Sour Diesel Thread

3/3 ouch. Like every single plant hermed? I haven’t grown all the different cuts, I have the AJ, just put it into flower yesterday. “Closest” should’ve been added. I’ve seen solid reviews on the Albany Cut as well. I haven’t loved a lot of clones over the past couple years, dirty clones make me nervous so I stopped bringing in cuts. The price of cuts is often off-putting as well.

From what I understand:
I don’t want to speak on “Genetic Drift” but there is Somatic Mutations which basically is a small change every generation the plant is cloned. Over time these small changes would add up, especially over the course of 25 years or so. There is also the way plants express themselves based off input and surroundings (terroir is a good example). The degree of these influences is still variable.
*these mutations do not pass to offspring.


Every. Single. Plant. Was like 33 plants. :see_no_evil: Most of them hermed in veg. I only had a few make it into flower and those hermed between day ~18-21.

I always heard the old aj cut and/or Albany cut are it. Weasel… sometimes it seems like these are all the same cut?


No not ran any of them myself yet. I used to get flower of it back in the day but haven’t seen any like it since 2005ish.


Has anyone heard anything about the sour d competition in nyc that just passed?


My brother just harvested some excellent sour diesel from seeds he found in a bag. Been curing a couple months, got that sharp grapefruit rind smell mixed with a running lawnmower lol. Tastes translates too which is nice, buzz is speedy and heart racing. Hits real hard initially with some forehead sweating then died after an hour. He gave me 3 seeds to pop too! Me and my wife were smoking it alkday just for the taste. Found 2 seeds in the bud pictured, he said she hermed at week 9. Plant went almost 12 weeks. Doesnt look like old sour, but damn she’s got that sharp gassy nose and taste. Here’s a nug shot…you can see the seed on the left of the bud. He said buds were lime green at harvest, curing has given it the gold color.


Lime green and golden colored is exactly what you want. Some of the best flower I’ve ever had has those traits. Bit hard to come by too.



Holy shit that looks exactly like my nug what’s that? I totally agree herb that turns golden brownish is generally very potent . Tom Hill mentioned this on the potcast too I belive. Give me a min too find some flower shots from that grow. You know now that j think about all my favorite plants have had a brown gold color not bright green or purp. I’m just wondering now what kind of correlation there is with sheer potency and brown gold color. Possibly I’m partial to late harvest windows? Maybe amber trichomes are making it look golden?


Is that why you sold it to me? Hahahaah lol man that sucks. I’ll give it a try though!

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Weed turning brown is potent, that’s interesting I just saw some grape stomper the was kinda brownish and didn’t look good imo, But smelled amazing.

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idk about brown. Gold though, for sure is almost always potent IME. Doesn’t always seem to be from the trichome heads either.

My presumed Ohio Deathstar a few weeks into flower. Will know for sure 100% if its legit once its dried and cured, but ive been a 12 year hunt for this girl and have done endless amounts of research on various forums and i do beleive this is her. Stinking up a storm already. I did a quick veg so these wont yield a lot, but i couldnt wait anymore. Ive been lucky enough to grow up around some killer weed, but to this day, nothings come close in comparison. I used to get it from a nice old lady that was the receptionist at a place I worked. There was no hiding the smell no matter how hard you tried.


Bummer…he only had some shots saved on a desktop. We are grandpa’s when it comes to technology so not sure how to transfer onto the phone. Anyway he took a snap with his phone, not ideal but what he had lol. If we figure out how to upload I’ll post some real pictures.


The PrntScn button will save a copy of whatever is on the screen and then go to Start → Windows Accessories → Paint

Then press ctrl+v

Then save image as

Alternatively you can right click on the picture and it may say “open file location.”


Okay I’ll see if I can figure that out tommrow after my cup of coffee and a clear head haha. Looks like an og or do si dos to me picture wise but has that smell and flavor so who knows really. That’s the problem right here if I was to pursue this calling it sour d when infact it’s a bagseed, know what I mean?

Either way I’m stoked to try my hand at a few at end of this year. I’ve had great luck with named bagseeds turning out nice. He pulled these out if the colas today so I actually have a few to play with.

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Can also do alt+PrintScreen to screenshot only the active window instead of the whole screen :wink:

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if you tip win + shift + s you will take a picture of an area in your desktop, so you need just to ctrl+v wherever you want to paste the image

e-mails, messenger apps, here on overgrow, etc

its a native windows tool maybe since windows 7



I’ve never sold anything here…unless your joking…in which case…lol…but if you’re serious…:neutral_face:…lol…so I assume you’re joking…lol


Here’s those plants, Sowah G stayed darker green leaves but with significant and pretty wild variegation despite being totally healthy, and G-Unit stayed frosty sage lime light green leaves the whole grow. Both of them produced light green buds that I haven’t kept long enough yet to see how they cure but I suspect they’ll get golden sagey looking after a year or so. It’s hard to say because I do my long term flower storage in a fridge at 40-45F, so I probably get a different cure than most.

Sowah Grapefruit:
