tape to attach the coffee filter pieces over the 3" square holes. I apply the tape inside and outside as neatly as I can.
That will enable the gasses and moisture the plant releases to not fog up the bag and get too damp in there.
Now the next part… I get some plastic drinking straws and cut them into 3 or 4 inch lengths. (100cm +) . I plug each end… I have these little corks from seed vials from the dollar store’s crafts section. The size is perfect for plugging the straws. So I insert a plug in one end and tape it so it’s stuck there. Then I label the straw with the pollen it will contain and load it with the desired pollen, capping the open end with a cork when done.
Then I take that straw and cut a small hole in the bag the branch is in, keeping a piece of duct tape handy to cover it when done. So , I stick the untaped end of the straw in the hole in the baggie and either gently tap the pollen where i want it till the straw is empty or I untape the other end of the straw and gently blow the pollen into the bag so it disperses everywhere. I find tipping the branch horizontal and blowing the pollen in , gets it nicely dispersed on all the flowers in the bag.
everyone has thier own tricks. :wink:


I like this method @SHSC-1 gonna have to give it a try!


Very clever @SHSC-1


Alright… let’s see here.
Have a bunch of cards all ready to go to the post office so I will get those out today or tomorrow.
so let’s have the last five OGs send me your details :wink:


Awesome!! Super stoked after reading up about this strain!


I’m so pleased to spread this stuff around. Grateful to @PineTarBastard for putting up the seeds that make all this possible.

I need to do a proper update on the ladies that are laden with seeds … I can see where mature seeds are so tight together they are strangling the little budlet leaves which are dieing off.
I also notice that 4 of them have slowed thier drinking down big time… like someone threw a switch. The 5th one, which is the only taller one, drank it;s fill the other day and took a regular dose of a 1/2 gallon last night. Expected to have to water the other four this morning but nope they slowed right down.
I have already popped a seed out to check ripeness and it looks like a nice healthy seed to me. I will try and germ it in a few days after it dries out some.
When the lights come on tonight the plants will be starting Day 57 of 12/12 so I will start checking the trichomes
I’ll be deseeding the plants once they have dried so I am going to trim them lightly, chop them and hang them whole to dry as I normally would. I would like to preserve as much trichomes as possible so that when I process the flowers I can reclaim as much hashish material as possible,

In the coming days I will pull and evaluate each plant , take some pics and then it will be harvest time a week from today.
Almost there!!!


I like this straw idea :raised_hands: that’s awesome
I was just gonna cover a girl with a bag, cut a small hole on top and sprinkle some pollen in before placing some tape over it, BUT I like your straw idea a lot better. Seems much more controllable.

And @G-paS
You can find it at most health stores, like a CVS or Walgreens I think.

I order mine when I buy my mushroom supplies online, BUT I have picked up a few rolls from local stores.

It should be just 3M Micropore tape.
Just a white fabric kinda looking tape.
The inside roll will say
“3M Micropore” with a blue or green print.
It’s kinda cheap too, and a roll will last you a long time.


I may even have some :rofl: :green_heart: :seedling:

I was going to ask about coffee filters, thanks @SHSC-1

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I never got around to doing this but I bought a bunch of paper lunch bags to use as branch condoms.

The supposed advantage is you can just soak the bag when you’re done with it and take care of it that way :+1:


Have this all set up and ready to go.

Not really


Gotta cover those inoculation sites! :grin:


I use the lunch bags currently (except this last time one slipped off, sending the already pollinated branch swinging wildly toward the rest of my plant!), but I usually spray the plant, and then open the bag just enough to hose down the inside.


I treated the branches outside the bag. I dusted/ tapped/ touched the pistils i wanted pollinated. Then sprayed the bag and all exposed flowers down about a half hour or so after treatment. Girl don’t need much time to pop preggers