Sour Diesel in the Closet

Depends on what part of Brooklyn you live and where it is :rofl:


Sour D had many scenes, but they were all better than a growers cup

still a growers cup should be good for community and learning to grow better, but I want a coupon $200 and they take my two ounces and enjoy it ahhaha

smart bastards, wish I thought of Meteor Grower cup (nobody go for that now) hhaha

here is some music from sour D era all fun scenes back then in new york depending your taste

special weed that matched a special time


Is this the soda?


Thats a tough plant Mikey. Aj is the first plant just died on me .


Sounds like user error :wink:

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Im not technical at all , so i agree ? With you

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Did I send that AJ’s to you?

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No , i believe it was Scooby.

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Wonder if it’s the same cut? Was it verigated like a Chem? Do I need to send you a ton of clones?


Hahaha love that I was a positive influence for once :joy::rofl::rofl::metal:


post some punk rock luxton and show us your GDP c’mon…

okay so smooth sailing at the moment, I have lot of things germinating now…

it took some time to get on OG this morning two hours - I was thinking also maybe I’ll shoot some video as plants get bigger… I used to shoot and edit video as a job, but I would want it to be minimal so maybe I’ll do more stuff in veg or flower. I’ll set up a camera later.

uh oh hashpants thanks for striking fear into my brain - I can hear AJ’s evil laugh in his staten island accent mwahhahahahahahahahahah - you can’t grow my shit mwahahahah we need to cross it with that timewarp or ppp to make it good for outside or the mullumbimby that would be sour diesel sacrilege, maybe I’ll do that one day for the outdoors guys.

anyway Vanessa and Brigitte coming soon - I have it all planned out you OGs will get your seeds better than AJ, it will be tougher, it’s not easy for me to grow picky plants in here I can do it, but really need to focus, so we will toughen AJ with these crosses. I like the practical advice, because at the end of the day we also need something special to smoke, we don’t wanna go nuts with ph meters and micronutes. Your soil is some of the best around hashpants, but then I wonder you do grow a lot of durban hahaha which could survive in antartica I have one going now this should be a mother I keep, so won’t flower her for a while, those seeds are the best.

anyway small talk aside let’s get down to the AJ - today is smooth sailing so far, I’m just enjoying the smell of my living room and I know some of the old school new yorkers in the building walkdown the steps and know what’s up. It’s a smell to brighten your day, like esse bagel on third avenue or Joe’s pizza on carmine.

I didn’t like the dryness of the leaves

I feel if I do nothing other than occasionally mist they will all root, but also I don’t want an ornamental sour d stalk.

Being cautious, I fed the coco will gh veg the cheap green amazon bag around 500ppm kind of got some run off, but not a normal drenching… no more tap water from now on and only nutes this is basic semi-hydro since we’re in coco… these guys will get hungry fast, I notice my other plants slow in veg so will start feeding them more by hand

I usually feed silica, but just a nobody gave me such strong clones, I’m thinking of skipping silica for the AJ’s at least initially and just keeping it basic, so we can track exactly what she needs.

oh yeah when I mist there happens to be a little epsom salt in the tap water, that was just in there already, I alternate when I mist between tap water and tap water with a tsp of epsom salt

okay I like the size of the big spear stalks of the zam x kali china x PNG I’m going 10-14 try to speed it up a week and tighten the buds - and free up this tent where we will veg and flower 3 aj’s putting one aside for a mother. 2 two will be used to make seeds and one to make bud I will need a strategy to isolate and also not contaminate pollen - I think the safest way to do that is by staggering the flowering of the plants.

I also threw this broken off immature lower in the dehydrator a few days ago without turning it on - I just took a bong hit of the zam x kali china x png (maybe it needs a name one word hard to type hahah) righteous jarritos carrots - I think slight not heavy carrots mixed with orange and green jarritos everythign at this stage is slight, but it’s tangy - honestly the immediate soaring high reminds me of panama red landrace sativa my favorite

I need to figure a way to reveg the beast, but I’ll worry about how to pull that off closer to chop.

