Sour Diesel Thread

The future cannabis project is informative and interesting. I just started to check it out.


Ive listened to all breeder syndicate and the potcast episodes already. I often listen to “The Dude Grow Show” just because I like their vibe and yes I agree, I’ve never listen to Adam Dunn for more then a couple of minutes before this episode. But as I said, I’ve been listening to that episode because I wanted to heard weasels story, he’s the original breeder after all, and I’ve been listening to all podcasts that AJ or Weasel participate in on YouTube. I’ve listened to 3-4 other podcasts about sour, including the one from “The future cannabis project” which was the most speculative thing I’ve listen to lately. So my intent was to research what the actual breed and his compadre is saying and what story they are telling. It’s just information and if that gets you hot headed, imo keep it to yourself.

@minitiger I’m not preaching that I know any truth at all, matter of fact is that as anything goes in life, people are full of shit and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. I haven’t even grown a real Sour Diesel cut. But I’m a huge weed nerd and I enjoy researching and listen to other weednerds, including you guys. So instead of bashing me because I like to listen to podcasts, try to be constructive…

Pz :v:t2:


Oh I wasn’t bashing you. I was fishing for more pod casts to listen to while bashing Adam Dunn :joy: I forgot about the future cannabis project. And whoever did the other recent AJ interview seemed pretty cool too. I didn’t actually catch the show or hosts name in that one :thinking:

Obviously also a fellow weed nerd over here.

Only Adam Dunn gets me hot headed :joy: he’s not a host, doesn’t know how to host, and just talks over all his guests :see_no_evil: but id love any info gleaned from anyone who can stand to watch it.


@HolyAngel I’m sorry, didn’t mean to come off like a douche :pray:t2:

Have you listened to the Weasel episode by Riot? I thought it was quite good. I’ve been thinking of donating to their patreon and get access to those old seed catalogues.

Pz :v:t2:


Hey there,
I’ve got some of your Sour D bx3. Can you hit me with some knowledge on these? Great Lakes descriptions says these are ECSD. Any info is appreciated.


Have you seen my google docs folder?
I already pay the patreon and copied off all his catalogs :joy:
Have a bunch of other one’s too.


@HolyAngel Damn! That’s a HUUUGE collection. Many thanks for sharing that :pray:t2: I will bookmark that for sure!

@SWIM_Yenobi yeah, the only one that have been consistent on the topic is Weasel so far and tbh I get the impression that he’s a true weed nerd while the other guys is more of “entrepreneurs” if you understand what I mean. That’s just my personal impression.

Pz :v:t2:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Thanks Dude!


Im no Sour expert, but I pretend to be one for me firends irl😆.

I see a buncha AJ and Weasel talk, but noone mentioning The Bro, who now even AJ admits he got the clone from. But the Bro says he didnt get the original Diesel/Headband. Here he is on Adam Dunn, and they even get AJ on there, and Dunn backs up The Bros story over AJs. Maybe Im just more inclined to believe a dude everyone calls the bro over asshole joe lol. Of course AJ is really important to the story, but seems like The Bro’s contribution is often an overlook piece of the puzzle. Also says neither of them popped the seed, so the AJ story of “he popped the bean” seems to be BS.


AJ just helped made it popular. He’s a dealer, a salesman. He’ll say whatever will generate him more sales :joy:

I can’t really put any faith into anything dunn says either. Dude doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together.

The Bro, and weasel tho definitely seem more on point. Weasel like has been said, seems like a weed need like us and sticks to his story. I need to go back and listen to his interviews :thinking:



Also truth!! hahaha. I used to be pretty closely associated with those mondo farms in the Salinas valley, and DNA/Crockett was the biggest on the block. But oh man they were the worst by a longshot. Always cracks me up when people talk about Dunn as some sage guru. All I remember from that from was crop failures rouge pollen ruining acres of crops for the neighbors lol. I personally hashed out like 400 lbs of seeded stuff from rouge DNA pollen, and we didnt save a single seed lol. Coulda had 5 gal buckets full, but noone wanted anything growing down there.

Yeah those 2 for sure seem like the most reliable. But stories aside, I wanna see some legit Sour seeds! Thats the real thing that is wild to me. Why are there not tons of solid Sour seeds out there? The few Ive been trying have been a huge letdown. Just did Katsus, and they were sadly some of the worst seeds Ive ever popped lol


:rofl::joy::rofl::joy: Dude is a joke that should’ve been shamed off the internet years ago. idk why anyone would bother going on his show, much less listen to a damn thing he says. The only useful information comes from his guest’s, in between his regurgitations of bullshit that make it incredibly hard to watch :see_no_evil:

My guess is, hoarding.

No joke! I went through two packs of Headbanger and a pack of Sowahh and all I got out of it was a shitload of herms in veg. Every single plant hermed out of all 3 packs. Talk about a waste of time.

At this point… imma flower out the weasel cut but in the meantime, probably start popping some 5x2 to eventually hit the 91 with. Then go look for some Mass Super Skunk :yum:


What about topdawg sour?
My partner popped the bx4. He found some beautiful plants. The bud structure and smell were correct on some but not all of them
@HolyAngel did you get the co-op sour? That was from the bx3 I’m pretty sure


Bashing you? I’m trying to help you out by enriching your life with music haha, definitely not “bashing” you at all.


I think you’re so blunt that people take you as abrasive…I thought that at first…but now I see how you role…so I get it…lol


Found another few AJ interviews from last year on small podcasts @LonelyOC @HolyAngel

15:23 interview with Joe Murray AKA Asshole Joe starts

11:00 AJ starts


I havent ran the Top Dawg! I just dont like dude so much, I didnt wanna support him, not gonna lie lol. Looks like I may have to build a bridge n get over to haha. Thanks for the referral!

to be fair, ive never met anyone who regularly does lol. youre totally right tho! the weed jokers have gained a lotta traction. dudes like jodrey and swami went from the butts of our jokes to somehow “gurus” its mind boggling.

thats gotta be the real way to do it! i had the same thought ironically. hopefully it works out!


Yeah, I’m sorry dude, no worries. I’m just not a fan of getting told what to do or what not to do :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, same here!
I would look through Giesel stuff, since it’s an Mass Super Skunk pheno and apparently it’s looks very close to the real deal.

Pz :v:t2:


Is your dislike of JJ personal or just in general?