Sour Diesel Thread

THIS :100:%

I don’t really care what stories JJ is trying to push these days to make his beans sound legit. Don’t even get me started on his CBH/Piff :joy:


This is in the spring box


That post was 2010… 14 years later if you asked him now would he say the same thing?

The stories have changed over the years by the “chem family” dudes.


Hey @HolyAngel guess it was just variegated !

Thanks for testing @JustANobody ! This is why you’re well respected.


Yeah that’s awesome news!


fook it im gonna toss 4 unintentionally made skunktek sour d s1’s in a cup of water tonight!


Anyone try pigtailgardens’ AJ Sour d or Original Sour d? They claim to have verified cuts for 200. Looking at their other offerings, I think there’s a good chance.


I tryed them bought a cheetah piss which was good and bought a snocap. The snocap was not snocap even though they said it was from a reliable source. Asked them about it later when they took it off the list and they said I was correct it was not real offered me a free clone next time I purchased. That’s my story.


I have been watching theirs too. Pigtails has a Bogo plus a freebie till end of month. I got my AJ cut from Legit cuts
AJ’s Sour Diesel – Legit Cuts
He didn’t claim "verified " like pigtail though. Hence the reason I’m eyeballing Pigtail next.
Edit in: Pigtail also offer “verified” cut of NYCD also for $300 too
Hapi hunting


That’s interesting. Why is NYCD, which isn’t a Diesel at all, more expensive than AJ’s Sour?

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Market demand or rarity?

You ever grow out the cut?

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yep a bunch of times inside and outside. that’s how i got 6 or 7 bagseed/s1 from her


Sorry if I missed it, but have you posted a review? I got a cut coming from farmerjoe and I’m curious what she smokes like

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It’s tough a tough plant to grow that’s for sure.


this topic sure is interesting.
I grew from 89 to '05 but being in Canada , Sour diesel in any form was just not on our radar. I wasn’t online and I stayed away from cannabis events, prefering the life of the recluse grower hehe. I think I first heard about sour diesel in a cannabis culture magazine mid 2000’s when the cup scene seemed to be really picking up. Tried quite a few sour diesel crosses now but have yet to run a legit cut of any of the named plants. I have beans I need to run still of top dawg’s bx3, karma’s sowahh, shoreline’s sour d , some old rez beans from seedbay… but right now I have a fem seed of NYCD x OG kush made by the late Classic Seeds iirc. Finicky seedling but it’s growing well enough. Killer plants in these beans going by other grows I have seen.
Learning a lot from these threads and linked podcasts and stuff. So far since i returned to growing in 2015 the only plant I have found that reeks and tastes like hashy funky sour diesel was a female from Bodhi’s grandma’s hashplant of all things.


Coming along


This was my last run with it.

The better runs had the making of some sour funk but still nowhere near the level I wanted that smell to be blasting out of the jar/bag haha. For someone growing it in a tent who may not have the most consistent growing environment (temp/humidity swings, maybe you miss a watering, etc)… aka ME lol I found growing stuff like Karma’s Headbanger to be much easier, especially to be consistent with. That said there’s plenty of people that grow way better than me who crush it indoors.

Just a bro science opinion but I also don’t think the plant likes these new high intensity led panels.


Looks good from here. :grin:


Thank you! I will take that info into consideration