Sour Diesel Thread

This is my Albany cut of Sour Diesel that just rooted.

Going to let her get larger so I can take some more cuttings, then she is getting hit with my Sowahh leaning male from Tony/Karma’s collab of (GG4RIL x Sowahh) F1.


It appears AJ is dropping some seeds according to IG.

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JJ and weasel were definitely friends, I’m not sure if they still are. I’m pretty sure AJ and JJ are still friends


You can buy AJ SD via lucky dog aka skunkva & Staten island gaby from breedersdirectseedco for $125


And the “riri” cut


Well, this sorts out the lineage of the Sour Dubble pretty clearly! Thanks Greyskull

“ the sour dubble…
oh how i miss her and am bummed at how she has changed…

my friend was at festival in northern california and he met bog. bog passed 4 seeds to him and said “this is the best pot you will ever grow”. bog at that time told my friend the seeds were sourbubblebx3 x sourdiesel. He grew out 2 of the seeds, and we thought “the one” was “THE ONE”.

I wanted to know more about bog and the plants made to create the plant caligreen would later dub, “sour dubble”. I knew from smoking what i grew it it was ridiculous off the chain top shelf og killer pot. when i hear sourdiesel the smell of the sourdubb is what comes to mind. to this day. one of the best, strongest aromas in all of cannabis. great flavor, great high. whatever. most people thought i was hyping up some shit i was growing for the sake of achieving top dollar when i sold flowers (I did that anyways i didnt need lip service too hahahaha). but then they smoked it. and they shut the fuck up and got in line. like i told them too hahahaha

2007 or maybe 2008 I found bogs forum and i ended up finding an old/locked thread by rezzzz asking the bog acolytes which stuff they should team up on to create something awesome. since rez was the sour diesel guy at the time it just made sense the sd in the cross came from him… so i thought. the thread/question kinda sealed it for me. so i pursued that angle.

bog never answered shit.
pm after pm. maybe i was stalking idk but i was just trying to get an answer of some sort.
then he finally breaks down a few years laters (he had gone offline for a bit i guess) and (paraphrasing) says he did get pollen from rezzz to make lsd and he made some extra seeds on the side with it he gave to me, greyskull to work. WTF!!! i wish i would have known that from the start i probably would have done it then hahahaha, but bog gave the seeds to my buddy, not me…

rez staed said he sent bog pollen from a select male of nycd rezzzz found in a pack of seeds he got from soma (no idea if it was “worked” or not) and bog used that for lsd project… but that was all rezzzz said and probably because thats all he knew maybe? at least rezzz answered me. kind of haha

anyways i have read a lot of old posts form locked threads and it seems theres some beef between the two dudes. no wonder they dont want any credit on it if they take credit they have to give credit to someone they seem to dispise. hahahaha. thats my side take on it…

more than likely its bogs sourbubble which he (bog) broke down and said “is basically bubba kush”, which means its bubba ksh to me hahahaha, crossed to a nycd male which came from rezzzz.

it grows slow slow slow. when its healthy. until it gets to about 20" tall the it starts to take off like a “normal” plant. in veg the smell of the stems is more pungent than most other elite clones being passed. if you get the real deal sourdubble, you’ll see its right (and not sourdudd) when the fan leaf fingers are well separated and the plant has a deep blue hue to it in veg. in flower, about day 28-29-20 the trichroms start lining up along the fan leaves jutting out of the buds. a week or so later the smell comes. AND THEN IT COMES.
56-59 days is what i feel is the proper window for harvesting it. People will say “more amber its not done” but i guarantee the earlier picked dubble will be recieved way more favorably than later picked.
thats a trait of bogs bubba kush errr sourbubble mother… where even he says he finds it best taken at like 54-57.

anyways, hope this helps regarding the history of the sour dubb

aloha from maui

heres some pics of my old socal indoor grow of the sourdubble for memories sake…”


we smoking sour


Anything anyone ever wanted to know about Sour Dubb is in this thread. The clone is still out there unchanged. Ive worked her into a few projects. Those terps translate well. Currently making SDubb S3 seeds
SOUR DUBBLE INFO THREAD | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums[quote=“hammerheadgenetics, post:857, topic:84315, full:true”]

I’m loving Karmas Sowahh. Ive been looking for a stable, potant, homogeneous SD from seeds I could find. Ive grown many SD seeds including REZ. I never found anything I liked enough to keep until now… A perfect example of SD from seeds IMO. VERY POTENT !!. She reminds me of the Daywreaker 09 clone potency. [/quote]


Oh yeah Dubb is still some of the tastiest I’ve had and it’s been about 6-7yrs!


I was going to pull the trigger on a 50 pack off seed bay and try to seed increase to find a real special gem. Makes me think twice.


Looks like my gg4 ril x sowah from Tony


More in the diesel side with a little citrus and oddly beef stew lmao!


It actually
Kind of looks like a sour candy haha

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When I started growing Tony’s stuff like Gorilla Bubble and Sowah Grapefruit I was really blown away by the tasty memories it brought back of excellent Gorilla Glue and especially the Sour Dubb elements of it, :100:


Dubb is unmatched in flavor. Adding those terps into something potent that yields well is the goal. Always try to improve what you start with.


I’d suggest checking out Katsu’s collab that used Stoney’s Sour D IBL boy. Also, if you don’t mind fems, the Clearwater collab with Karma is worth a look. The Original Diesel x Karma BX2 was great. GTR from aficionado was a really disappointing pack, it was the most disappointing pack from this hunt.


What was disappointing for you with the gtr?


Many of them had mold issues and stunted in early testing. By the time I got to culling and pulling them from trays I only had two plants remaining of the GTR. One a small girl that I’m still exploring, the other a runty boy. The boy was culled, and the girl I’m still exploring, but I can’t say much about her other than she’s slow and resilient.


Man that’s sucks about the GTR I was planning on growing those sooner than later and prob still will.

I’m just looking for a good male to hit to the clones that I have to make some beans im pretty set on the karma sowahh and will see what I get from the sacred sour from aficionado.

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@darkillusion did a pack of gtr also. He had a better experience