Sour Diesel Thread

I lived out there for years man but please keep selling.


Honestly im talking the clone only’s so who’s selling ?

Your just 1 of those 1 in a 1,000 who dont like what everyone else likes , plain and simple, no knocking you at all , just 99.9% of people like the Sour Diesel, no sorry Love the Diesel.

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Especially yours, right?


We talking about the clone , why you trying yo cause trouble ?

@Connoisseur_Genetics with all respect as I believe you’re just passionate @CocoaCoir knows all this about sour diesel also let him grow some, if he would agree to settle this - I’m like 20 plants over the limit - (thanks OG lol)

we’re all looking for a refined sour diesel in clone or seed

karma’s version is nice, top dawgs takes more skills than I have at the moment

of course anything Top Dawg I support he’s local and holds that haze from uptown

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Bro if he never smoked a good Sour Diesel then its a waste of time giving him the seeds , its not his flavour , he not a fan.

Im offering the deal to other Diesel fans , and if they purchase another seed companies Diesel to run mine side by side , what better offer can i do ?

It feels like like people haven’t done their research…
Klopp aka weasel accidently made Sour Diesel. Sold the weed to Albany Crew. Albany found one special plant in those seeds thet dubbed sour diesel. Other people who also bought klopps weed from Albany found seeds and those became clones aswell.

AJ first had a clone he found from seed in the weed that he sold trays of, as sour diesel. He later scraped this clone and got the clone from Albany Crew.

Klopp popped some seeds of the same weed and didn’t find anything he though was as good as the cut Albany Crew had.

AJ just sold weed and the Sour Diesel clones he spread the first year was fake. This is information FROM HIM SELF.

JJ wasn’t even near all this so don’t worry about that guy.

Klopp is the one with God’s happy little mistakes and he have said the lineage and how it happend over and over again for years.

Yet we have people coming in hear, writing rows and rows of text about “their” sour diesel and they know it the best. Yet they never mention these very public and clear details and it’s sooooooo tiring to read this sales talk mumbo jumbo! PLEASE STOP @Connoisseur_Genetics, you’re embarrassing yourself. You’re a UK guy, talk about star dog or cheese instead.

Pz :v:t2:


Yes mucking up reliable information with their sales pitches. This is why those rules are in place.


the albany stories is where this strain evolves pay attention - that’s when it’s no longer sour diesel from nyc that I’m talking about then we called it upstate weed which was always better and cheaper

albany was after later

it’s told to market this way of course they don’t want to lose money

no hybrid sour d from upstate cost $50 in nyc trust me, it didn’t work like that if it was on commercial scale - thats a sour d cross

reason is upsate guys still growing rent in NYC is more expensive nobody paying the bills here growing weed anymore easily - only in the projects and that’s not even worth it

anyway we should see this version of sour d @Connoisseur_Genetics tell as more about the actual plant lol

you’ve worked your sour diesel for 15 years?


Are you serious :laughing:, i been talking about the clone only’s whole time , the same story is the same exact thing i been saying :laughing: straight from AJ’s mouth :laughing:.

I know i got alot of haters here already :laughing: ( i dont care)but stop trying to pull me into arguments, how many times do i need to say we talking about the clones


@Connoisseur_Genetics We have had breeders before who took over a whole thread about a strain and it didn’t end well for them. Just a heads up :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Are you cuz I’m reading stuff like this…

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You state Sour Diesel sucks , so what info are you bringing to this thread apart from trying to cause me trouble ?

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I’m not doing anything but pointing out that you’re selling and speaking in platitudes.


The guy asked to try my Diesel seeds after having a nice neutral conversation in this thread , no drama, then your here trying to cause trouble

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Haha that’s a keyboard drop moment


I listened to every Diesel podcase there is

AJ smoked our cut, JJ smoked our cut, they both very reputable people in the Diesel game

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a podcast got nothing to with diesel, Sour D is something from the park bench and boardwalk. that’s an advertisement, I’m also literally by mistake advertising for @Connoisseur_Genetics now to back up his genetics, which I suspect might be killer. I respect the fire. We need someone to grow them, maybe someone that grows well old school and someone that just loves weed and doesn’t know sour d, like a critic and someone really positive. that way we know if anything special - if you really worked it that long, I will buy it one day, but right now have no money, still I think we need to figure out the best diesel versions now which are top dawg (hard to grow right) , (AJ I smoked dispensary not same sour diesel to me), or Karma (great weed in all crosses - best choice at the moment for me - I’m hunting a mom it’s actually sour biker)


Yeah but JJ also been pushing sleepy nighttime weed as “piff” haze for years now :joy:

I always thought the Original Diesel had a better high on it. The only thing Sour really had going for it was the smell and mouth coating flavor that stuck around for awhile. I mean the high was good, but between the two, the OD seemed like more was going on, just didn’t taste near as good.

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I been in this game for over 20 years , worked with many well known people, so i think i have a some experience ?.

I been around this Diesel story my whole life in this game.
UK people get all the same cuts you get :laughing: and i had alot before most of your guys in :us: ( apart from the OG’s thats where i got my cuts from)

This is why alot of well know people dont like to post online anymore, as trolls come trying to take them down.

Why cant we talk civil ? , you ask a question and i can reply, i got ZERO TO HIDE , and im not perfect like everybody else in this world

Just know certain people on here dont like me at all and they try and mess and get me banned and every chance they get