Sour Diesel Thread

What is original sour diesel and weasel sour diesel? This stuff is confusing enough, now people are just making up new names? What’s the origins story of these two if these are actually things, I don’t think think I’m confused :unamused::joy:

Original diesel = Daywrecker = Weasel Diesel and also went by headband. It’s is not sour! If there’s a cut of sour d named after weasel that’s a new thing. But I can’t help but feel some people are confused about what they have…

This is not to be confused with ONYCD… FFS! :see_no_evil:


No real takeaway lol just more questions :joy:

Like, I thought the Wing Wang IS AJ’s cut lol just held for way longer without losing the plant? If so, why would they test so drastically different?

Obviously one reason could be the person who sent these samples in may not have used the cut they thought they did?

The data comes from Kannapedia, by the way, and both samples were entered by the same person (Vessel Life Science on IG) and he also entered the Original Diesel, “Sour D”, ECSD, and NYCD (which I don’t believe is Soma’s).

If that is the real deal AJ cut it’s interesting that it’s only closest relative to the other Sour cuts is Original Diesel (which doesn’t contain MSS like Sour D and ECSD do) but also the Wing Wang shows the Chem 4 and 91 showing up as close relatives which would be expected.

Doesn’t someone in a podcast say that AJ lost his cut? Hmmmmm lol


This is great to see and speculate on.
Thanks for posting it.


There’s the original AJ’s cut and the one now. Both come from Asshole Joe.


Aj original sour supposedly didn’t variegate while his current offering does.
The wing wang would be the original aj cut. It’s supposed to have some genetic drift over the years


That is my understanding on the AJ cuts as well, I know nothing about Wing Wang.


I was asking a buddy about it. Basically aj sold this guy a cut around early 2000. He kept it going the whole time. That’s the wing wang


Got it, thank you


AJ doesn’t really have offerings, at least not anymore, and one isn’t current and another old. The cut known as AJ’s is supposedly the same as ECSD, but there are two cuts (probably more) going around being called AJ’s and one isn’t variegated and one is. Some claim this is genetic drift, JJ in particular iirc. They’re very similar otherwise, so some people accept that explanation. Chaco and Wing Wang I believe were at least supposed to also just be renamed ‘ECSD’/Sour Diesel

Furthermore, I’m sure all kinds of diesel and chem cuts are mislabeled and people aren’t holding what they think they are.


That’s the only way to tell the polys of polys of polys of polys of polys apart. :joy::joy::joy: - just an observation on breeders in general, not about ECSD, WCSD or Alaskan SD. I don’t know shit about it and have been highly confused since I started not following this thread very well. :interrobang::thinking::dizzy_face::interrobang:

Edit: I’m highly interested in Diesels, figured I’d grow whatever I can find and decide what I like.


Anyone who says it’s not confusing is confused! :joy:


So I have officially submitted the following for DNA fingerprinting at MyFloraDNA:

Skunktek Sour Diesel
Notsodog Sour Diesel
East Coast Sour Diesel
Original Diesel

They gave me a killer deal as an early partner but they just made me sign a new agreement.

If anyone that wants to use my partner account you can get my discount. If you have a sour diesel cut and you want to compare it to those I just sent in then send me a dm. I can post a direct link that will give anyone that uses is a discount but I am not an OG advertiser.


Aj signed a contract with a ny farm I’m pretty sure. That would limit anything he can offer


I live in Alaska and I’m not familiar with any legacy type cuts known as Alaskan Sour Diesel.
It’s not our lane.


Heavy doubt on “genetic drift” causing the difference between the original aj cut, aka wingwang, vs the current variegated thing going around now. Especially if that genetic chart above is true then the current variegated AJ’s is a totally different cut 100%, no question about it. It sure does look like an OG too, whereas the wing wang doesn’t.


I was saying drift from the original 20 years ago. It could also have to do with different environments.
The current aj offering is not the same as what he had years ago


Some pretty credible people will vouch for that variegated AJ cut. I believe it’s the one JJ used in the BX. I grew it and it’s not any chem I know, it’s Sour Diesel IMO.


I have it flowering now, been about a week from flip.


How does that work? I just popped a bunch of karma x rez sour diesel to find a keeper. To they test final product or plant vegetation?


You mean there actually is a WCSD?