So I learned something

Fibromyalagia, in short, is a condition were the brain tells the nerves to feel pain even when they shouldnt, aside from pain, it comes with memory issues, fatigue, and situational depression.

Well I have Scoutcicle,and Blueberry Froyo From a memeber here sprouted, and I also have a strain called Event Horizon that I got 3 seeds for the cost of shipping from multiverse beans, Tho all I know about it is its a fem auto that is Sativia Dominant and not much else lol.

When I google the Event Horizon, the page for the Auto Version isnt even up yet, BUT the page for the fem Photo says this about the linage, anyone know anything about these strains?
Mother: RS-11
Reversal: Gary Poppins
Sex: Feminized

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Added that one to the list thanks man!

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I agree with @zephyr that cbd really shines when used together with thc. High doses of cbd in isolate seem to me to be slightly sedative, but together with cbd, almost the opposite and slightly stimulating.

I feel like itā€™s important for people to recognize this, and many here do, but broadly not. THC in conjunction with CBD is far more medicinal than either one alone. And in my opinion, better recreationally as well. Much of the commercial industry is focused on isolating THC in the strains they grow and it leads to weaker and poorer effects and reduced medicinal quality.

I would not worry so much about sativa vs indica, so much as low cannabinoid vs high cannabinoid as well as what cannabinoids the strain will produce. You have a pretty big range of effects in that space alone, and you just have to figure out what you like. Try some strains that are mostly cbd (but not pure cbd/hemp) and see if you like them.


for sure, has to be because CBD alone does nothing for me at all, and High THC just makes me stupid and in a coma, so I have to at least hope that a lower thc high cbd strain will work for me without making me brain dead and sleepy lol

I grew RSC Malawi Gold. First time I thought I would be a tough guy and let it go 22 weeks.

After 3 hits I couldnā€™t remember why I wanted to find the car. Next time it was 16 weeks, then I wasnā€™t going anywhere. RSC tastes heavily of pineapple.


Oh, I recently had some F3 or farther just finish from my first time growing it. It is amazing what happens when what you grew acclimatizes.


I grew it too, and only one Pineapple pheno, with airy buds. Mine went 15 -16 weeks I think. They had PM, which is odd for a Tropical Sativa. Also stayed really shortā€¦also odd. Yours went 22 weeks!? Any pictures? I had one really strong pheno that hit like an Indicaā€¦also unusual for a pure Sativa known for soaring heady effects. I think it could have been outcrossed at one timeā€¦ the landrace Malawi I grew was very different, both in looks and effectā€¦

There is that. This is why I donā€™t have a really strong opinionā€¦until I acclimate things myself and see the results

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As is my usual practice I popped 5 or 6 seeds. I remember both times having at least 3 females and they all had the pineapple taste. Mine grew to about 4 feet outside in 3 gallon pots. The effect was quite sativa, but with the 22 week it was more than I was ready for.

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Do you think, done indoors, in a tent starting on 12/12 out the gate that this strain would do well? I dont have room in my tent for it to get to 4 ft tall, but I do have some Malawi Gold seeds and crosses from a member here, just wondering how it would do without a veg period or with a very short 2 or 3 week veg.

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Iā€™m just guessing, but since Malawi maximum day length is 13 hours Iā€™d give it a shot. I ran a Nam Kading landrace that way after a short veg and it ended up like this:

(That was taken a month before chop at least.)

Iā€™m wanting to experiment with running near-equator landraces to see how long harvest can be extended. I was reading about this guy who ran a landrace for three or four years, periodically cutting it back for harvest and letting it grow again.

I think that would be :cool:


Killer plant man! I have a few projects in mind, and I also enjoy expirementing to see what I get.

this is the auto I have going that my cat chewed on when it was like 3 weeks old or so, I decided since she already topped it I would double down, see how much i could push it(since your not suppose to top autos lol) And I topped it more and Fimed it. I count 18 main stalks with flowers pretty much down the whole stalk. Its short and squat like an Indica, but its sure as shit taking its sweet time putting out tricomes like a Sativa, so I do at least believe it has Sativa genetics. Its SUPPOSE to be Mexican Red Hair Sativa. The Mexican Red Hair Auto is a cross between Colombian x Mexican, Or so they say on Blimburnā€™s site. What Mexican strain and What Colombian strain, well that I have no Idea lol.

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I canā€™t tell you. I started them indoors and before flipping they went out.

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gotcha gotcha

I was wrong on what I found on Event Horizon, its Original Glue auto x Sour Gas auto

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