Sour Diesel Thread

I had that new variegated cut and I’d vouch for it NOT being the real deal sour diesel.


What makes you say that? I’m just flowering it for the first time unseeded.

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Literally everything about it. I’d wager its a cross of Sour at best.

The original cuts weren’t variegated, not like that one is. Leaf, flower, stem structure are all different compared to the original cuts that went around prior to 2010. Don’t give me “but its a different environment” or “genetic drift”. Can find pics of the same cuts that look the same across ~20 years. Only when someone wants to sell something does it somehow magically look different and you start hearing things like that… Again, that variegated AJ cut grows and looks just like an OG. Not much Chem/MassSuperSkunk to the look, but if you go look at old >2010 pics of sour, they all look like chem, like 91 and/or mass super skunk.


I’m not talking about the new variegated cut. I believe he lost the original and came back with the variegated cut and is just saying it is the original.
I was talking about the original cut and wing wang having differences from environment or whatever

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Chems are known to verigate so I’m confused why you’d say there’s no Chem in a verigated cut. I’m not saying genetic drift caused the differences, it’s pretty well known they arent the same cut.

Only the chem d variegates, because it’s an outcross of 91.

The chem 91 doesn’t variegate.
The chem #4 doesn’t variegate.


Not had those cuts so I can’t say for sure there. But any talk from a dude selling cuts or beans saying it’s genetic drift, is highly suspect.


This sour conversation reminds me of the tootsie roll lollipop commercials. How many licks to the center. The world may never know


We have pics from 2006 of the chem cuts and they look virtually identical being grown out now.

So how long does genetic drift take to kick in?
I’ll wait :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


There are pictures in the mexican thread of 50+ year old strains that look exactly like what people are growing now.

Though I always like to remember genetics aren’t always so straight forward.

For instance, two random people in the congo who are standing next to eachother have more genetic diversity between them than say john wayne and ghenghis khan but they may look very similar.


I don’t know enough on the subject to make that claim.
If it’s legit then it came from New York.

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I also seem to remember someone saying Hawaiian was Mexican seed that grew differently in that environment

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There’s a lot to acclimatization of genetics to the Hawaiian climates or anywhere for that matter, but it’s done through successive generations not by a clone.


popcorn hader


I’m sure there are multiple versions of that variegated cut as well :crazy_face: I’ve seen instances of Chems being confused with Sour. Plus bag seed plants and random cuts that have been circulating and being passed off as sour for decades.


But MSS isn’t even in Sour! It’s Daywrecker x DNL.

Isn’t this fun… :crazy_face::joy:

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there are some excellent podcast about Sour Diesel with the original breeder of " First Smoke of The Day" is the podcast’s name +many more good shows

? Mass super skunk has ALWAYS been a component of Sour Diesel…

Original Diesel aka Daywrecker is Chem91 x Mass Super Skunk x Sensi NL.


I love these conversations, but in repeating the debate with friends, they always just look at me sideways and say “… so nobody really knows?”

Being the spastic I am, I do a terrible job of explaining thats not always true, and it’s not the point lol


That is what I am trying to sleuth out. Let’s get Angel to fingerprint this stuff and tell us how they are related.

Edit to say Angel is the founder of MyFloraDNA, not holyangel