Sour Diesel Thread

Like fj got the wrong name on the cut? That’s some great info tho!


This your V2 or V1, looks great I can’t wait to flower mine, thanks


This is V.1. Ive only shared v1. I tossed V.2. I’m 3 days away from chopping my last round with her. She gorgeous and stanky, but more like Chemdog.


The analysis with the DNA chip (1000 molecular markers arranged in duplicates and triplicates distributed along the 10 chromosomes) revealed variability among the 5 samples:

SYNERGY STUNNER (Non-Sour Diesel) 17022

Our analysis revealed two unique genotypes across the 5 samples tested. Four of these five match each other 100%, while the last sample shares only 68% similarity with this group. Additionally, we found that the four identical samples are between ~90% and ~94% similar to 8 other Sour Diesels in our database.


This is kind of a big deal, right? There are some pretty distinct differences between these plants, yet 5 of them are the same cut?


Four have IDENTICAL genotypes. I also fingerprinted one of my own (17022) while figuring it could be a control. AL-2 and PK-2 are landrace controls they use in addition to other SD cuts MFD has in their database.


@SCJedi Remember that they share genotype and doesn’t mean that they share the same DNA. They are doing fingerprinting, which is taking a lot of different genes and see if they match. As you mentioned, they use 1000 datapoints spread across 10 chromosomes.

To get some perspective on the amount of measured data. The X chromosome contains 1636000000 data points and the Y Chromosome contains 1683000000 data points, then add all the autosomes upon that, I would definitely be very very careful of using identical and dna in the same post…

So the data shows us that from the data points they extracted, the cuts share a lot of similarities with each other. Which means they are highly likely related with each other in a way or another.

That is super awesome that we get this confirmation and it’s a good start!

And please read this as educational and not hostile :nerd_face: As someone coming from academic background regarding DNA. I often see misconceptions regarding DNA data, so I sometimes feel obligated to add a footnote so that others can have something to compare with.

Pz :v:t2:


Ha, no offense taken, I am here to get the party started.


Thanks for the share, it’s dope.
Just one dumb question ^^ : Is the 17022 used as a kind of primer or i’m all wrong on the procedure ?


Wow. That’s pretty cool. Then there’s my question. What’s the NASC white label sour diesel? I don’t know where it fits in with these. I grew it for a year. I had 2 seeds, and got 2 of the same phenotypes.


They look like to have a community manager well active on reddit (growbuddy) at least, and a good rep maintained on a part of their catalog. I discover by your post in real time ^^ Their prices aren’t sweet in general but i like the wholesale program concept. It’s rare to find a structured offer for this in the other side imho.

If i trust blindy the picture they are providing, look like a quite skunky hybrid. A kind of “re-creation” from the most shared making of : Chem x NL x Skunk. Look good overall, even on harvested buds on Reddit. Now i think that the name for this time was poorly thought out : something like “our diesel” or “NASC Diesel” will be more neat and less click bait for those that want to try something close “to know if i’s worth to hunt” more seriously afterward ^^


This was my 2nd indoor grow, with a grow log Here
2 of the white label “SOUR DIESEL” fem seeds. the grew a clone the next grow. Probably my posts on rddt, too.

It would have been cool to get my sample tested, If I have anymore. I think we finished it the other day.


Grew that out a couple years back. Looked almost identical. I was impressed for a white label sour from seed. I wonder what the genetics are though being that sour doesn’t reverse.
Edit. Chem x nl x skunk. So someone actually remade the weasels supposed accidental cross. Damn that’s good work. Shout out to whoever did that


To stimulate Hapi to feed the thread with some shots ^^
Still the soprano SD, showing what mean stretch after 18 days of 12/12.
50 more and it will start to be sexy.


These 2 are NASC “Sour Diesel” x Pineapple Express. 1st grow of my cross.


Big fan of the PE, one of my favorite big bud hybrid with the GDP. I saw that the NASC diesel was quite lime. Doesn’t sound like a bad pairing with the PE ^^


So that’s my Daywrecker/Original Diesel… I’m not quite sure what to make of it, but I do recall that I’ve heard that certain “sour d” cuts are actually just diesel, and I feel like Skunktek and Notso were two of them, but it’s been a while since I’ve dug into the old threads and earlier parts of this thread.

These data points wouldn’t all be matching if one was the parent of the others, would they? What about if they were S1 offspring, how would the points of DNA match up amongst the progeny typically?


@Acro Yes, the data point can be a 100% match for something completely unrelated. Is it likely? No.

Fingerprinting or DNA Barcoding(that’s what we called it at university) is a method to test if something is related while at the same time test for traits. The problem we have here is that the 1000 data point set is quite small, it does give us good data that is quite reliable. But it’s still too small to say something definitely.

But here is the kicker, it all depends on what areas you do your testing on. I have no idea what areas they use but there is 4 main areas used for testing if plants are related. The rbcL gene, matK gene, ITS region and trnH-psbA region. These can give you a chance to see if and how things are related and I would assume that some of the data points are for these areas. I assume that rest of the markers are for trait identification.

So to answer your questions. I think that they provide you with good base data, but you can’t read too much into it. Yes the data points can match progeny and it can match for S1s. What I think is concerning is that there should be epigenetic differences and they couldn’t pinpoint these. That says a lot about the quality of the test.

I think this area of expertise in cannabis is very unexplored and company after company in US, doing these kind of thing, always seem to do the bare minimum, and some companies(Phylos cough cough) doesn’t even do that…

Pz :v:t2:


I d love to hear your thoughts about kannapedia.


@_GreenToAs_T I think that all these companies are great and the more companies that try to do this thing, the more competitive they have to be and hopefully that will lead to better testing.

Pz :v:t2: