Sour Diesel Thread

Just has attitude in general. Ive never talked to him or anything. But even from interviews and online posts Ive seen, hes not the kinda dude I wanna support. Especially with dudes like CSI, Bodhi, Cannarado, SkunkVa just to name a few that Im happy to support


I get that. I have a couple breeders that’ll not be supported by me. Not that it’ll bother them :laughing:.


Ive smoked Jayplantspeakers cut at Emerald Cup with his wife. Amazing people.
Its an amazing cut and seemed like he had it dialed in pretty well. He runs a GH with just several SD’s for connoisseur grade smoke.

Id be happy having that cut.

Honestly, Id prefer to find the real Headband that feels like youre wearing a band around your head.
Only thing close was Starfighter.
Romulan also has a similar effect where its more like a divot taken out of your forehead kind of feeling. Best I had in seedform was from Reppin2C, his PTF-99.


Also, Neville said Diesel was a cross made between Jack Herer (unreleased cut) and something.
He had posted pics in the 2000’s that were convincing.

Even with him being a junkie, Id take Neville’s word over the NY crew.


Man, me too! It used to be around here quite a bit back in the day but I haven’t seen it in probably 10 years or so.


So sour is a Jack herer unreleased cut?


Sweet, thank you.

Its interesting how the Dutch breeding of the 80s and 90s was all based on American strains of the 60s and 70s, and the American breeding of the 90s and 2000s was mostly based on Dutch work from the 80s and 90s.

Like two narcissistic parents blaming each other for all faults and praising themselves for all success

We know from Weasel it all started with seeds brought back from A’Dam and some seeds from the Dead Tour. Thats about as much as Im willing to trust them on.


He says Diesel used Jack H as the mom.
Likely an NLxSkunk as the dad.


@HolyAngel i saw you like this over there and thought I’d reply because it complements that quote you just pulled up:


So much he said she said type stories. So many unverified stories at this point.


An older AJ interview from 2019 I think this is when he was first starting to emerge in public? This show is legit, I know because another episode is them interviewing an old friend of mine from the Brooklyn underground rave scene, one of only a few drug and nightlife journalists who I have met and respect, she wrote a good weed book for newbies. Miss smoking huge joints with Michelle at the door of my shows!

Nothing to do with SD but this is the friend’s episode:


Okay, this is super fascinating to me (truly), but here’s my dumb question: who has the best Sour Diesel seeds? I love me some old school sativas and am a patient man. I am new here, so my trust rating is low, but I am a 57 year old Navy vet and as legit as they come. lol Help for an old noob?


That was kind of my point re podcasts, is that the narrators are unreliable at best and straight-up liars at worst. So what purpose does listening to them really serve? Again, though, whoever likes listening to them, go ahead and keep listening to them.

Maybe it’s because I’ve spent decades reading about weed lore already, but all I care about now is,”Do I like this weed?” haha. I like knowing the history for sure, LOVE hearing the stories and all of that, but I’ve kind of gotten to the point where it just doesn’t matter anymore. I’m gonna be growing weed either way haha.

And when it comes to Sour Diesel specifically, all I care about is,”Does it taste like Sour Diesel?” That. Is. All. That. Matters with Sour Diesel.

You do know that blazing weed kind of “dulls” your roll, right? Haha… Just kidding, I’m sure you know that.


And this is different from the forums how? Lol


Because I can read and listen to music at the same time. I can’t listen to a podcast and listen to music at the same time. It also only takes me like five or six minutes to read the words that are spoken during a thirty-minute podcast, if somebody transcribed them.


I have to say I want to get skunk, nl, and Jack herer now and see what happens


Sad to say Jay was one of the jokers I was talking about. Really boggles my mind and frustrates me he is somehow taking credit for that cut, cuz I got it in 2013 or 14 originally, and everyone and their momma had it. He doesnt even grow it very well lol. No offense, but that hack doesnt grow connoisseur grade anything.

Dude tried to setup a greenie setup right by where I was growing triple digits a year(including a lot of sour d lol) in auto dep greenies I built. he failed miserably, and went to Oregon to grow 12 plants. Its really a shame people like him are getting any kind of spotlight now. He even attacked me on alt accts on IG one time for saying that Q powder bs hes shilling is a scam, cuz it is lol. You can get the same exact stuff for a fraction of the price. But hey, thats the game nowadays. The worst growers from my era are somehow self proclaimed gurus all the sudden


That’s fair. I like podcasts so long as it interests me. Even then half the time it’s background noise. And like anything, filter out the bullshit. I only listen to music during certain activities.

Just like Sour, there’s alot of bullshit. I find it hard to believe Jack is involved. I can see nl5haze and chem having that kind of progeny though. But not Jack specifically.


@Tappy yes the Sour D bx3 seeds are made with ECSD. A shoreline bx male was used to start the backcross.


I’m actually not really an MDMA guy! At least not at shows and especially not when working, I’ll roll at the beach or woods or something but for shows it was all alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, and weed. When I quit drinking and doing coke, I started doing moderate but sub-hallucinogenic doses of LSD instead, that actually works great for me on a 12-hour door shift. Sheeeeit I used to go off on folks when I was coked up, always kept it under control but I was mean as a motherfucker if you crossed me and I’d embarrass someone on purpose. On acid I was a lot more playful but firm and then very final about when things were done, that was nice.