Slick1's kick in the ass grow

I myself was born nekkid at a very young age.


That’s a wet fart of a surpise bud. Feels for ya.


There’s a lot I learned over the years but at this age the most important thing is never , never , ever under any circumstances trust a fart :joy: :poop:


28 I still have a little trust in them just that one I trust to much is the problem :crazy_face:

Thanks. Really bummed but it could be worse. If it wasn’t for the fact that a good portion of the plant was already slated for salve anyway it would be a bugger bummer. If it looks good under the scope I might smoke some but if I’m not confident I’ll just make more salve. Then I’ll sell it to the old ladies that come into the gym my GF works at!

This is just good life advice right here. When in doubt don’t push it out! :laughing:

That’s how they get you!


I inspected mine like a fucker and couldn’t process smoking it anyway so I just made edibles with mine !

A lot of Water bottle size nuggets got tossed in the bin though

Now I’m a freak with humidity I don’t even like it going past 50%rh

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Right on! For me the first step to making seeds is flowering out potential moms, while holding cuts of each, to see if their worthy of being pollinated in the first place. I see it as a marathon, not a sprint.:grin:


That’s the thing my humidity is between 30 and 40% these days with the heat on all the time! I never saw it coming. I’m definitely on the better safe than sorry side and will scrap whatever I have to to feel confident in it.

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Don’t even tell me this dude …
You had air movement to

Dead leafs hanging from buds ?
Mine the caytlx were dying inside the bud and was causing the mold… but mine spiked to like 60 a couple nights

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On the Lavender Frosting the dead leaf theory fits and I would lean towards yes. On the Pennywise I have no idea. None of the leaves were completely dead in the areas I found it on the Pennywise. I’m scratching my head on this one.


Need to nuke it from orbit, only way to make sure.


I guess shit happens time to flush it !!


Yalls threads are fucking funny man


I appreciate that as long as you mean the comments and not my growing shortcomings :laughing:

Damn re-read that… does sound like it could be either way lol.

Its the comments promise

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What’s up, @Slick1 ?

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Drinking some coffee and trying to prep myself to go play with leaves in the cold. Short day today cause I gotta go pick up my truck after being in the shop for 2 weeks. Looking to make it a good day overall. What’s up with you my bad mammajamma brother from another mother?

Same, same!
Drinking coffee and screwing around. Have not had my couple bong rips yet. Usually around noon. But I may go to the garage and burn one.

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Burn one to get in the right headspace to take bong rips? I dig your style! :laughing:

Yeah, plus I get up about 4 am and eat a couple loaded gummies before the joint, then a couple bong rips and I’m good for 15-20 minutes.

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