Snowhigh Seeds

Wishing myself luck here…

Mexican standoff I think we’re the oldest of John’s stuff I have left, so we will see…the panama is the 2016 preservation so I’m hoping to get those going and be able to repro a few.

Description on the PR:
Panama Red 2016 Preservation: All phenotypes and line breeds, red, purple, blue, pink, neon yellow leaves when mature. CBG, CBC, CBD, THCv, High THC, many different cannabinoids, some with high amounts of all of these or some with only some. Its one of the best strains if you’re looking to find specific ratios of cannabinoids for medical or recreational purposes. $160 per pack of 10, $280 for #20. Only a small amount of these were found, these were sold out. Grab them if you can, awesome line.

4th generation of breeding with this line to bring out this phenotype. This is your chance to acquire a Pure Heirloom Landrace Equatorial Central American cultivar from Panama. At one time Panama was part of Colombia, until it broke away and the United States built the Panama Canal in place where the French failed in their attempt. The Indigenous Kuna, Arawak and Taino tribes of the Isthmus of Panama and islands of the Caribbean were smoking firebrands called “tobacos” basically blunts with happy herb that made them laugh and finally sleep. The red varieties most likely came over during transatlantic voyage from Africa from the times before the last ice age, the Phoenicians and other travelers as recent as the slave trade and bringing in central Africans who brought seeds with them. West and Central African varietals which popped up later in Brazil as Aracaju Red, Manga Rosa, Colombian Red or Punto Rojo, was grown in the upper portion of Grand Colombia before Panama separated into its own country. The varieties which grew in the jungles adapted and created more resins to ward off pests and protect from the intense solar radiation. Some of these lines after many years growing produced roots with barbs for protection one would assume in the jungle environment. This phenotype is an heirloom Panamanian which has very good resin production, turns blue, red, green, purple and the leaves mature to a bright yellow which is really striking in contrast to the rest of the flowers. Being an equatorial line, flowering is induced with 13 & ½ hours of darkness at least if growing indoors. The aroma of this phenotype is a delicious berry candy gum aroma. The smoke is exotic and smooth, energetic at first with some power. The longer the cure the more profound the smells and tastes will become, though unlike some harsh landraces when first harvested its good with a light drying period. The intensity increases with the cure and the effects are profound and luxurious. This is not a strain for beginners or for people that don’t have patience and even then one should freshen up on what it takes to grow a strain that can take 12-16 weeks of flowering at least, sometimes 20 weeks or more. ** LIMITED RELEASE**

Flower time range 12-16 weeks+ with some going 20+ weeks

Stretch 1 to 4x

Resin production: moderate to high


Those panama red’s are crazy.


I like crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Did you run them? Any feedback or photos welcomed!


Someone from a seed company that isnt on here is running panama red 1971 f4’s

this is a male he found


So stoked to see those Panama red crickets and Cicada has a Panama red out I really wanna snag heard so much good about it from my dad


Oh hell yeah; I hope I get a male like that!


Supercool and stoked to see how the Mexican Stand Off turns out, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone run that AGC99 cross yet.


There be some gold in there

BostonBob used John’s PR in Panama Red Death.
Then he crossed that to my Jaguar to make Red Jaguar


I got some Panama Red Death from him and did a f2 . It came out great with a lemon smell and a powerful stone. It must have some cbd because I always got really stoned


Me too man; I just hope I get some to sprout. I haven’t read or heard anything about it before I received them as freebies on an order, but the AGxC99 seems to be a winner and ultimate Chem - what’s not to like, right?

I scuffed em, soaked em in h202 / water, and now sitting on worm castings. It’s been warm enough but I think I’ll throw a heating pad under them today if I don’t see any action by EOD.


For sure and good call on the castings and heating pad. I usually mix up some soil and castings in solo cups, put a zip lock over the top like a humidity dome and the Snow stuff takes from 3 to 14 days in my experience. I’ve thrown out cups after two weeks only to find seedlings when I finally take out the trash with John’s stuff.

Fingers crossed for them, there could be some righteous stuff in them!


Also I have a couple packs of John’s PR work so if you need more for repro let me know hermano :call_me_hand:


Thanks - I appreciate that! I’ll see how many I get to pop and let you know if reinforcements are needed :call_me_hand:


Can I ask what is the reasoning on the seeds stuck between the worm castings? I thought sterility was the key and once popped you can introduce beneficial microbes? Can you seen a noticeable improvement in germination in older seeds with the technique? Thank you, I appreciate the insight.

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I don’t remember the exact science myself, I just know a lot of folks who are more experienced than myself have sworn by it and it’s produced good results in the past so I usually bust it out for older seed stock.

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Rough season this year we normally have a long season but it’s been really foggy and wet most nights; starting to see the rot hit buds. I’ll probably harvest a little earlier than I wanted too, this weekend time permitting and until then I’ll cut the rot out.

Quicksilver clones - same females from seed run - outdoor

Mexican punto rojo even getting some rot - I’ll let this go and keep cutting it out

Guerrero green x Michoacán bastard - this one broke my heart lol I had to chop a bunch of big nugs already


EWC have amazing enzymes - similar to a sprouted seed tea - that help with germination.
Plus the probiotic bacteria of EWC prevent bad microbes from taking a hold.


Worm bins!
Quote mystic Funk:

“Worm bins!
Yup! Worm bins work great to pop hard to sprout seeds. I don’t know exactly what’s going on in there but it works. maybe it’s the fertile casting, the high oxygen content from the worms fluffing the soil, the anti-mold / antibacterial properties, the consistent temperature the worms keep the soil. Maybe it’s all of the above? Hopefully someone will chime in and fill me in on the science behind this.”


Sterility is the enemy. Folks soak in H2O2 to remove pathogens from the seed hull, but a sterile environment means that the first organism to get a foothold (often molds) dominates the environment.
My beans are intentionally caked with beneficial bacteria, and watered in with 24 hour porch fermented potato water.
Also, for more context, check out

A popular and widely used germination resource here on Overgrow!


Thank you man. I appreciate learning this just as I am going thru my Snowhigh seeds. Made my year :slight_smile: