SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Been thinking about this micropore tape … I really like this idea… and am going to pick some up and experiment with it.
thanx for posting this stuff @HappyTrees23s


I use a white paper bag. It breathes and let’s light in so the branch can flower and lets the pollen dry faster. You can cut a hole or strip in the bag and seal that with clear tape to see inside and when it’s time to harvest just cut off the whole contained branch without contaminating anything nor needing to move the whole plant.


I appreciate the tips from everyone, but I think I’ve caused some confusion on what I did and what my intentions were. The portion that was covered was bagged to prevent pollination. I gave pollen to all of the flowering sites on the two branches outside the bag. Then sprayed it with water after a half hour or so to kill any pollen on the leaves and branches. I don’t want to seed the entire plant.


greetings everyone!!
Weekend is here… winter left virtually overnight here. 24 degreesC right now…
I think I am gonna gamble and get my greenhouse going and start a round of light dep plants right away :wink:

as for pollen
I have everyone’s details and the last cards go out monday morning.
Hopefully the pollen arrives to everyone in viable condition


Skunksmoker appears to be one of JamesLax sock puppets, so he won’t be rejoining us in all likelihood


I’ll take a seat if there’s any room, international :slight_smile:

done , send me your details @Sense


How"s the ladiies? I must see porn :star_struck: :rofl:


I actually took pics this morning just before lights out. I’ll upload them off my camera and post them shortly. Not the best pics and I wish there was room in there or a set of florescents in the ceiling I could turn on in the minutes before the HPS comes on. Taking pics with the flash on seems to help at least. I am not up to speed on cameras so I’m working with a decade + year old sony cybershot. I’ll upgrade one day LOL


I meant to reply to this post earlier and just got busy.
The method you posted of bagging the parts of the plant “Not” to be pollinated is a good method if the plants are well isolated or enclosed on thier own. I have used this method in the past when my grow was smaller. I actually made the 2017 batch of Shishkaberry seeds I’m working thru outside this current seed run and the bagging method you show is exactly what I did. I brought the plant into the bathroom and left the exhaust fan on after I was done pollinating. I did it in the evening and kept the plant on the same schedule as the flower room. Next morning I sprayed the plant and pot with a mild H2O2 solution and got her back in the flower room just in time for lights to go off for the day. Worked very well.

For my pollinations I bring the mother into the grow room and will treat the plant(s) with pollen I’ve already collected. Then I spray them down the next morning and set them out with the rest. I repeat that until all my pollinations are done, sanitizing the room before each event.
I also do bagged branch pollinations in the greenhouse as this contains all the pollen on the selected branch and I can pollinate one female with multiple males/strains via that method.

both work well, just depends on the scale of the project and numbers of plants that need to be protected from unwanted pollen.


It’s okay, it’s worth the wait. The wife I have been separated for 6 months. So, I need to see some action :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :shushing_face:

ahhh marital breakdown… sucks to hear man. I went thru that once and I feel for ya.
On the second wife now… I don’t know how she tolerates me but it’s workin.
I hope the pics put a smile on your face at least :smiley:






I’m sure the donor of these seeds (@PineTarBastard ) wants to see pics too so there is that :wink:

The plan is to pull these girls from the grow room on wednesday morning just as the lights go out in the flower room. I’ll take them outside for some good pics and then the axe comes out… well… not an axe … but you get the idea :laughing:

I will then give a breakdown of each female, smells, thoughts, observations ect.
There is a standout in the smell department… that #2 … my oh my she is a sweet smelling gal.


Plants look excellent nice job on the grow.


thanx for the compliment.
They have not been without thier troubles and when I get them out in real light for the end of life pictures you will see what I mean. Nutrient wise things went well although the week 5 transition stage was a bit rough. I should have started weaning them off the 6.8PH at the beginning of week 5 I think. Otherwise they handled my growing regime quite well.
One problem I have had since this all started was thrips that came with the bales of sunshine4. I’ve managed them well enough but the warm weather has hit… I was ice fishing some days ago… today it’s a balmy 24C . Usually the ice is off the lakes by now but winter hung on to the very last minute… then POOF! it’s gone LOL
So the thrips have invaded the shishkaberry plants in the last week or so but I don’t want to spray them with anything. Just riding it out and then I will be hanging them well away from the the grow rooms. I have an empty shed out back that I use for drying in the fall so that will work perfect.
the finish line is in sight :wink:


Seeds were your priority and it looks like you killed it. . # 1 and 4 caught my eye out of the group.
They’d be different looking to a extent if they weren’t seeded they put a lot of energy into making seeds I’d say ?


:drooling_face: Dem der girls lookin mity fine, yup Migghhtttyy Ffffiiinneeee!!! :rofl:
Thanks it sucks but we just have to move on.

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ya I would think that the flowers would have easily doubled in size of the plants weren’t fully seeded. The amount of pollen those males spewed was awesome. I feel really good about a large seed haul but we won’t know till I break them down. I do see lots of brown tiger striped seeds poking out here and there so they are ripe for sure.

Those males impressed me and in the end I collected a lot more pollen than I thought. When I chopped them I hung them individually in the tall U-Haul boxes with catch pans under them in the spare room in the house. I left them for 5 days upside down and several times a day I gave them a little nudge to shake off the pollen. When I pulled the catch pans there was probably as much pollen there as I have already sent out. So I broke those down to smaller amounts and that is all in the freezer for the future.


@SHSC-1 Your plants look fantastic. Great job on the grow and seed production. Thank you for doing this! :grinning:


thanx for the kind words. It’s nice to hear compliments on the garden :wink:
I just appreciate being able to do this seed increase and being able to grow these out in a full open pollination. It’s work but it is a lot of fun and so rewarding.


They are all beautiful but #5 just stands out to me :heart_eyes:
Nicely done @SHSC-1