Sour Diesel Thread

NYCD is not considered Sour Diesel so who cares. ECSD is considered Sour Diesel.


East Coast Sour Diesel is not Sour Diesel? How do you figure?

Then start a NYC Diesel thread.

Good idea. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself. Later.


Gotta catch up from my picture post the other day later tonight but the cut I was running was the “skunktek” which I think it just one of the other cuts renamed. idk. it’s dank when done right and hay mids when not.


Yeah Christopher might add them himself but pretty much anyone can message him/them and get things added. I added all my crosses to seedfinder myself by contacting him.


I’ve heard it’s not even when done right :thinking:



i’ve noticed alotta people especially on IG out there based their opinions on a single multi plant run where they don’t dial the plant in which is required for strains like sour diesel and og kush.
my best run (far from dialed) was great and i can see it’s potential. it’s got the soaring sour d effect, flowers visually looks like sour d, its got the salmon/pink pistils, not citrusy.
i’ve also had a couple veterans of the sour pretty much tell me it was the one, and that’s not even what i personally am saying lol i just think its a good sour but tough to nail. until i can dial it in and grow it as well as some of the best sour i’ve smoked on in NY over the past 25yrs then i can’t say for certain. It’s just a hassle to grow. Headbanger and Sowah from Karma are just as good and much easier to grow. They’re basically the best and most revolutionary seed lines since Dosidos and Stardawg in my opinion.

I can score the cut back but I’ve dropped it for now. She gave me 6 or 7 S1’s over the course of the 5-6 grows of her I did that I’m more interested in checking out first.


yeah makes sense. i wasn’t aware tbh. haven’t used that website in a long time.


ECSD is an offshoot of Sour D, crossed to SNL. It’s not Sour D. It’s actually better for the retailer. The buds were huge and chunky, but had half the flavor Sour D had. But back then NL5 x to anything was considered fire.

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Ah for sure… I’ve heard that on that cut too. Just a hard one to nail. I just find that a bit hard to believe considering how prevalent good sour diesel was back in the day :thinking: oh well. I’d need the cut to know for sure I guess :sweat_smile:

Oh really? I tried growing a pack of sowahh and some f2 and F3 headbanger and damn near all of them hermed in veg. The ones that didn’t hermed within the first 3 weeks of flower, so I tossed them all :sweat_smile: I also heard they were much more skunky and not mouth coating sour at all.


I don’t know too many cultivars other than AJ’s sour that do that. I grew AJ’s years ago and it was a pain to dial in, using TGA’s supersoil. Pretty sure what screwed me was I thought it would finish in 10 weeks. When she didn’t, I tossed her. But someone here who’s grown Weasel’s Albany cut says it does the same. Not sure if they’re the same cut or not. Slap some pics up when you can. This is the Albany sour d I picked up from In The Sticks. She’s just a 4 week old mother and I won’t know if she’s legit till the spring. I’m feeding her with One Shot which is layered every 4 inches of compost recycled Roots Original soil that’s been cooked for a year with bokashi, Azos, Mykos, and a molasses solution. Seems very happy, but there’s a long way to go.

And as far as the ecsd….it was $2000/lb cheaper than Sour D, in the late 90’s. I think of it as a more a skunky, slightly sour better version of NL5.


How do you mean? I only ask because I’ve grown a decent amount of OG hybrids (Larry Lotus, Imperial Majesty etc etc) and they all tasted plenty “OG-like,” despite the fact that they were hybrids and not even the original cuts. I also really hadn’t ever heard about Sour Diesel needing to be grown perfectly in order for it to taste like Sour Diesel until a few years ago.

I grew three Headbangers like three years back; one of them had some Sour elements going on for the first few weeks after drying and curing, but after about a month in jars it developed more of an OG flavor, same as the other two tasted right off the bat. Still tasted great, but I didn’t find them to be Sour Diesel-ish.

Maybe I didn’t grow them the right way… haha!

I will say that one of the Yesca x Jaro f3’s that I grew last round is probably the closest thing to Sour Diesel I’ve found so far, as far as smells and flavors are concerned. It’s missing that sorta “skunky, fuel-y funk,” but it’s for sure VERY sour. I like it haha…


I’ve read Sour Diesel won 2nd place at hightimes in 1994. Who was the person who entered it into that completion?

*If someone has access to the hightimes archives I think it would be the May 1994 issue.


I got a membership. This is not true, I’ll find it eventually but it’s not mentioned at all in the 1994 issue.


Can’t even find Somas Diesel listed which was suppose to be the Cup winner in 2001. I read the Aug 2002 article and soma listed his previous winners and the NYC Diesel was not on there.

They have articles about bud for around the world and what was common and I haven’t seen it mentioned for NYC or East coast yet either. First mention is 2007 when Willie Nelson was smoking it during an interview.


Soma appears in 2002 with NYC Diesel at the same time a Coffeeshop Tweede Kamer entered a NY City Diesel. 1999 has an issue “Most Popular strains” and no diesel but I’ll keep looking through 91-01’.


Ask which Euro breeder was selling Sour Diesel seeds in 1998. I didn’t think it took off over there until Rez made his beans, but I have no clue for sure. I don’t remember seeing Sour D over there at shops in ‘03 or ‘04 myself. Soma’s definitely wasn’t Sour D. I really got the impression as a kid from the Brooklyn guy who brought the cuts down that diesel was used just like fire up there. It just meant good weed. The stuff they already had when I came around in ‘98 he gave it to them just as Diesel and he liked calling it New York City Diesel. It smelled like gasoline and good weed. It was darker colored weed and plants compared to the Sour. The stuff he brought down and called the Sour Diesel in ‘99 was that neon green type buds, yielded better, had the sour note and gas smell with less “good weed” smell. I have no clue what exactly it was. Brought it out to Santa Barbara with me in ‘04. People certainly paid the premium for it and thought it was Sour D.


Good idea I’ll try and look, I think it’s all a bit of a tale at this point but I like reading it. I really like old seeds. I can’t speak to as much hands on experience with Sour/Diesel genetics as a lot of people here but I do like researching cannabis lineage. What I’ll say is overall the grow reports and threads consistently I’ve seen the most positive reports of;

Seed: Karma BX2/Sowahh

I’m looking forward to the Katsu/Stoney and Karma personally myself but I have a few other packs. I like Katsu/Stoney and Karma seed route personally because of price point and reviews. Katsu said they plan on doing another drop of the Sour Diesel IBL in December and I’ll share a site that has some Karma BX2 and Sowahh in stock. I’m not taking any side of the story it’s a combination of reviews from multiple sources. Hope this helps and y’all have a good Sunday.


We can’t even figure out what clone-only is the real deal sour, assuming it even still exits.

Not going to find it in seeds. I’d be watchful of those plants too. i’m 3/3 on entire packs from Karma herming in veg/early flower.


Wow…those are pretty rough numbers…pretty really rough.


I can’t speak to the pure Sowahh from Karma, but I’ve grown two hybrids from @Tonygreen with it, the Sowah Grapefruit and G-Unit, and they both definitely have the classic SD frosty smell on the buds and some tongue coating going on, both foxtailed moderately and were water/nutrient hogs. I was a fiend for the Sour D when I lived in NYC from 2007-2020, and these have something of “it” the addictive thing where you’re like damn this is just so good I want to keep smoking it so my mouth feels this way. Lip smacking sour tongue and an energetic high. It makes me curious to try the Sowahh itself but then I read things like @HolyAngel was saying and he’s far from the only one saying them…