Sour Diesel Thread

That’s my original diesel/daywrecker cut, I grew it alongside several other sour and chem cuts and culled all but it and a sour x og cut. My speculation above probably indicates what I think :joy:

It’s all just fun speculation, too many conflicting stories, old men, bad memories, hustlers, criminals, and too much money involved for us to ever know. I mean, some of these guys have told different lies that contradict their previous lies, errr stories.

Fact of the matter is, at one point, “diesel” was used in a similar fashion to the words “dank” and/or “dope”. If you asked for it, they had it, whether they actually had it or not. As soon as “sour diesel” happened, it was all over as far as keeping track of what’s what goes.


Its the exact opposite of what you say :laughing:, Original Diesel clone only is the only cut that has its own look different to the Sour or ECSD that everyone knows, everyone has different Sour cuts not the Original Diesel which is extremely rare compared to most Sour diesel cuts.

Original Diesel has the Chem 91 colour of solid dark green and has same fade like the Chem 91.

All other well known cuts are clearly the ECSD or Sour Diesel as people call it now, you can see the similar look in all of them.

Hit up JJ from topdawg or the old Sour crew people who been posting Sour Diesel pics for over 20 years , and then you will see 99.9% of cuts are the different Sour Diesel cuts we had back then over 15 yesrs ago , just there a new crowd these days who run the online scene as most dont post online anymore just on Instagram

I been working with the famous Sour cuts for over 15 years , and when we first got the Original Diesel clone only we knew it wasnt the Sour Diesel aka ECSD as we been running that for years and making seeds etc, and already had 4 different famous cuts that were all alike but different in there own way ( looks , flower time) but all that same Diesel stank and heavy potency.
After researching everything we found this to be the Original Diesel clone only, and the other 4 Sour Diesel cuts were clone only but this was quite different in growth to others and 2 weeks quicker flowering ( 10 weeks) where all others wanted 11-12.

JJ from topdawg seeds sampled this Original Diesel clone only we work with in 2010-11 when in Europe and confirmed this is the Original Diesel clone only, different to what we all know as the Sour Diesel aka ECSD.

Anyone who knows JJ from topdawg or his history in the Chemdog/Diesel story knows that is as good as a verification you will get , apart from maybe AJ who also sampled this cut in Europe and confirmed it was amazing. Thisnhas been confirmed on the mag when going through another Diesel thread

AJ and JJ from the Chemdog/Diesel family story confirmation was enough confirmation for us back then ( over 10 years ago) , and we cant please all the new Sour nerds every few years that come along.


The thing that has caused big misunderstanding with the Sour cuts now is

Everyone calls there Sour Diesel cut the Original Diesel these days :laughing: :rofl:, to try and say its better than all the other 2nd rate cuts that go around , but they should just say its the Original Sour Diesel clone or the Original ECSD clone .

Original Diesel clone only grows more chem like , not as stretchy, not those tounges :tongue: , Extreme dark green , doesnt want to fade , a few weeks quicker to flower

ECSD stretches into flower , flowers a few more weeks than the Original diesel clone, throws lots of tongues :tongue: , fades easy

Original Diesel when using to make seeds phenos throw alot of Sour Diesel aka ECSD traits ( tongues etc)


Original Diesel clone wasnt released into the community like the other Sour Diesel clones.
The other Sour clones were freely passed around , and probably renamed others cuts as they were not meant to pass them out

Nice output but this part is under a big ICM influence that maybe you don’t realize. There was a life before Rez for these plants and the ECSD was already clearly identified as “not the SD” before even we knew the straight dog. Just this. And i think that JJ can explain you rightly this big change in the SD game, way before Rez appeared with his ECSD cut ^^


I didn’t mention Rezdog at all ? , it was called ECSD way before Rez was well known for Diesel seeds.

It started to get called Sour Diesel several years later, Early 2000’s after Rez was dropping seeds to tell apart from Rez version.

When i first heard read and smoked Sour Diesel hardly anyone had it online , and knowledge was even less.

I mentioned JJ from topdawg, he sampled this Original Diesel clone only we have and confirmed it was legit , end off.

Original Diesel clone is very different to the well known Sour Diesel clones, and again that is common knowledge for any old Diesel players. Its just the last 10 year crowd who starting to call there Sour Diesel clones the Original Diesel which is completely wrong

This is no influence ?, JJ from topdawg seeds knew the same as what we talk , and even did a project with the Original diesel clone after.
And even Rez , as when i made a batch of Sour Diesel IBL i took a zip of Original Diesel flower to show Rez to see if he was ok with using it to make the the batch , and he gave the green light.

