Snowhigh Seeds

I’m still waiting to hear back about my order


I have a couple female f2s and a few males. I can see about scraping you together some pollen from them if you want when they finally go to full bloom but I don’t know how pollen from canada in the mail would last.


@Cadizzles Legend!


still waiting but john sent some freebies while i wait. Pablo’s gold x vietnamese purplealso nandahar x panama red. so at least i have something fun while i wait. hope he is ok.


So I was listening to the Potcast with John again, and I was really surprised to hear that he harvests seed by shaking dry ice hash and collecting the seeds. I’d never do this because of the potential damage to the seeds being flash frozen with dry ice and then brought immediately back to room temperature. But I haven’t done any experiments myself.

Given the notoriously bad germ rates and prevelance of mutants in his work historically, I really wonder if this is why…


Quoted from Potcast 74.5:
“The next question, someone says, can you give us some insight into your process of harvesting the trichromes from seeded bud with dry ice?
Oh, very easy.
So basically, a lot of people are like, I can’t try my strains because I seed them.
Well, if you seed your lines, you basically take seeded buds.
And if you use dry ice with, say, the bubble bags, so you use, I think, 130 trichromes.
Sorry, millimeters, centimeters, micro mesh.
So 130 micro mesh bag.
And you put it in, put your seeded buds in there with the dry ice crushed up.
And you take like a paper bucket and you flip it upside down and shake that out over something that you can collect the resin glands out.
You can basically separate even fresh bud.
Fresh bud works great because then you have like that fresh dry sieve and it hasn’t been decarboxylated yet.
So you use fresh buds, which are great, or you can use the dry buds.
The good thing is you can separate the seeds and they’re clean.
And then you got this nice, fresh resin that you shake off from the plants.
And I use the 130 because it kind of gives you the smaller microns and the larger mesh.
It kind of takes out the dust, but allows you to get the resin glands.
And you collect that with a credit card or some kind of other card.
I usually shake them over a plastic drum that you use for like collecting oil or something, some big plastic thing you can kind of lay down and collect.
Cool. That sounds great. I’m going to have to try that next time.
And you can shake out your resin glands within a few minutes and collect them.
It’s really a fast way of collecting resin glands.
And then you separate your seeds afterwards.
And if you wanted to separate the seeds from all the trash and stuff, you can use a two liter Coke bottle cut up with strips and a vacuum connected to the back end of the two liter bottle and the bottom cut off.
And you kind of can feed off the trashy sticks and everything that are associated with the seeds.
And what will be left behind are the seeds because they have a density and weight to them.
So it’s a good way of cleaning your seeds that way.
Ah, that’s good. I’m cleaning seeds right now. So I’m going to implement this.
I’ll show you a picture of it. So it’s, you know, I’ll show you what it looks like and kind of explain to you how the breakdown.
It’s pretty easy. You kind of build a little adapter to put on the back end of the vacuum so you can use your vacuum with it.
Fastest way to do seed.”


In your own post, his quote clearly says to separate the seeds. I’m sure he just forgot to mention that step earlier in the quote. :green_heart:


Yeah but a bit further in he says:
“ And you can shake out your resin glands within a few minutes and collect them.
It’s really a fast way of collecting resin glands.
And then you separate your seeds afterwards.”

That really does sound like he is doing the ice hash with the seeds still in the bud.


Good call didn’t see that


im still waiting as well


Snow high is a good guy

And he will get you your stuff no matter what…

Just lets not let him off hook so easy…hes suppose be one of us in reality

Anyway, end rant

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I went looking and someone did an experiment on Mr Nice forums over a decade ago and claimed it didn’t seem to effect germination. It’s an interesting thread!


From a scientific point of view, that test, although interesting, is irrelevant, because you would have to run like hundreds of tests like that, before jumping to any conclusion. And you would also have to test the germination rate of seeds that are few years old (as would happen with John’s seeds). If I understood correctly, that guy only tested fresh seeds…

On another note, since you guys mentioned that episode of The Pot Cast, maybe somebody can clue me in about John’s Chocolate Thai. I’ve seen a Chocolate Thai Pure (on seedsforme) and there’s also a Chocolate Thai Bx. Now, he mentioned in that episode about a Chocolate Thai Stick, that is a day-brightener with a chocolate taste and that it has BLD traits. On a 2018 post on his Instagram he also talked about a Chocolate Thai Stick (that came from Drawoh, if I understood correctly). The first Chocolate Thai Pure from seedsforme has a picture on the package of a red/brown Thai Stick that is really similar to what John posted on his Instagram. So, I was wondering is the Chocolate Thai Stick he mentioned in that podcast the same with the one he posted on Instagram and the same with Chocolate Thai Pure? Who is Drawoh? And why the BLD structure? Are there any other Snowhigh Chocolate Thais that I have to be aware of and didn’t mention? And right at the end of the podcast when heavy_daze asked to name 3 of his favourite strains (one of them being Chocolate Thai) which Chocolate Thai did he actually mean?



Chocolate Thai supposedly started with bagseed from Thai import that DNA selected for a more indica expression, then gave to Drawoh for seed increase, over time the strain has been more associated with him due to his ongoing work. Drawoh is Howard, the first guy to get the seeds in the line.

Though I found this later in that same thread from someone who seems knowledgeable

“Drawohs chocolare Thai / Billygoat same source - won in an auction by howie - same source DNA used for the chocolope. Get your crap together fellas. And Chocolope is half c99 via “cannalope haze” - that’s why you’re seeing melon.“


Thanks for the link, I’m reading it right now. Pretty confusing this lineage…

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he had once the drawohs Chocolate Thai, ITS histery is unclear, but somehow they had no male and crossed it to unknown. The were very good in not revealing what they used, lol.
And in my oppinion made it sound as if they maybe used Thai, but thats just how i interoreted it, they didnt make it clear, and it could well been some random Skunk as father…

So, and Snowhigh has this Drawohs Chocolate Thai and calls it Chocolate Thai. that was like three four Years ago when he posted this one on Instagram.

So, and this or previous Year i recall he posted a Chocolate Thai (if my memory serves me right im nomore uptodate because im caught up in proects that take my last energy).
So, and this i think is another Line, ust from guessing.

What he means with thaistick i dont know. But i recall he has a Red thai collected in 1970s aswell since about a Year or so . So, i guess he also has this third line…

From an advise standingpoint, i personally not shure if the Drawohs is THAAAT perfect, its nice definitly and i would smoke this one too, but perfect, hmm…

The other Choc and the 70s Red thai are quiet interesting offers i assume. i cant tel you more exact. And as you hear have no super concreete info, just i assume they are different.
(yes and there is a backcross , and is eventually a different thing… it hat the word backcross in it, so i think thats uninteresting… i mean you can get pure 70s thai somewhere else right now, so.)


reading this Screenshot of @Dirt_Wizard again after the years, i see Drawoh talks of Backcrossing and maleloosing. Wich matches with the Story that Snowhigh told , wich i had problems to understand. so: i tend to think the first Chocolate Thai was 1/4 Bigsurholyweed (mexican) 3/4 Thai


Drawoh is Howard spelled backwards. I seem to remember he said that in that potcast.


It also spells Raw Doh. Could this mean he created cookies?