Okay I’m listening to some doors today to stay in a good frame of mind and zoning out focusing on plants and paying bills and being a good dude to my family and neighbors.

It’s a crazy world, spread love OG.

getting a little incense haze now on the stem rub and second bong hit

righteous jarritos carrot haze

orange and green jarritos blended

I think I’ll dry another bud, it’s paranoid, but will be smokable soon, still I like to go at least until the buds are super tight and more exotic looking - it might be two more months, we’ll see I think less


Raffle - In the mail tomorrow

Zam x Kali China x PNG (5 reg seeds) - Azure
Peyote Wifi (5 Fem seeds) - Seedsman
Bodhi Lemon Thai Indica x Heirloom Piff - Ripple (5 reg seeds)

  1. @Hashpants
  2. @Sbeanonnamellow
  3. @Gadarien
  4. @NATRIX
  5. @splinter7
  6. @djtrip
  7. @ManyManySpliffs
  8. @luxton :canada:
  9. @GrowTheAtlas
  10. @Cummings420
  11. @Mrgreenthumb
  12. @Fortman420 :canada:

A pic of my lil GDP? lol, just WATCH me say “no”, HAHAHA

she’s starting to stretch to the light, I really need to pick up a second one to string over her (and my blueberry mom at the very end), but she’s a lil beast!

I have a Zamaldelica growing too, she’s a little monster in her own right :smiley:


Looking good looking good man :heart_eyes::star_struck:

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Okay I’m doing my best to do as little as possible.

The snips were sliced, scratched up and placed in rooting power on Wednesday…

it’s Saturday morning I’m watching scooby doo and eating cereal, but I’m out of milk dohhhh…

I’m hoping that within the coco we have some small roots forming, I have no idea, but the plants look healthy, on the dry side a little, I misted like six times yesterday - maybe if you zoom in you’ll see some new growth…

I also left the light off over night and just put it back on, I think they’re cool with sunlight, but I’ll let them have supplemental a little 40w clip on home depot light that is kind of hot, which in this case is good, it’s low seventies in NYC and the morning air a little crisp.

seems the blueberry bandaid haze on the left and thunder rose on the right are looking good for germination I’ll leave them alone,

just a nobody’s mango hashplant x aj’s sour d broke through the coco this morning, very nice

and the winner is @NATRIX send me your deets and I’ll mail them out today you’re in for a sativa treat

Nice GDP luxton, I like how it bushes out and has thick stalks… the zamaldelica is crazy this strain is always a gamble with the smoke might get a little too freaky for the brain, good for making art or surviving the rainforest I guess

oh and the original scooby doo has some of the best villains

hope everyone is doing well and your families and plants -

the sun is up,

but comes up later in the morning now

hmm I need to make sure my wimpier plants that are not in the tent get enough supplemental light, AJ is strong not wimpy so far - this is good news

it is time to have some needed coffee and roast one to the heavens and check the rest of my plants

everyone can posts their favorite plants here and trade whatever


that’s kinda what I’m hoping for… if I can’t numb my pain, numb my head :smiley:

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Congrats @NATRIX on the win. Thanks for the chance Mikey!

Saturday morning cartoons is something I rarely got to enjoy, but when I did cereal was always in order! Enjoy your day MM. AJ SD clones rooted super easy for me when I took them. Them and motorbreath 15 are the first 2 plants I cloned!


how do you like motorbreath? I see it everywhere in the dispensaries here, but haven’t grown or tried it? I know nothing about it

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I’ve heard really good things about Motorbreath 15 when it comes to pain, I’ve been on the lookout for some cheap seeds for a little bit. Curious how you find it! :slight_smile:


Oh, and it’s gotta be cinnamon toast crunch in the bowl :smiley: