Snowhigh Reproductions

I think your link went dead…

I must have picked up the same link while back

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I will see @ClassicGenetix offer and throw my pack (s) - two I think, of the Jamaican blood klot if you want to try and pop em all for better odds?


That is unfortunately what I keep reading. I’m really bummed I didn’t try to run them sooner, but I’ve got decade old strains popping just fine…so it probably wouldn’t have made much difference.

I would so appreciate that if I can’t get these going. I think I still have ten left, so, if the ones I’ve got in rapid rooters don’t get moving I think germinating those under my flow hood with the bleach and GA might be the answer…but I’m fully aware I’m hoping for a miracle at this point.

I’m going to let them go for longer than I normally would to see if they just need some time, so I will keep you updated if you’re (or anyone) interested.

That dry ice thing has to be the problem. Or a problem at least. Because I’ve got seeds I intentionally stored poorly that I just got to pop but who knows.

Anyway, thank you again and sorry for the rant. I just turned the vape on and I think I’m more gone than I realized.


I’ve got some I kept in the seeded bud (I grow more than I smoke and wanted to see if these held up), and they’re very old and have been in awful conditions and they’re still cracking, so there’s something weird going on I think.

Hell, they got a 2000 year old plant to crack with GA from what I understand. Maybe I just need to up the (GA) ppm next time and let the amylase sit for longer. Or increase the concentration. Or sacrifice a goat of some kind I have no clue lmao.


Y’all are so incredibly generous for that. Thank you, and I’ll keep that in mind as well.

In that case, I can try to run these a little harder and maybe implement some scarification methods I wouldn’t otherwise attempt. I won’t go there until I feel I need to, but at least that’s a less terrifying option now.

I had some luck with citric acid in my test batch of seeds, so I’m hoping there’s something there. I just got this last batch into the rooters I want to say the 28th, so I’m cautiously hopeful. I’ve got some other seeds just now popping, and I expect the Bloodklot will be last if they come up at all.

I swear I can see a tail, but it’s too early to tell.


EM1 and Fulpower will pop depleted seeds.


At this point I have not seen or heard of even one BloodKlot seed cracking. If anyone knows of one I would love to see it. It’s almost like the whole batch was put in the microwave. I don’t know what else could possibly be going on. And that’s not the only variety of his to go dead. . There are lots of stories on here about the NOT low germination but NO germination of some packs. Ratbastard gave out how many packs that didn’t pop? Pretty much all of them as far as I know. And Upstate has some similar stories trying to crack SH seeds. So yeah all the tricks in the book will not work for those. They are DOA and unless you have some kind of voodoo it’s not happening.


Refer to my post above yours. I just popped pipe dream and last year popped his GDP

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I never said all his seeds are dead just some. I’ve cracked lots of them but there’s a big issue with germination rates. It seems like it’s hit or miss. If you got a good pack everything is fine. That’s why I’m still a customer of his. It’s like gambling because you never know. Some people are not ok with that and some are. Depends on your level of risk tolerance because he’s not giving refunds


It’s not a good pack. Both are over ten years old. But also had his Zamal crack for me in 2016.

You said “all the tricks in the book will not work” and I’m expressing I wouldn’t say those words unless first trying EM1 + Fulpower.
Granted, a customer ought not need to employ these simply to get any germ rates. But, for what SH seeds there are out there, this is the method one should use to have any chance


I’m going to try that method and see if it’s any better than my recipe. I guess what I’m saying is I have a really good system to start seeds and can get even the most stubborn seeds to crack but if it’s dead from the inside there is absolutely nothing you can do besides maybe tissue culture.

@Wuachuma Do you mind sharing the ratios and how you germinate with those ingredients? I’m always looking for better ways to grow. Thanks


I’m too cheap for EM-1 normally and want to try LAB instead…but I think I’ll check those out in this instance. Thank you.

@Chara LMAO and of course I have four more packs waiting for me :joy: It is what it is. I’m fully willing to sacrifice a goat (not kill it but maybe shave it bald) to get these going.

At least I know now it isn’t my fault because I was taking it personally for a minute. But, hey, I get to try to solve a problem that would benefit a lot of people (and my pocket). I’d be stoked to make this happen. I have an unhealthy level of hyperfixation that will probably force me to make this happen somehow lol.

I’m definitely going to try Wuachuma’s suggestion first and get these going. And, from what I’ve seen, tissue culture does an incredible job and I’ve got most of the equipment from my mycology experiments, so I’m determined here. I spent way too long hunting these down to let them go quietly.


That’s the spirit! Life is all about overcoming obstacles and making the best out of what you have. I personally use a mixture of coconut sugar, hydrogen peroxide and water. I’ve tried many different combinations and this has been the most successful. I haven’t tried EM1 and Fulpower mixed together yet. Just bought some Nitrozime to try out too. We all have our own ways of doing things and there hasn’t been enough research to have a standard formula for seed starting. And I want to say just because the seeds don’t germinate doesn’t mean that you did something wrong. I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes they will not germinate no matter what you do. We as humans like to blame ourselves for things out of our control. I always say if it’s meant to happen it will and if not you weren’t supposed to have it anyway.


I absolutely agree! I haven’t heard of Nitrozime, but that looks like it would fit into my system as well.

I like the idea of the coconut sugar as well. I’ve got h202 in my system, and I’m pondering a hemp seed sst as a last resort. I’ve got enough “extras” to throw at it. There’s also this “germination bomb” I saw on another site with DMSO that I found intriguing.

But yeah, this is gonna be tough, but the strain at best will take half a year to grow, so I’m going to keep at it until they are for sure dead. Something has got to give and it’s not gonna be me lol. The experimenting is my favorite part of this hobby anyway.

Either way, like you said, it happens or it doesn’t. It would just be fantastic to keep these genetics alive.


Thanks for reminding me about that germination bomb technique. I just looked it up again and man that must be the craziest way to ever start seeds. I would love to see if that works!


Give a lookie at JMS, it might be a little more em-like than just LABs alone :wink: That’s JADAM microbial solution


@ChardeeMcDennis2 so are you up for the challenge and do you want my two packs? Pm me details if so, happy to help increase the odds you get a couple to pop and keep her going.


DMSO is some powerful stuff, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it worked as well as they made it seem. I’m still not sure if the stuff is as dangerous as it was made out to be originally (I used it years ago for a dislocated knee), but I’m also going to be taking an abundance of caution for that reason. Maybe it doesn’t absorb everything into your bloodstream…but I don’t really want to find out the hard way lol. Will keep you posted cause I just got the DMSO 20 minutes ago.

@ChongoBongo that’s totally my speed right there. I’ll give EM-1 a go if necessary, but I love my fermented nutes. Thank you :metal:t5:

@Elpolloloco Definitely! I’ll DM you in a bit after my zoo of animals is all settled.


Stay away from DMSO. Its used to poison people. Thats the only use it has. If every single thing is not lab grade, you’re poisoning yourself and others.
I honestly dont know what irresponsible asshole told the canna community to start using DMSO, but it was wrong

Also, Fulpower is not dmso. Fulpower is factionalized fulvic acid.


Any studies/papers to support those claims? I’m genuinely interested.