SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Hmmmmmm, I have a suspicious card piece of mail from Canada. :thinking: I’m gonna live on the wild side tonight, and rather than calling the local bomb squad to dispose of it, I’m freaking gonna open it. If it’s not a terrorist attack, I’ll be right back. :male_detective: :v:


whew!! I made it! Guess what! it’s from @SHSC-1!!

Thanks brother. That stuff will absolutely go to work, maybe in a couple of places on the earth. I’ve been helping this younger guy get into growing and giving him seeds. So, maybe this year I’ll have him grow all of my Shishkaberry and take one female to pollinate for more seeds. He’s at a much higher elevation than me and can definitely use a shorter flowering strain. I’ll most likely find something of mine this year to take a little pollen, too. :yum: :v:


Wooo!!! Congrats again @SHSC-1 !!


Congrats to you to @Pigeonman !! taking the first place prize with the T-shirt!! that is so cool :wink:
Fun times for all around this place eh?
I don’t know if anyone else noticed but I think 3 Canadians placed in the top 3 for the POTM contest.


your welcome @GMan !! helping out a new grower is a noble cause :wink:


His spot makes for great photos, too. I’ll start my thread pretty quick and try and chronicle all of the shenanigans this year, and some from last.

Hey, I have the one female Coastal Blueberry and another I thought was male for sure. They both seem to grow slow, so I wondered if I wan’t feeding enough. I upped the nutes and both seem to look much better. Just nute hogs? Pretty plants and I want to show yours as well. It’s a great time of the year again. Thanks again! :pray: :v:


Pollen landed yesterday my friend. :+1:
Thanks again for the opportunity. :pray:


hey @Oldguy that’s great news, thanx for letting me know.

seems most of the cards from me are arriving in good order though I haven’t heard from everyone on the first Wiki… and the cards are starting to arrive at destinations from the second wiki.

Keep me posted everyone :wink:


A generous amount of the Shiskaberry pollen arrived in the mail today.
Thanks! @SHSC-1


Pollen landed , right on top of Chem 91 :facepunch::metal:t2::metal:t2:


Found some Shiskaberry pollen in the mailbox today. Thanks a bunch! @SHSC-1
I’ll be hitting some lower branches tomorrow evening of a few Lemon Slush f2 x Afghan Hash Plant and Sherb Breath x Afghan Hash Plant from @Budderton


@SHSC-1 Pollen Landed :raised_hands:

Thank you so much :pray:

I’ll keep you updated on what it will go on :yum::metal:


There’s gonna be a huge wack of crosses popping up all over should be interesting 3/4 months from now.


Shiska this Shiska that :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Holy shiska crosses everywhere…:grinning::grinning:


yup and this pollen went international as well so it will be cool to see what people do with the genetics that they have or are local to them.

So far most of the first group of 24 have received thier cards… still waiting to hear from
@Smooth , @Cartwright , @GREANDAL , @LonelyOC , @alwaysnoob , @jessethestoner and @RoryBorealis
I have talked to one or two of you by pm and know that you are still waiting.
The posts from people saying they have received cards is tracking with the list and the groups they were mailed out in so I would hope any USA destinations from the first wiki should hopefull arrive by friday… if not message me and I’ll resend.
International I have no idea how long lettermail takes so we just keep out fingers crossed it’s arrives viable.

Cards are starting to arrive for those on the second wiki and also tracking with the groups I mailed them out as.
please drop us a note here in the thread when it arrives so i can check you off my list :wink:

Now for seeds… getting there. I have removed the flowers from the stems and they are all in seperate labelled brown paper bags. Even though it’s a seed run I wouldn’t ind trying to put a bit of cure on them to see how they taste when i sample smoke them.

Not sure how we will handle distribution of these yet but when the time comes, I’d say a week or so, I’ll discuss it with @PineTarBastard and we will come up with a distribution plan.

So now the waiting game for seeds to dry and pollen cards to arrive!!!
I appreciate each and every one of you that has tagged along for this ride… we are almost there!!! :smiley:


I didn’t even think about all 3 of you being Canadians. haha

The rest of us need to step up our game lol


6 of the 8 strains in the Spring box are also done by Canadians :wink: We are a busy group, lol.


Oh my bad! Mine arrived last Thursday. :pray:

Thank you :blush:


Mail from the north America can take three weeks to two month. I haven’t lost a package of seeds yet, so I’m sure they will arrive soon. Don’t worry and it’s super cool that you could hook me up.

Pz :v:t2: