Sour Diesel Thread

I’m more concerned about which is the most awesome of the Sour Diesels, not really concerned about which is the original.

I’d be interested in anyones opinion.


That’s it. Closest we’re going to get is the genetic mapping @SCJedi is doing.
I wonder where top dawgs sour bx4 falls in this


It’s claimed to be in there by some, but it’s disputed. All the AJ and ECSD cuts are annoying and finicky plants imo, and I don’t know them as well as Diesel and the Chems, but the MSS has never made much sense and I haven’t seen much indication from the plants that it’s actually in there, it’s just one of the stories. :man_shrugging:

i don’t know what JJ was smoking that day but SkunkVA’s polaroids of MSS look almost identical to Sour Diesel.

growing out Giesel (D x MSS) for the first time was sort of a revelation in the MSS connection with Sour Diesel for me.



Makes sense to me.
Take that and add a Chem91 and walla there’s the stretch.


AJ is not the original breeder of Sour Diesel, Klopp is. If you’re going to go on anyone’s story, his is top priority. He’s also the most genuine and an absolutely amazing human being. He doesn’t make money or fame of breeding, seed or selling cuts. He’s a glass blower now a days.

You will only find lies upon lies from people who have money to make out of cuts and seeds.

Pz :v:t2:


LOL, “genetic drift.” Funny stuff


For anyone who was around last week or so when @SubzeroIceKold was having a bit of a moment thinking that the cut of AJ’s Sour D that I sent to him was infected with HLVD, it’s not. Just to put that to rest.


Just to be safe, I tossed any plant I had that was variegated


This was a joke, I obviously keep all infected plants


Lol I hate you

Thanks why I’m doing a giveaway! Because I hate @Crafty_Flame, he’s a big meanie.


Money corrupts


Why believe this vs. the herm stories?

Again, I have no horse, I could care less and won’t argue one story is true and others are BS. But the stories of sour d being intentionally bred seem like the less likely explanation.


Haha, because it was his plants that had the seeds we call Sour Diesel. Everyone is talking about his genetics…

Pz :v:t2:

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Thanks a bunch !!! Glad to know the truth —Peace @LonelyOC

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The Diesel part, sure, but it being bred vs. being a random herm is what caught my eye.

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Weasel call himself Klopp, or Klopp glass. While other call him Weasel.

Pz :v:t2:


No one has a verifiable truth. However, weasel being responsible for Diesel/Daywrecker/Original Diesel/Headband/Diesel #1 is probably one of the more accepted parts of the story. I haven’t seen much to refute this. After that and how sour came to be and what the genetics are is speculative and there are too many alternating stories. Some of the people, such as Joe, can’t even keep their own story straight over the years and have told contradicting takes.

People keep acting like these dudes were breeders and like many of the folks on OG. But let’s not forget, this all involves trying to capitalize and dominate in an illegal market in the biggest market in the US. There was big money at stake. Supply could not keep up with demand, people were trying to lock down genetics that were herm prone while selling seeded nugs. These people were/are hustlers and dealers in most cases. You had competing crews and some big time dealers that were struggling for enough supply and arguing over what’s legit and real and who has what as well as sour d making its way to other regions. Even guys within the same crew have different accounts of it all.

Then you have all the seed lines that came later. Rez and swerve confusing matters and adding more speculation, doubt, and sliminess to the already confusing tales.

It’s all a big mess and there are too many not so trustworthy people with a story. Then do a little research on confirmation bias and then how good people are at recalling events years later and how worthless eyewitness accounts of events often are, especially after decades have passed.


My favorite little tidbit is the story of ‘Our Diesel’ and how sour got its name. Also, Diesel was a slang term for a lot of things back then supposedly. Wasn’t the case in Chicago, but maybe in NY. Supposedly anything good or strong and long lasting was called Diesel for a while, including THE chem cut which was known to be in the mix at the time.

Who knows what’s true and what isn’t in all of this, but potheads are creative, and the lore with some of these strains reflects that :joy: