Some questions on genetics and breeding

What’s wrong with the timer you have? Plenty of people use that style with no issues.

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Well its about 15 years old, the numbers are pretty much all worn off and the pegs stick horrible, To the point im honestly afraid im going to break them trying to move them. Its on the list to be replaced, but It might take a few months because there are other more important items i need first.


Autos have a lot of great uses like cheap and easy off season bulk biomass production for extraction and it also makes light dep hoop houses unnecessary for the most part. But there is almost always a price to pay with quality. Autos just don’t seem like the best fit for your situation


lol i know HOW to use it, the biggest problem is that the pegs stick Horribley and im afraid im going to break them trying to change it.

Soak it in iso and then dry it.

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You can get a really nice basic timer for $10. Even cheaper if it’s used. Absolutely not an excuse


Especially when looking to buy seeds that are going to be worse and more expensive than their photo counterpart


Has anyone ever found an auto strain at a dispensary? Most of them are all about cutting corners. I wonder why they don’t run them???

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Its on the list to be replaced, but It might take a few months because there are other more important items i need first. Not an excuse simply a fact I am unable to work due to my health issues, dont have an income, and the only way I get anything is my girl who is partially disabled and on SSDI buys me a couple things a month, but she is on a very limited income herself, so I have to priortize the things I get based on Importance. Let me put it like this, if I didnt have a food card, I wouldnt be able to eat, If my dad didnt let me live at his house, I would be homeless. Dont need or want pity, just so that you understand its not an excuse, its simply the reality i am forced to live with due to my health.

That I can answer, yield. You get what 2 to 4 oz per plant tops on an auto? You can pull over a lb on a photo, so its a numbers game when your supplying a dispo, what can give you the max weight for the least input.

You should focus on getting $$ instead of getting auto seeds. Then all of this wouldn’t even matter. You could buy anything. I got an entire nice tent setup with light, fan and everything except a light timer for $200 cuz someone needed money. People here are offering to send you seeds. All you’d have to do is unplug the light once a day and then plug it back in once a day. Set the timer on the phone.

Anything less is just excuses or half ass attempts and that’s where youll start annoying people here.


ya know, I honestly never even thought of that lol.

If you’re going to be home anyway there’s no reason you need a timer at the moment. And light proofing a little tent is not that hard


It honestly never even occured to me to use my phone to time it. I have been hyperfocused on setting it up the right way with a timer, that i never thought of improvising.

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When you’re broke you have to improvise. The first five years of growing I might have spent $20 at the most. You don’t need much money grow good weed


I also have ADHD and you are on the right path regarding sativas. For me, some sativas help me focus while other overstimulate me. Even from plant to plant from the same cultivar can have drastically different effects.

So listen to the guys here, when you find your keeper that hit you just right, you can keep a clone of the plant and always have that medicine ready.

If you use autos, there will always be a gamble of what you actually will get out of it.

Pz :v:t2:


I do improvise some things like using stuff I already had on hand, Making diy cal mag, DIY silica, using Vinegar for my pH down, Potassium Carbonate that i had on hand for pH up if needed, Using Molasses for feeding the mycos,calcium,iron and potassium, etc. Just never thought about improvising a hardware solution lol

What strains help you the most if you dont mind me asking, so I at least have a place to start.


@Ace71975 When I was a new grower/smoker, Grapefruit and C99 was my go to, especially Grapefruit. Both from Female seeds, they had good reviews online for those two cultivars and they was inexpensive, so I could buy multiple packs and hunt. As I remember I first did a 30 plant hunt for grapefruit clone and later a hunt for C99.

After that I got mad into hazes and grew every haze I could get my hands on. My personal favourite haze was a tie between Nevilles haze, Holy grail and Bangi Haze. I still to this day can’t forget that Bangi Haze I had, fantastic smoke.

Bangi Haze got me into African gear and ACE seeds. I did a 50 plant run of Malawi and found a unusual sweet carrot pheno that really caught my attention and the vibe I got from the smoke made me efficient as fuck. It was like smoking Concerta.

That Malawi plant I kept for many years until I got busted, and boy do I want to find a keeper like that again.

Now, I have started to get into Chems, because I have learned how to handle my ADHD without cannabis and I just need a stress relief without becoming slow, now and then. Which the Chems really provide me.

Pz :v:t2: