Sour Diesel Thread

you know the names of the other diesels popular now haha also I never needed to get diesel from any company it came from a family - that’s the point you’re the one that most likely never had diesel unless you lived in nyc or america in the 90’s. I’m not trying to offend you it was a new york thing and we smoked it in dutches or bongs.

I did many of the drugs the city had to offer back then it wasn’t just diesel. It was also an ecstasy moment in the city. It was 90’s hip hop and the rave scene. Diesel was common and standard $50 an eighth. Eights were short if didn’t check. Got it from friends I grew up with at first then it was everywhere. We liked the name and diesel meant strong
cock diesel if you listen to 90’s hip hop you’ll understand
that’s why the current storytellers of the special diesle cut story doesn’t line up - somethings he knows are false and says them

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So understand im not questioning or trying to attack you but what year did you firsr ever smoke the Diesel , and grow it.

Have you noticed different clones ( talking 15 years back not these days as Diesel game is saturated)

And i hear you on the clones but you said karma’s was the best and didn’t mention any other seed companies, so you mean karma’s was closest you tried to the real deal clone only ?.

Also do your crew still run the same clone from decades back ? , and if so put up some pics of buds or veg/flower pics if you got them just for some history

Also if you know the other popular Sour clones these days , which is closest to the Original you first ever sampled( not seeds as you said Karma’s was closest)

The more info the better, i been chasing the Diesel story since i first ever come online , days around 99

Again no offence meant but i tried nearly all the well known Diesel cuts , so ive definitely had it lol :laughing: :smile:, and unless JJ from Topdawg and AJ of the Sour Diesel fame didnt have it then i had it

you know it’s hard to remember your youth in some ways and other ways are so vivid, but it’s kind of like the movie Ratatouille, when he smells that smell and taste from their childhood. Diesel is new york so we brag, we flex, we try to overpower, honestly diesel often made me a little crazy maybe hahaha maybe kush is better for the mind. Many of the commenters on here that run larger grows have posted some beautiful plants I would feel blessed to grow any of them and I’m sure many are better than “Sour D”. I think the upsate diesels are closest or something crossed with diesel way back and held like hunting frankenstein, honestly thats why I got the frankie I thought i could find something closer there

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You’ll have to go back 25 years not 15 years.


almost 30 now damn we’re getting old - I still like middle age better that was tough days. I’m 46 and I saw the first sour diesel but I’m a little young for it still if you want to time it. We started smoking weed around 13 in nyc. so 91’ a few years later diesel 96-2002 lots of sour d and then other stuff

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You never forget that Diesel smell for sure , so distinctive.

But you say many posting things better than the real deal Diesel ? , makes me question what you call the real deal Diesel.

1 if not the Loudest strains ( im talking the clone only not my seeds) although the traits are there for sure in the seeds

Crazy potent , was 1 of the strongest strains i ever tried well over 15 years ago and still to this day.
Can make me fall asleep during the day and im no lightweight


i’m just saying what we had in new york and you’re completely right, I’m helping you fill in the blanks, i’ve been a daily smoker most of my life, grower recently, grey before and I’m from that era in new york which is a coincidence. you can see I’m just giving you guys my memory of that time, buy we smoked and sold a lot of weed and a good amount was diesel


I been making Diesel seeds myself for over 15 years :laughing:

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It isn’t even the best of the chems. Kind of light compared to the others. I’ve enjoyed chocolate diesel recently and can’t wait for the seeds coming soon from the coop.


as a daily smoker i get a tolerance maybe of time length, but not effect if that makes sense - i’d been smoking daily for years before sour d came to nyc from aj or whoever. wetlands does make sense and sound right basically as where it got popular, but it was always at limelight and tunnel also, in daily life it was always on the menu from 50-70 an 8th I would pay 50 it wasn’t worth 70 they had small growers old hippies and musicans you can get some crazy sativa not big and dense and that would be 60-70 probably similar to the some of the more unique strains we have on here… sour d was kind of mass produced rather quickly and mass distributed across the city

yeah I like making friends with you guys, excuse my style, but I try to stick up for our Sour D for fun and to bring insight on the time if it helps and how blurry it was


Respect for being civil, as we all want to know as much as we can about the Diesel, and like i say if any Diesel is the best Diesel clone only ( not a seed version as i dont need other seed versions) then im interested in smoking it and trying to grab the cut to work with even

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haha you always tease us with your plants man send me some diesel, how much is it?? we gotta grow it c’mon lol you’re funny - it’s that valuable? now I’m curious


The Diesel cuts i worked with were as good if not better than any of the best chem cuts i ever smoked.

People dropped the chem cuts but kept the Diesel cuts for a decade ( dont get me wrong i love the Chem cuts , really dank and potent and make some killer hybrids, but the real deal Diesel was king and always will be

you know what send it to the three best diesel growers on here, which are not me. I’m also here to learn how to grow better from you guys. I don’t want to name names, but there’s some killer growers on this thread. Let them grow your plants for us to see, I’m sure they’ll be great, we need something to beat the AJ. Pull the sword out of the stone.

And AJ is cool by the way he can come over anytime and smoke diesel with me and I’d love to smoke his. Message me AJ and I’ll smoke a blunt of your diesel with you and tell everyone what I think hahaha…

I’m still in the city I haven’t gone anywhere, feel free to stop by and I’ll smoke everyone’s diesel and relay back the info hahaha

It affects everyone differently. For me it kind of sucks and I don’t even like it but to you it is the best.


You show me some proof of your Diesel and you can get a 70% off price.

And anyone orders a topdawg or Karma pack of Diesel seeds and runs a log il give you 70% off my Diesel pack if you run along side the karma or topdawg pack, and il give you 2 free packs of your choice from my list once logs finished.

(But message me before you order the other seed pack from Karma or topdawg or offer void)


You are only allowed to sell in your sponsored thread.


Not being rude AT ALL., but you said Diesel sucks , you definitely didn’t have a legit Sour Diesel or Original Diesel.

Try a clone from a reputable person and i guarantee you will be blown away.

And ive said this for years , alot of the well known cuts grow shit now and near impossible to bring out that wall pentrating Funk

broadmites, diseases etc etc has ruined alot of the famous clones which are near 30 years old

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