Sour Diesel Thread

Awesome! That Gabi Sour actually looks like what I know Sour D as!! After years of seeing pics just thinkin “that ain’t it”. His description hit home though.
“The long lost sour diesel clone that was grown by the masses in California and beyond . Lost by most is now back .
People ask is this the AJ ? East coast sour? I tell them before there was an AJ or ECSD it was just Sour Diesel .

I got it originally from a dude in Aptos that had it since 1998. Back then there was just Sour D. It outgrew 99% of plants, even as an old clone. I just hope its still got those mythical giant colas and raw potency. Im tired of running “sour diesels” that aren’t even close lol


Sour D Bx4 v2
From @MG_Canna



Whose strawberry headband was it?

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(SD/Cloney) Motherplant in flo since 5 days now, i pruned less than usual to watch how the meat is wrapping the bones.


Headband (Bloomington)

.Original diesel (Cloney)

.Albany Sour

AJ Sour

.Moms looking little rough
Hapi growing


I remember getting the original diesel at the wetlands and it wasn’t even six months before East Coast sour diesel showed up. I didn’t hear of AJ’s Sour until the late 90’s.


I cant speak to any of that. I only know what folks were growing in the Bay Area/Santa Cruz. I see it called the “not so” or “Gaby” cut now. But it was for sure moving like crazy to NY as Sour Diesel.


I don’t know. I know it comes from someone on OG but the guy I got it from is not on the platform anymore and can’t remember who gave it.

Just a heads-up up for everyone, the Gaby cut that I got.from bdsc dumped powdery mildew all over my quarantine tent. I’ve never had pm in my my grow at this location. I was a little concerned when the clone shipper had “sprayed with sulphur” sharpied on it. Tested negative for HLVD, but I’m killing that sucker.


How you get all these lol

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That’s sad to hear. I just saw that BDSC was having a holiday clone special and I was tempted to pick that Gaby up.


I have one still in quarantine . I have sprayed sulphur 1x and will spray again before it goes into the veg tent. I got PM once but haven’t seen it since I started spraying before moving anything into or out of my tents. Just spray, you don’t need to toss anything out


I have some of the sour diesel seeds from the co-op that I would like to get to next year sometime. Like many of the classic strains you guys love from the past I prob wont try it till I actually grow it myself. How likely is it for my to find a sour in these seeds that represents the one you all remember? Do any of y’all feel like you have or have found “your” Sour Diesel?




:rofl: majestic SD ^^

Watch those that have “one of the legit cuts” (not an outcross), then watch what they are growing aside. When it’s not more SD like Hapi lmao

Whatever is the favored cut, you can be sure that the hybrid seeds tried aside have a reason generally in these spaces ^^


I’ve seen a couple people say they found sour in the repros from jinglepot here last year or so :man_shrugging:


That’s good to hear. I’ll be happy to find something I like, but a lot of ya’ll are on such a wonderful hunt that I can taste the nostalgia. Im looking forward finding me a good Sour and being like" you know what they were right, this shit right here slaps" lol

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The average lower bud on my 80 day JJ Sour d bx3 x Wing Wang’s Sour d (AJ Sour d cut). The smell with no squeezing is super sour skunk. Give her a squeeze and the sour is so strong, it makes my eyes water and nose tingle. :grin:


The MyFloraDNA fingerprint results are back and all the samples I submitted (except for a personal cultivar) genotypes are identical.

Original Diesel (Daywrecker)
ECSD (FarmerJoe)

Ironically, East Coast Sour Diesel is also listed on the phylogenic map they shared and is not in the same cluster so either FJ’s is wrong or the one they have is wrong. I imagine it is the former.

There is a confidentiality note on the map they provided so I am going to ask for permission to share it.


That’s very interesting! Thanks for sharing the data so far.