Snowhigh Seeds

What sort of scents/aromas are you finding on the mexican punto rojo?


I’ll try to clear the sinuses and get you a good whiff tonight, but right next to the quicksilver which is further along in flower, it’s hard to smell anything other than pineapple funk / skunk :joy:


Does anyone have any updates on the pre orders John took last winter? It’s been a year now. Does anyone have direct contact with John and know anything 100%. Every time this comes up people give a vague “he’s not doing well”. A couple people have said he passed away. Just trying to find some real answers. I understand he’s sick but at a certain point it would cool if he let people know what’s going on.


Nobody knows anything. Last post I read was on another from, from may, where he told someone he had a rough go but hes getting back to work.

He doesnt update instagram, he either lost his email or his inbox is full.

If he has an update, I am sure someone will share it here.


John released some seeds a few months ago. The word is we need to wait. I don’t know why he’s not responding to anyone but I’m betting on him coming through eventually. Looking at the situation in hindsight he made the mistake of offering preorders in a bad year for growing. He had several weather related issues that set him back more than a year. His only choice now is to pay back the thousands of dollars he collected or lay low and grow lots of seeds to fill the orders.


Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus. I totally understand being sick and experiencing weather related issues that are not in your control. The extreme lack of communication is kinda what’s been rubbing me the wrong way. It’s 2023, communication is beyond easy even if you are sick.


Its Gmail account and they do get maxed out

Just have to wait for word…You will hear something


I saw someone on one of my discord servers finally got an email from him a week or so ago. I would imagine it’s going to be quite a process to get through his email backlog. But at least a single report of someone getting a response is progress.


So here are my Nangarhar Afghani/ Panama Reds. Unfortunately they’re getting no natural sunlight as the sun is too low in the sky. Am just leaving them to see what they do. I think even if they did have sunlight, they’d be mid December finish so bit gutted. They do have a very pine scent. Also very wet here now.


Harvested the outdoor quicksilver. Most trichomes were cloudy, not much Amber but it’s really the only day I have to do it for the next week or so.

Also powdery mildew starting to show on a couple so I wanted to minimize loss.

Luckily the weather took a turn and we were on a warm/ dry spell so the rot wasn’t as bad as it looked in the beginning.

This was pheno turned purple and has a more airy bud structure

These phenos were getting nice and frosty, too.

Al plants have a fruity funk with a little skunk and piss mixed in, but in a good way :joy:


it also chemically scarifies the seed to make it easier to germ :eyes:


reminds me of the ApG purp/gold mix line in terms of the flower look


Well that’s good to hear!

I’m excited to try her out and will run some clones indoor next for a sensi jar filling run.

My Mexican standoff and panama red seem to have failed… I’ll keep them around as a Hail Mary and just throw them in some dirt incase they decide to sprout, m but it looks like there were some bugs in the castings I have and all the seeds have started to mold or rot unfortunately. Now that I think of it, I didn’t have drain holes in the containers where I was soaking them so I’m not sure if I should’ve had drainage holes in there or not. I was just opening the containers once a day and making sure they stayed moist.

I sanitized everything and put down reinforcements, but this time I’m germinating just straight to some soil.


That torreon x Michoacán green purple brown sounds killer need to try some nice Mexican varieties sometime have heard tons of good about them and I enjoyed some of the brick I would get on occasions growing up wishing you the best on germ rates @Elpolloloco

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Can I ask what was the response on the Discord server?

I have heavy concerns that alot of my order selections are no longer available due to his health and seed runs. Some things on my list like West Coast Diesel and others are being released for $100 now when I paid $250 on special preorder more that a year ago and I still haven’t received my order.

If the guy needs help in getting it done it seems like there are preservation groups on here likely to help and still nothing.

The no communicating when we know he is communicating with some folks and not other is getting tired. If he needs more time or whatever the situation we deserve an answer at this point and it cost nothing to post. People say have faith but their has been nothing to support that and the more i dig the less faith I have. I think we have been taken and maybe it wasn’t intentional but radio silence for a year is definitely on him.


That intro is so grating. Horrible tone next to horrible tone. My mom recently started doing a podcast. Production values aren’t stellar either.


It was as I said. Someone finally got a response from him. It’s a private discord so even if there was more to share I wouldn’t. I don’t how long it had been since they last heard from Snowhigh.

If it’s been a year since I ordered & paid, personally I’m writing it off as a loss. Same as if USPS loses my cash or customs seizes my seeds. Sucks, but it’s life. There are no guarantees in this life—and certainly there’s no guarantees about tomorrow for me or anyone else.

And if my order shows up one day, either complete as originally ordered or includes substitutions and/or partial refund, that loss becomes a win.


Yes. It is not as if he just scammed the community. He doesn’t need to do that. The best breeders and companies want to partner with him.


I stumbled across your post while doing research on Blueberry Blast for a future grow.
I’ve got at least 50 Blueberry Blast seeds that were gifted to me by someone off of another forum a few years back.

I would be interested in doing a preservation run with them as I was already planning to run them.