SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

@SHSC-1 poklen landed today!! Thank you my friend, can’t wait to get loose dusting some buds, now to just find the appropriate lady… :thinking:


Pollen received, divided, and frozen!

Thank you again @SHSC-1 , keep an eye out for Oaxakebab! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


oh this is so awesome!!
pollen landing everywhere.
thanx for letting me know and I really can’t wait to see what everyone does with thier pollen.
Shishkaberry everywhere!!!


How long is the flower with Shishka? I have some seeds from one of the preservations. It also seems like another one came to me recently.


@GMan classic Shish is crazy short, like 50 days; I believe @SHSC-1 said this version goes slightly longer, so 8-9 weeks is probably a safe bet, with some shorter finishers in the mix

Edit: found where he was talking about it.

I guess an important piece of info is: What are your harvest cues Mister Strawberry Hill? How much amber do you have at that 9 week mark?


Good question.


Pollen arrived last week. Thank you again, I’m excited to dust bluemendobreath.


I will have a look at them today.
They were pulled from the room yesterday at lights out and then put in a dark room. I’m chopping them today but will take each one outside for pictures.
Now to answer the trichome question… I usually like to to see 20 to 30% amber in most strains I harvest. In this case I wanted to wait but was more looking at the seed development and the fade they were on.
So let’s go back in history to the original Shishkaberry release and how we used to decide when a plant was ready. We didn’t go by trichomes, we watched the fade and the pistils. Most growers I knew back then in the commercial and private grows used that method too. It wasn’t till later that I discovered the amber trichome thing. That was gleaned from reading about traditional hash making and details on the actual resin heads.
Anyhow , Yes we found those 6.1/2 to 7 week plants in Shishkaberry back in the day but when I look back on those years I think we were all harvesting our strains too early by a week too 10 days.

I grew these Ustad Seeds Shishkaberry 3f2 in my greenhouse in 2016 , from the same lot and seedbank the seeds for this grow were from. I would say 8 to 9 is more reasonable.
That said , this is a small pool of plants but the seeds they contain will have those short flowering outlyers. I think the original breeding of Shishkaberry 3 produce offspring that trend towards that longer flowering time. The fact that there are so many similar and shared traits between all these females tells me that the longer than 7 week flowering time was bred into the line from the start. The F2’s by Ustad that we are growing seem quite stable and uniform when compared to each other for leaf shape, structure, flower shape and stem rub smells. The flowers smell different on 2 , the other 3 are very similar. I’ll detail those later :wink:
Long post… sorry bout that :slight_smile:

I’m going to go do a photoshoot with these girls outside and then they get the axe. I haven’t touch them other than to move them so no defleafing has been done yet. You will see them as they are.


Awesome post, and great info brother!
Really looking forward to the photos :camera_flash: :bear:


Pollen landed, thank you so much @SHSC-1!

Hopefully it’ll make some successful beans this summer :sun_with_face:


it’s here! thanks again :sunglasses:


Congratulations @SHSC-1 your 18x24 poster has been ordered.

Have a great day. :sunglasses:


thankyou so much @Heliosphear :slight_smile:


It’s raining posters! Quick grab your umbrella :closed_umbrella:


ya that poster is too cool… @Heliosphear (and friends) throw down some great contests and prizes. I’m so grateful to have been on the winning end!!! :wink:

So I took some pics of the Shishkaberry plants. I might have deleted a few that were pretty crappy pics but these should give you all a good idea. They aren’t big plants and I probably could have vegged them a week or two longer as the stretch was pretty minimal except for the one and even then it wasn’t much. The plants probably doubled in size overall but not really in height, moreso with branches. I posted back aways that i might have to tie them up but they held thier own and I never did end up staking or tying anything.
Here is a run down on my initial impressions on each female
#1 - The tallest at 30 1/3 inches - she has a earthy sweetscent with a hint of berry/citrus and a touch of pine maybe? There is a skunk like funk in the background.

#2 - height 27 1/4 inches - Sweet dank earthyness accompanied by what I will call a berry/honeydew melon dankness. … I dunno. She has some odors of the old shishka.

#3 - Height of 24 3/4 inches - Dank earthy melon berry… I like this one and put a star beside it in my notes.

#4 - Height of 24 inches - Earthy sweet , piney?, honeysuckle flower

#5 - Height of 24 1/2 inches - Strong dank funk over piney berries and melon… there is a star beside this one too :wink:

I have some pics but some didn’t turn out so well. Plants are chopped and hanging whole so no more photoshoots of them living sadly.
But here is what I do have and I tried to get a before and after deleafing shot of each… #4 unfortunately is not well represented in the pics



#4 ---- the whole plant pics didn’t turn out sorry!!



I likey a lot. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Those are turing out sooo good. Great job on this r


Thanx guys!! :slight_smile:
There were some complications with the thrips going wild right near the end. I had maintained them up to about 10 days ago and as soon as the warm weather hit… so some leaves have the telltale marks from those little bastards LOL I also fed these instead of flushing them and when they stopped drinking the leaf tips burned pretty good. It was definately time to harvest.
Most of the trichomes were cloudy with maybe 20% clear and the odd amber showing so they were close to where I would take them. I’m guessing without seeds the timing would be about the same so safe to call it at 9 weeks?


I put spaces in between so I could read it again… only slower. :eggplant:

3 and 5 really have a special look to them!
I’m also intrigued by the “Original shishkaberry” notes, and I’m a sucker for honeysuckle. It’s an all time favorite for me…
So basically they all sound incredible


Awesome job @SHSC-1! Thank you @PineTarBastard for the beans for the run and of course @SHSC-1 thank you sir for your time and effort. I’m sure you could’ve used that space to work on your own projects or lines. So it’s much appreciate!