Sour Diesel Thread

Yes from Karma

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Where can a Canadian buy solid Sour Diesel seeds? Which breeders are reputable?


Did you not get some of the co-op sour?

Ironically it was in Amsterdam 2008 at the Grey Area but haven’t tasted lt since


ah sadness. its been about that long for me too, maybe 2005ish or so :thinking: I think I got a lead on one that might be it though. When it comes through and I find out for sure, I’ll let ya know :wink:


I can’t say how solid some of these are but I grabbed Swerves 818 Headband and Sour Diesel, Reserva Privadas Sour Kush and Sour Diesel and Karmas Headbanger from Attitude. Got the Sour Diesel BX from the coop. Exotic Alchemys Sour Diesel Bx3 x starfighter ix from cltvtrs. And @HolyAngel hooked me up with some Sowahh.


did u get any from the co op not to long ago ?

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once again ill vouch the sour kush. and sit here jealous you have em lol


I meant to tag you, I have one going right now. Just got topped for the first time. Was a late addition…and not the original seed popped, had some failures.

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going to go find it now and tag along thank you!

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I’ve heard about a legendary cut of New York City Sour Diesel that was said to be the best. Any truth to that?


It’s not even debatable. If it wasn’t the best, there wouldn’t be so many breeders using its name to sell their knockoffs.


This took place while I was away…must have missed it. :cry:

That’s a pretty impressive list…lol…have 818hb on my short list!

Nein…I’m not sure how I missed it…gonna search it and see what was going on there.

I’m not sure what I’m gonna do, but my quest for new strains to add to my stash continues.

And it sucks cause I get tunnel-vision…super, hyper focused on 1 thing in the moment…then an hour later the hype slowly fades.

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Do people really pay 500$ for seeds? Come on now that’s just greed pure and simple. You guys know how many seeds come from a smaller pollination… a shitload! The math don’t make sense. 50$ a seed lol. I mean these dudes are crazy charging these prices, it’s a freaking seed for Christ’s sake. I don’t get it so please enlighten me on what I’m not understanding please.


$500 is insane for 10 seeds. I don’t think there’s much to understand.

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Oops I misread, it’s 500 a cut. Sorry but I have seen prices like that a few times.

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I would pay a higher price for seeds…Def not $500…lol. But after paying a pretty price, I would make a fuckload of pretty seeds and give them away…nobody would have to pay a ridiculous price again.
Example…spent $120 on some pre98 bubba kush fems. Will be making a whack of seeds early 2024 and sharing with as many people as I can.


I think 120 is on the higher end of fair especially if you’re going to reproduce them. But yea I can’t wrap my head around $500.


It’s the conversion of Canadian dollars to $€£ that kills me…and expensive shipping from USA or across the pond.

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So how does one go about getting some legit NYC Diesel seeds?