Slick1's kick in the ass grow

Facts brother, facts :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Top dressed with a little more Ocean Forest and did some light defoliation today removing the big fan leaves from under the 4 nodes on the C Thai and the NoRGE and they’re thick ladies! The CT is practically flexing it’s biceps!



The little oddball Orange Grove may just get spared the training cause she’s in her own world and the one busted wing is going to throw everything off anyway. She’s still small and in the smaller pot should stay that way.


Love the bulk up knuckle. Thats a good sign!


Hell yeah! Was very pleased to see how well they adapted to being spread out like that. They’re taking it all in stride and thriving :metal:


The CT continues to outpace the others and I’m sure the extra legroom in her pot isn’t hurting there. She’s staked down just about to the edges of the pot now and I trimmed off the little bottom growth so she doesn’t waste time on it. She’s nice and low all tied down so I’ll probably just let her reach for the sky from here.

That damn cut still hasn’t thrown a single root out yet unfortunately but we’ll see.


Just checked on the ladies and decided to strap the CT down a little more and did some really minor defoliation to let light penetrate. Getting the itch to just go ahead and flip them earlier than usual but resisting it for now.

I took the clippings from the CT and put them in some water. If even one of them takes I’ll pick up some silver and make some seeds. I never cleaned out (as in even emptied the water from) my cloning machine the last time I used it (2 years ago) and I’m dreading opening the tote it’s in, let alone actually cleaning the thing out. Otherwise the cuttings would be in there.


Hey bro what are these going on? 6 weeks?

Any sign of them showing see yet?

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Yeah 6 weeks along. I was just combing them over looking and they’re not showing yet. I would imagine any day now. And if they aren’t girls I’m gonna cry like one! :laughing: I said I wouldn’t mind CT pollen and that’s true but being my only Drawoh seed I really hope she’s a she!


C’mon lady luck, shine bright on these babies!

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Oh yeah I might as well mention I picked up some Mega Crop after seeing the love for it on OG. I’ve only given it once so far straight. I feel like the CT may have responded, the NorGE (or whatever we’re calling it now lol) maybe not so much cause of a little bit of yellowing on a few leaves a few days after. And of course the OGrove I can’t tell cause she’s still spinning in the sun in her own little world :laughing: She had some odd yellowing from the start that went away, came back, and will hopefully go away again.


They are looking good! Glad I found your thread I lost it for a while. I really enjoy this thread because we started our seeds within a couple days of you and it’s neat comparing the growth. That training looks so fun. Internodes growing internodes it’s awesome! You’re plants are getting bigger by the day


Best advice with the Orange Grove is don’t try to top and train her. Cadman is actually doing a pretty awesome job at it, but she prefers to grow as a single cola column. The yellowing on the bottom leaves is Nitrogen deficiency. Check the pH first to make sure it is right, and if it is add a little feed. Good job so far dude!


Oops, too late. It grows too fast in the octopot lolol


Haha you’ll be alright. You’ll just need to veg a little longer.

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Oh, don’t you worry, still got another 2 weeks of veg. Waiting on my flower room to be done.

Edit, they are almost 2 feet already


Hell yeah man, post’em up in your thread I’d love to see them!

On it, give me a min.

Thanks and welcome back!

The training can be fun or stressful depending on how the plant reacts and the CT doesn’t seem to care what I do to it. I think the NoRGe was set back a little by it but not too bad.

Now you tell me! :laughing: I quadlined her a few weeks ago. Actually it was more of a triline cause of her busted wing. She definitely did not appreciate it! I’m not too bothered if she stays smaller cause it might save me having to set up the other tent. I only give RO water so the PH is good but I didn’t test after the Mega Crop so that could have changed it. The yellowing was on top leaves though not bottom. I was thinking a little burn possibly :man_shrugging:


You’ll be alright, like I mentioned to syn give her a few extra weeks in veg to catch up. Snap a few pics of the yellowing leaves and I’m sure someone here will have an answer for you.

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Ok so finally got around to snapping some pics. CT was hanging in while the NoRGE was showing yellowing but now has a bit itself. I’ve given it some Mega Crop since and thought it was responding well but I’m not so sure now, specially since the CT showed more after

Burnt tip

The NoRGE looks like she’s about to reveal gender and the CT isn’t far behind, just too small to tell but forming. I want to get whatever the issue is sorted and flip asap after taking some clones off the CT for a seed run. I’m guessing nitrogen deficiency as @JustSumTomatoes said but are the burnt tips fitting? I’m wondering if the Mega Crop is throwing off my PH enough to be causing the problems.