Sour Diesel Thread

The changing tales over time and the name changes are maddening


Stone Farms is who put the fake Shoreline cut in circulation.

It costs me less than $100 to have them DNA fingerprinted so I can tell you if they are the same cut or not


I don’t think whoever posted that knows what “phished” means lol. It means specifically having a computer password stolen/compromised (PH = password hack) not just any general scam… unless I’m missing a lot of context


I appreciate the etymology of the word, but you’re focusing on the wrong part of that story.


Boom roasted


Please do it and post the results here. I would definitely appreciate you for it. Positive vibes…

Reading this thread drives me fucking crazy. Every time I am dumb enough to come in here, I see 50-100 posts of mere speculation by spectators. No real experience, but just regurgitating information as if it was fact.

When I was much younger, I was taught, “if you don’t know shit, don’t say shit”.

9 out of 10 people are just posting their opinion or the opinion of someone that they are friends with or, my personal favorite, just some bullshit they read somewhere as factual. If I speak, I prefer for it to be from experience. If I happen to say some shit based purely on conjecture, I will put disclaimers before and after and all throughout, just to make completely clear that I don’t actually know shit and not to take what I say as factual.

What is the old saying; some shit like, “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”? In that case, do yourself a favor and believe even less than none of what you read, especially if you read it online.

I have ran the ECSD and Skunktek cut for ~1-2 years, side by side and from my own experience, I can say that I would be surprised if they are exactly the same cut. Can I say for certain that they are definitely 100% without a doubt different cuts? Fuck no. I never say anything with 100% certainty, even when I am 100% certain. I can easily tell that the two are related, if nothing else.

My environments in my rooms are never perfect and shit can easily change from flower run to flower run (maybe even one end of the room to the other haha), but both cuts rarely even express so similarly that I can’t tell them apart with ease. They basically never have.

The ECSD and Skunktek cut both can tend to variegate, much like Chem D. The Skunktek cut tends to be a little bit sweeter, almost citrusy, whilst the ECSD tends to be a lot more funky and very similar to Chem D. The ECSD tends to stay shorter and the flowers are shorter and fatter, while the Skunktek cut tends to be taller with longer and skinnier flowers. They are both fucking finicky as fuck, but the ECSD takes the cake as the most finicky, in my experience. Internodal spacing is even different, with the ECSD being shorter and the Skunktek cut having longer internodal spacing.

I would be ridiculously surprised if the same cut could express so differently in another pot right beside each other. Will I say that it is definitely impossible? No.

Again, this is just my experience with the two cuts and I can’t say without a doubt that they are not the same cut. But I would definitely be surprised if that was the case.

Also, I am not here to offend anyone and I have no affiliation/obligation to anyone that is responsible for the creation of these or any other sour cuts.

If anyone is offended by my post, they are probably out here regurgitating information as fact and playing pretend like they are in the know. Definitely be cautious of those types of people, especially in the cannabis community or whateverthefuck is left of it. Positive vibes…



Just hope its not Phylos doing the fingerprinting. They can’t even identify a clone, her s1, and her cross as being related.


I was thinking about making f2 of this popular strain I was looking at LAseed has anyone bought any? They are way too expensive for me now 180 I could have got them for 90 on black friday special but even that is too much for me. I kind of know what some will say but I’m more in to getting and making seeds for myself I’m not interested in drama…

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Has anyone here reversed/Selfed the Chem 91? I remember reading you can get old school diesel expressions that way many moons ago.


@GCBudz has. Several people on here are growing (or have already grown) the s1’s.


Nope, I have a good working relationship with MyFloraDNA.

I did meet with Kevin Brooks from Phylos/Conception at one point though because they wanted to give me a license agreement for my genetics. I played nice and met with him so I could get a tour of their new tissue culture facility. Its a very nice top of the line facility.


Oh nice, that’s awesome! Should be much better results then ^^

For sure on the phylos facility. Doesn’t surprise me they’re doing that either :thinking:


Growing Karma’s Sowahh for the first time. Excited to see what I’ve got. Two female pheno’s.

1 week of 12/12.


Sold to me as Albany Sour d. Structure reminds me of the ecsd. Day 40 of flower. Some yellowing on the fans and has the least frost in the tent. The buds smelled sweet and skunky until yesterday. Today they have a sharp, lemony skunkiness which I can only imagine will get stronger.




Ran some vintage Sour Diesel a few months back, still one of my favorite strains to grow after all these years!! THAT SMELL…:fire:


This is Topdog BX3 F3 in early flower. She was sweeter, beautiful variegation and did well outdoors and in stress testing. Pollinated her with Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry for my own twist on Blue Diesel


I am planning to reverse Chem 91 start of January.

I will be crossing it into itself as well as several other elites.

@BackyardBoogie420 is going to help me test them out.


Phishing is not limited to online. Anytime someone is asking a person probing type questions trying to get information is phishing.

An example would be " hey have you seen so and so. And I reply No. And the persons says. I heard they running around saying did such and such. And I reply " I don’t know nothing about that. And I ain’t heard shit".
That guy is phishing. He’s trying to find out information under the guise of a seemingly harmless conversation.