Snowhigh Seeds

That’s amazing news bro! Sending you good vibes for good germ rates. Hope you get some male / females and can make a few more :call_me_hand:


Thanks man.

2x Vietnamese 3 Way Males they will pollen donors to 2x Ace Seeds Zamaldelica Females I got from a pack of Regs.


If you remember sometime back… we posted pictures of SnowHigh seeds at Free Seed Day '24.

It showed that he was still operating but we could only see the booth and the legs of two people who did not look to be SnowHigh himself.

Maybe I just need more hobbies but this hasn’t sat right with me and I have occasionally been thinking about this mystery. Does SnowHigh still run his company or is it a shell? Is he sick or something worse? I’ve heard different rumors.

I remembered that when I went to cannabis cups and get togethers in the past, I had been inadvertantly caught on video by random people who later posted it online. Because of this thought, I went back and looked at all the videos tagged for Free Seed Day '24 and I found what I was looking for.

About 50 seconds in you can see them. For those that do not have IG.


I can’t guarantee that is him but it looks like him and he is the one sitting while everyone else is standing. I think this should clear up any doubt about this unfortunate situation with all the people who did not receive their seeds.


It definitely could be him. Kind of a slap in the face to be giving away free seeds when you can’t even supply the regular orders.


I heard everything i needed to on Discord a couple months ago. There is enough evidence for me to not buy or support that brand again.

At this point i will support people who actually
can get his seeds to germinate and share them with the community instead.


Its him 100%. There has been multiple vendors and organizers that confirmed his presence at the free seed day. Haze Valley/Radio Ridge are very familiar with SnowHigh/Fowler and should be able to confirm his presence first hand for the community. I have a fairly good idea where he lives in San Bernardino and think it might be time to arrange a knock on his door by someone who can remain cool. I have copies of the money orders/tracking/ and communications with fowler and think the best way might be to have multiple individual small claims court suites delivered. He got me for over $2k and hitting him in the pocket book may be the best course to force a resolution.


I know in southern California that this is enough to just go out to dinner and maybe get some gas afterwards but most places in US $2,000 is a lot.

That’s a mortgage payment
That’s food for 3-6 months
That’s 2,000 tooth brushes
That’s at least 7 lawn mowers
That’s one 2004 Honda Civic
That’s 44.4 Bodhi Packs not including 30% additional freebies.


to be fair ; whoever bought and it did not germinate got taken too…


Good point. I have a gang of packs that I haven’t tried to germ yet. Hopefully I don’t have a bunch of leftovers from his hash runs. :roll_eyes:



this fall ; I’m planning on dropping all my remaining Snowhigh seeds.

Growing out whatever survives and making seeds (if possible).



If I may, why don’t several of you bundle yourselfs together with a lawyer and file a for real lawsuit? It only costs about $400 and increases the pucker factor substantially. Small claims is for small disputes.

Think about it. I know of at least 4 people on this board who paid for nothing.

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Similar plan but a normal lawsuit require upfront money for attorney/legal aids to properly prosecute the case which would be a limiting factor for some people. Small Claims is for cases that are up $12,500 or less in Cali and if I can organize a dozen filed complaints each asking for refunds and damages which is less risky on our part. I think having a dozen different lawsuits asking for 12500 will make much more of an impact than one collective case which require all participants cooperate. If you are owned seeds from SnowHigh and you have documentation to back your claim such as emails/tracking/money orders tabs then hit me up. Would like to have this organized and served as soon as possible.

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Have those four people hit me up

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I don’t birddog. Plus counsel, gotta bar card?

Me too, albeit not sure when, and I will share widely and freely.


I’ve been wondering how we went from this

The Plant is ours not to be patented!

"A union would work.

This is what I would like to do for a fight against the incoming money keepers. I was pushed out and almost forced to sell my genetics because my genetics were at a collective in California, a Bill or Millionaire bought out the building and collective, actually all the buildings in the area. They wanted the spot but also wanted the genetics and my lines to be thrown in the deal for a lot of money which I never was told how much… the thing is why not ask directly to a breeder if that is what these CO’s of a cannabis company is trying to get. Then work with the breeder instead of trying to steal their hard work from under them.

Anyway If I can come up with the funds I would like to established a testing facility which would map the heirloom and landraces of DNA and map the quantitative amounts of cannabinoids and terpenoids of each of the various strains. This would tell us tons of information and allow breeders to breed for specific traits that may be present in certain lines. Also the effects of medicine can be studied and this information can be given to universities and colleges trying to help the different medical conditions that plague the human body. I for one could use a better medicine and in fact have not gotten the medical relief that many have from these high CBD medications, but everyone is different and the symptoms and processes are different in each of us.

I worked for 7 years in the military and was an expert in various forms of medicine. I saw patients, I saved lives, I prescribed medications, I taught classes on diseases and emergency medicine. I spent the last 11 years working in pharmacy and in know over 20 years in different specialties in medicine.

So I have a great understanding of what can be accomplished with the right knowledge that can be achieved with the right people and backing for research.

The one leg up we have as breeders is this. Most labs are depending on the samples sent it to do their analysis, to be actually what it is supposed to be. So they are behind in that they need samples to get the knowledge they want to produce the information needed to control big pharma. If we produce the info and not let these labs have that information we have a chance of not letting the big pharmaceutical companies control this to the extent it will be if nothing is done. I know for a fact that several companies in California are backed from the very people we don’t want having this information. They are the doners in the background.

So in California I will put together the funds with help of others to establish a testing facility. This will help others through this research and with this info we can establish that no one company has ever the right to patent which has been with man kind from the beginning of our societies.

Also a lot of the testing done and sold is not correct. Many companies pray on people and are selling devices for 25 grand which takes an infrared light and basically cross references samples done the right way with Mass Spec to give you results.

I have to say this now but who gives a shit about how high THC content is in a sample. A little CBD and that knocks down the effects so your getting something like 1/3 diminished of what the effects would be if you didn’t have CBD in the sample. Also there are many cannabinoids that need study which present themselves in minute amounts. These other terepenoids and cannabinoids work synergistically to give you the effects of the high. Many have never experienced them because of the water downed gene pool that people breed out of.

Anyway with improved health I hope to help keep what the peoples of this world should have a right to and not some company claiming to have rule over a plant which belongs to everyone. No Patents to big pharma, work arounds shouldn’t be allowed either… If we all work together we can prevent this from happening.

Lab techs, geneticists, with the right breeders and university researchers with the right paper work and backing should be able to help human kind…

What has happened is that pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that treat symptoms and produce side effects that cause more problems and symptoms… Nothing on Earth makes as much money as the Pharmaceutical companies, working with advertising and the patent companies…

Cannabis was once named Hemp and it was used for everything, just a century ago… changing the name and victimizing it worked for awhile and bad a few tons of money but now we must be smart and work together to do what is right.


to what we have today. I was out of the scene for awhile but I know COVID hit and the Sproutways venture went south. It was Kagyu, Bodhi, Snowhigh and this guy

Worked “in pharmacy” for “last eleven years.” Hmm… Could be a lot of things. Maybe we will never know.


This preorders deal was such a fiasco - I got a weird batch of stuff that wasn’t what I ordered about a year later. Counted myself as lucky and moved on - wouldn’t buy his stuff again. But certainly will grow all of the stash of beans out! Speaking of which - 2 double chocolate Thai females. One showing pink pistils


Those pistols are pretty cool looking

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