Sour Diesel Thread

Who influenced Notsodog’s perspective? Why isn’t he sharing his genetics more widely? His approach is conservative yet thoughtful, and I see him thriving in many areas. I want to support his mindset because it aligns with the direction we need as we advance with cannabis. I would love to cultivate freely without being hindered by political barriers, focusing on the plants rather than bureaucratic red tape.

Dispensary growers need to show more courage and stand up for those of us who are passionate about growing, rather than just chasing profits. They don’t seem to realize that their struggles stem from a lack of true democracy in their business model. Homebrewers didn’t threaten the rise of local breweries; instead, they fueled a shared vision, expanding our options. I’ve personally introduced many people to homebrewing, which in turn inspired them to support and enjoy local breweries. The reality is, just like homebrewing, growing is too demanding for most, but it sparks enough curiosity to make people appreciate and explore new experiences at breweries so why not dispensaries. Change comes from an educated palate I have heard.

I understand the challenges, but we won’t break through this bottleneck unless we rally behind those who advocate for us. Supporting individuals like Notsodog, with financial backing and encouragement, could spark real change—if he’s willing to take the lead.


A while back he was selling $500 dollar clones, then stiffing people after taking the money. IDK if its conservative as much as a scumbag move. He’s lost a lot of credibility after that stunt. People wanna idolize these old growers, but they were just people trying to make a living, and hoarding cuts was their way of exclusivity and being able to charge more for bud. Now that market is totally dried up. And these guys are showing that greed is their real motivating factor, wrapped in the marketing of “helping the community”.

Its not about anything other than making money in that world. Running a commercial grow is insanely expensive, just to keep the lights on. Has nothing to do with democracy or any of that sillyness. All the things youre talking about stem from the market getting massively oversaturated with super cheap bud.

Quality used to matter, but the last 5-6 years, all brokers care about is whats cheapest. Because the buyers just want whats cheapest. There is no way to change that as a grower. How many people buy $5 bottles of wine vs $300 dollar bottles? Same thing. And its impossible to sell $300 lbs unless youre an organized crime group using slave labor, or a corporation, using green card workers making less than minimum wage. And they made sure to quash any coop models. Which would have been the best way to do it. But I digress.

It really wont. Supporting growers that were able to survive when weed was 4k a lb doesnt mean anything in the modern market. Notso is not a leader, hes just a dude that grows plants. We gotta stop idolizing people just cuz they took a risk and are willing to talk about it. I knew many many growers that grew a whole lot. But theyre never going to come out of the woodwork. Because unless youre trying to sell something by pushing a narrative, theres no point. The average smoker could care less where things originated, or in the case of things like Sour, if its “the real deal”. They just wanna get high as cheap as possible. Its just another corporate commodity now.

Yes, its a truly magical plant that helps so many. But dont get hung up on the marketing. Focus on your personal relationship with the plant! Luckily its so easy to grow amazing bud at home. With cheap easily obtainable seeds/clones. Back when, I had so many cuts I wasnt allowed to share. Including Sour D lol. Thats the real silver lining of legalization. Greedy jerks dont have a stranglehold the market anymore.


Poor Notso has to answer the same question over and over and over. Lol.


Millionaires hiring migrant workers. Not too much different from this. Watsonville etc. The average grower with good knowledge and experience has to find a lane of their own cuz it isn’t happening under someone else here.


Yes why is so expensive just lighting? Doesn’t the State make money doing this and send cops out to shut down someone not lucky or rich enough to play game? Yeah you can play if you pay hmmm doesn’t sound like things changed. Grow more than plant limits then the Gestapo comes to rip out plants and fine/jail you. Rich still making rules?


The electric company has stock holders.


For an indoor grow yes. I knew a guy who’s PG&E bill was something like 35k a month lol. Back when most of us were rockin out in greenies, so power cost was relatively low. Labor is by far the biggest cost. It was common for us in the old days to spend 20k+ a year on trimmers alone. Not to mention another 5 digits on farm labor. And landlords love to rip off growers. Everyone thinks growers are swimmin in cash, but everyone wants to jip you outta any little penny. Unless youre a corporation, then you get those sweet sweet discounts and sub-minumum wage labor. I was payin my farm guys 20 bucks an hour, when minumum wage was closer to 10. Trimmers got 100 bucks a lb. Now trimming is minumum wage if youre lucky. And dudes with experience running decent sized ops can get a “grow manager” position for 50-60k a year. Which is a real kick in the balls lol

100%! I was growing in Santa Cruz county. It went from friendly to us, to they were red tagging properties days after prop 64 came into effect. It was 10s of thousands of dollars a day in fines, then theyd seize the property if you didnt shut down shop. Dumbass cops even raided a heirloom tomato farm, and destroyed their business. All because they had hoop houses setup.