I dont expect people to take my word but JJ from topdawg ? , he confirmed this cut we use is the Original Diesel clone only , not the Sour Diesel

You don’t, i did. Not because the last post but because the habit to mix the ECSD and the SD in your arguments.

Without giving fully the context … you’re throwing a blur on refs in an already very blurry equation. Real time documentation is king buddy, most of people don’t care about what they missed. They want to know what they can get ^^


People neeed to know about the whole story of Sour Diesel, not just the new story what the young crowd preach now

You edited your post this comment was for ( you said people want to know about today Diesel)

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Sour Diesel aka ECSD clone was known as the East Coast Sour Diesel , way before Rez Sour seed work was known worldwide

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The thing is Rez was 1 of the only people working Sour into seeds back then ( most of time he didn’t even use the clone in his projects but his bx or whatever) and people used to call there seed pheno Sour Diesel or ECSD and pass them around , and get passed on again etc, thats how alot of confusion if fake cuts etc, and also if you never EVER tried Diesel before and you had any of the clone only cuts( 20 years back) you would of assumed it was legit as it blew you away in taste/potency.

Thats why names started to get attached to cuts , we started calling our known Sour cuts by the name we recieved it from as we were using several different Sour cuts and a were very special

It depends where you lived. Sour diesel was a New York thing mostly. You guys got different crosses of it and bag seeds and it’s funny even to hear the growers talk about. It’s like teaching us what a bagel or New York slice is. You guys are hilarious with all these stories.


Yeah for sure that’s where it started , and any guys around from late 90’s who from NY talking about growing or even smoking Diesel i defo like to listen to , but just because your from NY or even East Coast unless it was more than 20 years ago then that not the original story , and story’s change etc etc.

AJ and JJ from New york , they are people who can confirm or not as they been there since birth of Legendary Sour Diesel and Original Diesel

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It is hard to believe someone when they’re selling something, whether they are correct or not.


they’re bullshit also no offense - it’s new york it’s salesmanship - diesel was awseome I smoked it close to daily for decades in brooklyn, lower east side, and manhattan.

out of the newer diesel seeds I popped - karmas is best so far, I’m still looking. Diesel is easiest to identify with high and taste, but if you smoke something so much for so many years, as you know it’s easy to recognize and not recognize.

also anyone from the wetlands scene is good in my book, but I was more limelight back then… I always felt diesel came from chem and wetlands crew

I met the guy who opened wetlands before he was a good guy and they had dance parties before they opened the club in this parking lot near canal street then opened wetlands, if he’s still around ask him he probably smoked diesel first if he smoked weed

you really have to remember it was 90’s in NYC - it was crazier than most places in the world will ever be. Good luck finding the truth it will always be legend and lore. And it’s gone.

the old haze is still around that’s common

Im not talking about my seeds though, im talking about the clone only cuts.

My seeds wont prodcue the clone , they will produce similar traits ( Loud Diesel smell/taste and devastating potency)but look different as all other seed versions do to the real clone onlys that been around 2 decades.

I and any legit seed co is just offering you a taste of that legendary Diesel, nobody can offer you an exact version of the clone , we just all working on taking you as close as we can to what we know as the legendary New York Diesel

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right so it’s an homage which could range from nirvana to karma quality - they need to be popped and smoked and not rely on legends that people actually lived not fantasized about - name it something different it’s not sour diesel


Just interested in what other Diesel seeds you popped apart from karma’s version ?

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the other main character’s but I am a protector of 90’s diesel (lol) I love all growers and am one of you guys. But c’mon let’s see that diesel if it’s so close to old one we loved and fight for! Give it to us to try and give us a break with the flim flam - I’m not putting down anyone seeds I pop everyone’s as you know. But I’m a new yorker so c’mon give us a break with the diesel nonsense

I’m not going to write down all my friends from new york and dis their diesel lol that’s not the reason I post this. I’m just saying people push the diesel so hard, better to get a real wedding cake than diesel nowadays. you know that


So you cant mention the other seed companies Diesel you run , not asking you to put them down , just what makes Karma’s the best out of all seed companies Diesel version you tried , or is that the only 1 you tried.

For sure Topdawg and Karma both put out great Diesel lines just ve nice to know some info, what made you prefer the karma over others you tried ?