Snowhigh Seeds

Kagyu Punto Rojo:


Definitely a unique line - suspect the flowering range/window is a bit shorter than Cannabiogen’s version


That plant has some beautiful expression.very good job my friend!

You are probably correct. Sorry for the misinformation.

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The CBD Panama is an indica hybrid.

His Colombian red I believe is the coco chiba, which was his handle on ICmag. And it’s pure, as far as I know.

CBG’s Colombian is an amalgam of 4 of the best longest flowering lines Kaiki could find.
CG '72 is the other stellar Lumbo line.


I am of the opinion that crossing landraces is destroying them. When I see all the stuff that like John (Snowhigh) had access to and decided to cross it then his great genetics get mixed into pancake mix.

Maybe I am just being fussy.



There’s room for both. If it’s something that’s been preserved, then landrace hybrids are my favorite in some cases for getting strong and unique effects. If it’s something that can’t be preserved because you only have a male or only a female, then that’s the best you can do. A lot of John’s stuff, including his landrace heirlooms were from other breeders or collectors.



John runs big numbers to find outliers.
The AG/C99 work was supposedly an accidental pollination - he had Dutchgrown’s Merlin’s Magic off to the side somewhere and it ended up being a late showing male and seeded most of his crop.
He also likes to run multiple sources of a line, such as when he did Congo and used everything from Vibes to Tropical Seed Co as sources, then made his Congo Bx/IX.
Like how he did True Gangster OG - got the best OG clones he could get, outcrossed them, then I crossed them.
But he also did good pure stuff like Choc Thai, Nev Haze repro, other Thais and Mexis.
On a scale like that, similar to Bodhi, you’re not gonna get runs of just one line or one strain like a basement/tent breeder will do. It’s numbers vs focus. A basement breeder has more focus on a single project, a numbers breeder is able to sift through more shit to find the outliers.

If you want more focused projects, look to doc D, Heirloom Wizard, Satva, Kaiki, DJ


Just finished running the yellow and red scorpions. They were interesting not what I was expecting from an Afghan line. They got wicked bud rot. My fault for not dropping humidity. The Terps were nothing what I was expecting. They were sweet candy smelling. Smelled like skittles. Not Z but a light rainbow candy thing. The plants were super squat and shaped liked a typical hashplant. Wouldn’t bother running them again.


I have to disagree. Over and over I have read someone who knows post that Kaiki grows hybrids. Even “pure” are hybridized. That is his business. Now I have experienced enough hybrids. Granted most stuff before we have ever gotten near a strain has already been hybridized.

But I keep looking.

I’ve always been a big proponent of and participant in preserving genetics, but what exactly is it you’re looking for that makes you so averse to hybrids? It seems to be just on principle, not what’s better smoke. I love pure Oaxacan, but I also love Oaxacan with Acapulco Gold in it for a punchier effect. I love Big Sur Holy Weed, but it’s a bitchy plant, so this cross to Colombian Red brings a better yield but with the same great high. Malawi is amazing but the cross to Oaxacan doubled the yield and made a more fun Malawi effect. What is it you’re looking for in a “pure” landrace that you get so turned off by any form of hybridization?


This is getting weird and Im here for it.

I’m into “landrace” vegetables. I live in the mountains and grow food and won’t fuck around with hybrids and that Monsanto bullshit. My animals too. I tend to choose breeds and cultivars that were developed preindustrial agriculture maybe pre 1950 and REALLY like when I can find pre-colonization, pre 1700s.

My goals on my farm are to be as easy, perpetual, harmonious and tasty as possible. Current hybrids don’t meet my goals.

Has cannabis been an agriculture industry so long they have developed weed that is too fat to stand? Can’t go outside and play? I’d believe you if you told me it has. I’d love to read all about it.


Landrace is something that’s from a certain area and bred by people in that are for a long time. An hierloom is something like a landrace that’s been worked heavily or hybridized more to acclimatize. Something like White Widow, Cali-o, or C99 are heavily worked sativa leaning “modern” hybrids.

The more important determinant from an area is not what it is but why it is. Cannabis has been worked for thousands and thousands of years by many different types of people. Is it worked individually as with NLD or en masse as with hash… that really makes more of a difference than even the specific strain.

Many of these “wild” strains if not all are actually just domesticated varieties that have gone feral again, like a farm pig who runs away. Environment and selection are key factors here.


I love that you mention the pig example. I love that for pigs. A life goal for myself, is to go feral if ever released from my captivity.

Do they genetically test weed? It seems like it’s all fish tales with no evidence or data.


This has been the most reliable.


I’m pretty sure you get me. When I wanted a bird dog I didn’t just pick something common. It is embarassing but I can pull a pedigree on her from the last 170 years. The reason I made that pick is it is dependable.

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Yes, there is genetic testing of weed. It is done by people that will take the genetics and register them as their own through the patent office. Isn’t that nice? Send it to them so THEY can make money at it.


Are you against testing the genome of a plant? That seems like a contradictory position to wanting plants of a specific lineage

This person is probably thinking of phylos which did do that. This is not phylos.

Also, that’s not really the concerning part of germline genetic engineering. People take the plant all the time without acknowledgment. Just within the USA for example within breeders themselves. That’s not even acknowledging the countless generations of breeders in other parts of the world that made the strain what it is. This is just “thin mints.”


I knew I should have saved it and didn’t. I was trolling through some studies and read one they samples a bunch of different dispo weed and strains marked GSC from different shops turned out to barely cousins genetically. Another study suggested Chem dog really does go back to 3 seeds from the same bag. Another that was very interesting suggest all cannabis is from human cultivation and the wild variety is likely extinct. Very interesting!

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Let me tell you simply: “Fox in the hen house!!! Fox in the henhouse!!!”

I can’t think of a way to say it clearer without legal jeopardy.

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