A lot the legal farms are illegally selling 80%+ of the crops on the black market out the back door(at least here in cali). That was the model. Ive sat in investor meetings where the convo was “were gonna control the legal and black market”. And the governments seem to be more than happy to corruptly help them achieve that goal. The scariest part is those corporations are going into the genetics world HARD right now. Companies like Humbold Seed Org and Cookies. Astro turfing “old school cali weed” when its just giant corporate white label seeds. They wanna control it all.


Yes you are just average grower getting caught up in what the cooperations were doing to family farms back in my day another tricky Dick move. Willy and boys made concerts called farm aide to derail the criminals hell bent on controlling everything. Me I support your efforts for I am Nerdlinger grower who doesn’t put weed out for market shit I was buying dispense weed because my making seeds for my projects was more important. Do you have a right to make a living Hell Yes but like you say you can’t compete against BIG MONEY or rigged systems unless you get the rest of us behind your cause jmo. What can we vote to keep you viable? We need more of that discussion jmo!


Is that legit? Doesn’t sound like him. Maybe its all a facade?

Was it someone posing as him possibly?


Ajs Sour D day 53 @ lights out.


No sadly. Somewhere on reddit Matt Riot goes into it in detail in some AMA. Apparently it was a big reason they dont do the podcast anymore. We gotta not idolize folks just because they sound nice in podcasts. Lotta folks dont realize how skeezy the weed game is, and has always been lol


He doesn’t pass "good character"smell test for ME. He has a huge “Glass house” and always has the “it’s not me, it’s them”, for all the cannabis “relationships” he has spoiled, throughout the years. Notdodog STILL does podcast just not with him. I’ve never been a "personality " worshiper of anyone, but “Demonstration beats conversation (podcast)”.


Gotta agree! Im definitely no fan. I think your demonstration over conversation is a perfect way to put it. I even tried some Blue Bonnet cross from him and it was total junk lol. Of any of the weed “celebs” to be honest. Ive met a bunch of them doing the weed cups. In fact, my booth was literally across from Subcools at one show, and dude wouldnt even say hello. So many pompous jerks from that old scene.

I of course cant say if its true, or if Notso denies it or anything. I did ask him a few question on a DIscord one time, and he was very unfriendly and didnt even really answer lol. Very different than the podcast nice helpful persona.

All that being said, Notso is the only guy doing podcasts where I agree with 99.99% of what he says. I understand the appeal! But I also dont wanna ignore if hes doing shady stuff. I admittedly did buy those Notso Headband CSI crosses when they dropped, and dont regret it for a second lol.

Heres the AMA for anyone interested in what Im referring to


The only one I’ve seen saying this is Riot.

I’m a nobody in this world, but it seems odd to me that somehow Notsodog is able to sell cuts and crosses through CSI and Skunktek with no drama.

Maybe it’s just Riot’s luck that he has fallouts with others and it’s always the other person’s fault.


There is that old saying… If one person calls you an asshole, then they are. If everyone calls you an asshole, then you are.


lmao nice one ^^

What’s exactly the deal about riot/notso on the SD ? Still this thing about these clones sold by notso or they pushed beyond ?

That’s the truth!!! Only use weed nerds care about the back story yada, yada.

I’m watching the indoor vs outdoor thing in the ny market right now. My feeling is outdoor is the way to go. Very minimal costs of production, until you get to the cleaning and packaging.


What about in the winter thou, gonna have to have indoor to keep up production


Half the “sour d” floating around are original D, so not hard to find at all :joy:

Also, I can guarantee you that diesel didn’t just go away once people wanted “sour”. I’d suspect that a large percentage of people that think they got sour, got diesel instead. I say this mainly because, having grown a bunch of the cuts, it’s the one I’d choose to grow commercially :man_shrugging:


Ideally you should have enough from the outdoor harvest to last until at least June/July

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