Sour Diesel Thread

Exactly, that’s a main reason why i stick to clones as much as possible. I don’t mind the cost since i know if i get it it’s real genetics.

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I’ve not grown more then a pack from it(so I’m no expert) and for me it was somewhere between Jack and C99, especially in the terps. The high wasn’t as strong as none of those cultivars though.

Not a huge fan of Somas fake diesel, both C99 and Jack does the job better and tastes hella good.

Pz :v:t2:


oh wow thats a wild guess but i follow the idea
think its one of old haze hybrids calling diesel got used in soma’s haha


I know this off topic, what’s your favorite jack at the moment? I just got 20 seeds of the old jack which I think is a sannies repro that’s the best I can find I’ll let everyone know how it turns out. I will send 10 for someone OG verified to repro it but I think it has to go off sale and don’t want to hurt the seed seller. I can share snips I guess if I get a decent plant.


Man I can send you some snips of the AJ’s I hold and the Mango cross if you’d like


Thank’s brother I’ll send you for shipping. I might kill it, but I’ll log it for OG and make my first thread. Should I do soil? out of likes almost.

How about I do what you say and follow your lead and we make a scientific diesel experiment for fun? I can do it completely transparent or you can send me whatever you think will be a fun sour diesel to grow together virtually for everyone to see.


Soil seemed easier, but I think it’s because the coco plants got so big and I can only raise my lights so much, so the plants directly under the light are a tad bit angry.

I don’t have a ton of sour d experience, but my wife and I both really like this AJ’s, we have flowered a plant of it 2 runs in a row with plans to run another bigger one this next flower run. This was originally from GMO House of Clones and I got it from @HighTilliDie


okay we’ll figure it out and I’ll send you my equipment list for fun and follow your lead, we can go dm and I’ll make a thread - no rush. Thanks for helping me recapture the spirit of sour D and passing it my way. Puff puff pass

I made a thread bare with me guys I’ll do my best - Sour Diesel in the Closet

thank you @JustANobody get ready for some comedy

also AJ is invited to check out the plants when we progress - he can stop by at some point if he’s looking


Total off topic warning. In hidden to not clutter.


The old spicy Jack terps are hard to get these days, everything is the fruity side of jack now a days. So I don’t know really. I have a senior I talk to once in a while here in Sweden that is a total sativa head. He’s been growing since it all started here in Europe in the 80’s. He told me to take a look at Sweet Cinnamon @ Cannapot. I recommended it to another grower here who ran it and let me taste it, I would say that it’s definitely true to the old spicy Jack, but it’s high is a bit different and he only got one spicy female from one pack. The rest was fruity Jack’s.

But I recently got hold of another old hippies jack seeds, RIP… But I haven’t been able to grow these out to see what’s in there. I didn’t know the dude and have never met him, and as I understood it. He isn’t a breeder, just making new seeds when the old is to run out. Should be interesting to see if that spicy one could be located in there and if that’s the case I’m tempted to cross it to Sweet Cinnamon to isolate the profile and give Sweet Cinnamon a better high.

Pz :v:t2:


now my gut tells me the AJ is the real one hahaha and I just talked myself into it by mistake, when I tried from the dispensary it was like some headbanger type stuff. Anyway this is so cool. despite the other nonsense 2024 is awesome time to be alive in some ways - and you guys are part of why… anybody have sour diesel going in their room or outdoor now so we can see?


According to AJ, he has the Albany cut since years back. Problem with a cut from him is that he also sold sister cuts as the real deal. So there’s always a chance that what you have is one of those cuts.

It’s better to get the SD from the Klopp side because he never kept any cuts of the plants he grew, because he knew that cut Albany had was special. He only wanted to find something that special or better.

Pz :v:t2:


This forum is so lame with all of the corny people who just want free seeds or dirt cheap nonsense genetics. @Connoisseur_Genetics has awesome beans. Dude is trying to talk about Diesel and Sour and everyone bitches. So stupid. He’s been around awhile and his seeds bring the funk and potency. He should just end his sponsorship and bail on this place.


Keeping it SOUR I see, @Connoisseur_Genetics

We got the trifecta in the last few hours.
-JJ/AJ confirmed
-70% off if you post a log
-Does it have lemon?!?!?



@CruJones can you throw up your sour picture by the stairs please. That’s it!


Sour Diesel


Did you try his 96 sour also?

That right there is the sour I remember. Was growing that in Brooklyn for years


This thread is funny as hell.
I was listening a podcast with Skunk VA and i think he put it best about all the lore around the old cuts.
You are asking a bunch of deadhead potsmokers to remember details from 20+ years ago when they were teens who didnt know what they were doing or that anyone would care about those plants in the future so its not like theres a detailed written history. 3 guys from the same scene may have 3 different stories, not because they are purposely being decietful, they are remebering things how they remember them.


So true :laughing:
But 1 good thing about the Internet is you cant unwrite somethings , and some people even took screenshots of what people said back then , i seen it in Haze threads :laughing: from decades where people post a screenshot that othe guy edited or deleted a decade or more ago.

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