Sour Diesel Thread

Hybrid :joy:. Something you have never seen come on segregation going to guarantee something is going to be different and don’t forget cross over. 10 chromosomes maybe 4^10 combos and I realize not all viable but nature makes things different right? ^^

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What i mean is all the known cuts now people talk about now you can look at 1 of the 5 cuts im talking about and say that is that cut

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Im talking about the clone only’s, not people’s selection from seeds company Sour diesel they sell now , of course from them il see different things and of course special things , same with my S1’s.

I mean if you been smoking growing Sour Diesel for at least 15 years and 5 different well known clone onlys and been online for 20 years a Sour Nerd you won’t see a brand new Sour Diesel thats been under lock all this time.

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Notsodog’s Sour edit deletion, Notso appears to not be Gaby…the Saga continues
in memory of Shamus AKA
“Neo Sour”: The one!


All @Shamus content
R.I.P. Shamus


Thanks for sharing this @Hapi

Incredible photo here, plus the cool info - it’s great seeing someone get excited to have found “the one,” whatever that may be for them.


I don’t think we should assume Gaby’s cut is the same as Notso.


I just asked Notso and he said Gaby did not get it from him. It’s possible Gaby got Notso’s cut from a third party, but that is speculation and I wouldn’t expect that given his relationship with Notso. Again, Gaby went a decade or more without growing so who knows where his came from.


Interesting, I went back and edited post. I’m now watching a Gaby and Klopp video from 12 months ago, trying to piece together the saga, lol


Haha! Im the same way. Love sour d lore. Link that video! Not sure I’ve seen that one.


Lol will do! Now I have ANOTHER Sour cut to get smh lol
Gabby shows up around 15:00 mark FYI


I’ll trade ya snips, Hapi.



The first and best sour I smoked had a flavor similar to green sour apple , now this new strain falls in my lap ( sour apple biscotti ) and it has a very similar taste , it’s a cross of sour diesal /c99 to biscotti , if you see it out there I recommend it , tastes great and has a great high.



Now “1st edition NY - wtf soprano”, Day 67 on the photo. Today i passed the shameful checkpoint of 70, i will start to rinse not specially proud. Not dialed. I milked this one with way too much bud sites, i don’t expect much more floral mass from now.

She’s maturing as fuck as well, trichomes are quite balanced on the amber globally. Next round i will play softer with recycled motherplants ^^

Can’t wait to harvest also, it stink the hell and stay on everything it touch now. Smokey-Gassy, with a hint of rallye car fuel. A bit musky inside the fox-tailed flowers.


I been chasing this Diesel story since I ever come online over 2 decades ago , we will never find the 1 and only as there are several really special clone only’s of the legendary Diesel and now many many Seed versions coming out every year.
And we all got our own taste buds and preference and clone only versions we tried , wether the Lemony Diesel, the straight Skunky Diesel or whatever Terps you interpreted from the cut/flower you sampled

I just want the loudest and most potent Diesel Wether is yours, mine or whoevers


Cool man what are some recommendations for lemony or citrus diesel? I’m a big fan of citrus or tropical fruit sativa hybrid strains

Surprised it doesn’t just taste like gelato like almost all gelato crosses are. Biscotti just inbred gelato. I’ve had the sour apple by itself and I didn’t find it be like the sour diesel I remember either :thinking:


Just speculation trying to figure it out of course.

Glad to you got clarification from Notso himself. Thats good to know thank you.

I just don’t understand that though. If Notso’s is considered by many the “best” cut… and theyre super close friends… why is gaby running a different cut. Im sure he could get the cut.

Thats what led me to speculate it was the notso cut.

But maybe notso doesnt want the cut circulating for whatever reason.


Sour giesel


I also got in touch with Notsodog. And I will share some of his quotes.
I asked “Is Notsodog Sour, the same as Staten island Gabby cut sold on Breeders direct?” Thanks trying to settle a claim amongst a group of Sour growers
Notsodog ;
“I honeslty don’t know”
“I’ve never grown their cut to see” “Gabby retired for a long time and I dont know where he sourced hi Sour once he unretired a few years ago”
“I wish I had some cool backstory on mine, I just got it as Sour D a long time ago and never lost it. It seems there was a few even early, and it’s an impossible knot to unravel. Ther’s gotta be 15+ named cuts Sour now”
“Lots of them all claim to be the one”
“I think there was multiple bagseeds early, and then once Rez released a seedline, it became more confusing”
“In the first wave of sours popularity, no one cared about a lineage or backstory, just if it was sour and had the nose and would move”
“Then like maybe 17-18 it had a resurgence, and everyone wanted to claim they could trace their cut back to even earlier than Sour existed lol”
“I think most who had it early lost it numerous times, some only got it back once popularity surged and they had a story to tell”
Notsodog has always shared with the community his view and it is appreciated, this is only shared in hope to bring more data to the conversation

Maybe where all chasing “The cuts of different Bagseed from THE ONE?”
Hapi Joy


Best community in the world.

Very much appreciated.