Sour Diesel Thread

Caleb talks about it in some of the breeders syndicate videos too. Think Fletcher as well.


All the experts on diesel can’t agree or get the story straight and the story always changes. That’s why none of these stories matter.

Do like GrownatHighAltitude does and get the various sour D cuts and do a comparison.
He did the same with different shoreline cuts.

GrownatHighAltitude has the Albany, Cloney Soprano , and a few other cuts and ECSD.

Get all the cuts in the same room and ECSD is the loudest and most potent, that’s all that matters.

ECSD comes out good even if you fuck it up, doesn’t require low temps and everything perfect for it to be good.

Sour Goat and Death Star are sour crosses that are both better than the AJ cut.


I think the closest to the AJs I was getting in NYC from a service around 2015 and some unidentified SD there in the early 00s when I was a teenager has been really good ECSD, I haven’t tried growing it yet but the commercial product seemed pretty consistently good and often excellent, maybe that’s a testament to your observation about it.

As to crosses, I honestly like Sour Dubb as much as AJs, those two you named are also fire, no doubt.


It’s claimed that at some point most of the sour that was making its was around the east coast, Midwest, and south was coming from a big grow op in Florida. AJ and some of those dudes were hustling and small fish if you listen to some accounts.


The best growers I have met have been from Florida, a lot of Cubans from Miami came to Colorado.
Most Cubans wouldn’t grow anything but diesel.

New York is smoking a lot of fake cartridges and Cali outdoor weed, Florida definitely has better growers


I’ve been under the impression for years that LED needs to run at or above 80 because the lack of infrared keeps leaf surface temps lower than HID/Sunlight, do you find that is not the case?


And that is why there is tons of sour led boof IMO. Run HID for the old classics.


Sodium lights and hydroponics.


I have not found that to be the case, no. Any time I see temperatures above 78 degrees Fahrenheit with quality LED’s I see foxtails on everything. Usually the best growth, even when I was doing HID back in the day, was always right around 77/78 for me. I would say I get stronger smells and tighter buds staying under 74ish, but nothing drastic. Not like a complete loss of sour smell and mouth coating flavor just because it got a few degrees warmer :joy:


The plants like it hotter in veg under LED. 85 and my plants love it. I keep it under 78 in flower because that’s what nature does. Hot in summer, cooler to cold in autumn.


I can totally see this. I am running both Irene and Bubba Kush side by side and they look EXTREMELY similar at least throughout veg. Just switched them into flower so keeping an eye on those two in particular.


I just let her go, I held her for two years and never flowered her. The rate she vegs at is comical :crazy_face:


I’m blown away by the Wing Wang Sour d x Top Dawg Sour d bx3. Doesn’t have the classic SD look, but the flavor is as pungent, if not more than the old school cuts. Using Tres Dawg for the back cross, a Chem d bx3, was a great move. I’ve spent the last 15 years hunting down a great Sour and I can finally start some fantastic projects.


Pigtail has bad history


Can you elaborate? The website talks a big game…. verified cuts, award winning supplier from LA. I know people in LA love giving themselves awards. :joy: But I can’t imagine them having both the original and AJ Sour, and no one is talking about how great they are. I hear Cloney’s name pop up a lot, when people talk about Sour d clones.


Unfortunately you can pay people to write up a fantastic story that only highlights the positive aspects of your business

@MG_Canna she looks awesome :star_struck:


Very true. Marketing is a big part of every industry. But being the skeptic that I am, I never thought marketing worked. Clearly it does on some people.

I’ve been trading snips and handing out this cut to friends. I know what I think of it, but I like second opinions and also see how it grows in different environments.


Marketing definitely works. I’ve watched dispensaries turn down products just because they don’t like the packaging!

Always amazes me how differently cuts will preform in different environments and with different growers


Very nice! Send cuts! :joy:


Time to find an SEO company, I guess. I suck at marketing. My skill set lies in production. I wish I had the gift of gab.