Sour Diesel Thread

What are the pictures of? That plant is beautiful.


Soprano’s SD. I try to show her here along the critical stages, just to document for comparison-sake and all.


So where did the sour come from? Surprisingly the one thing everyone agrees on is it came from the east coast


Stirring the pot!


Kinda but not really. It is the one thing everyone agrees on. It came from the east coast


So what other legendary east coast strains come from out there? Just wondering. I was mistakenly thinking sour diesel was an Heirloom west coast cut. Like literally all of them are pretty much. But I guess someone claims they made it and everyone believes them? I’ve heard of NYCD. Why was that named new York city diesel if they really should’ve named sour diesel something better maybe like new York sour diesel. But that doesn’t exist I guess only AJs cut does? I just don’t understand how anyone could believe that but it’s cool . I’ve heard everyone saying it’s some guy named AJs plant on the internet. But 20 yrs ago b4 the internet , sour diesel was in Cali

It’s like the story of sensi star . I guess I should claim I made that strain since no one else has. Some stuff people just don’t know how it was made or exactly what it is . And then there’s re names and remakes too

Sounds to me like some kind of different sour I’ve never heard of

Never heard of genetic drifting much ill have to learn but I do believe that’s possible, strains can only be cloned so many times til they need to be crossed or preserved in some way. Maybe tissue culture can regenerate stuff like they say idk. But I have no idea about that stuff for sure. Just think it’s crazy when ppl start claiming they made classic cuts no one can find anymore and they have it still . And they made it too

I know for sure 26 years ago Sour Diesel was in NY. NYCD was a guy trying to cash in on the popularity of the name. Soma. Even he says the Diesel bag seed he got was from NY.


I’ve always heard that og and chem were sister plants and likely sour is og chem right ? These plants are heavily debated all the time. No one even knows what they are completely right? Lol. I. Just remember what ive seen and smoked a lot. No one ever had the real lemony tasting sour D that was the best phenotype . Just grassy sour stuff which is still good but that’s the only sour anyone knows

Exactly. Mostly bag seeds someone popped and named to sell packs/units of. But, most makeup a story of how they bred it in some mysterious way.

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What is your direct experience with sour?

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That’s one of the only plants ppl grew in Cali bc everyone wanted it. Before Blue Dream. I’ve smoked unreal amounts of it, many diff bags from many different places, and sour was never even in a lot of stores either . The ppl in the area I lived always grew and had it. Just something i smoked a lot of for a long time.i also know ppl who still can find it. Sour conossieurs used to argue over who hsd the best . Just like all these other strains . Idk what purple diesel was, but why doesn’t it exist anymore? Does anyone know purple diesel? It was mids and barely got you ripped, but it tasted amazing

Don’t leave Florida out of the discussion for back in the day strain history either. It wasn’t just the West Coast creating all weed or something. Haha


Think the purple Diesel was mendo purple and the Diesel. I’m keeping an eye out for it.

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The idea that only cali produced elite stuff does irrate me a bit. From what I’m familiar with almost all the ny piff came out of Florida.
Everyone in cali was growing sour because they were all shipping it back east.


Yeah it’s hard to say what the truth is , is what I think. But I really want to know why people know what sour diesel is but don’t even know what purple diesel was , never even seen it, and why it just disappeared forever. Maybe cuz it truly was mids potency. But it still tasted good. Dark colorful , bright orange hairs on it. It had to have had sour diesel in it , and idk why it had that name and was only around during that time too

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Na, man I love mendo purps, is an Heirloom original cut too , clone only, it’s been crossed, but they are completely different . Maybe Mendo purps has some lavender in it. Maybe some good. No one really knows I think, but it’s possible there’s a true lineage for it. I smoked a ton of mendo purps too. It was an light purple, super sweet, fruity green tasting, unique shape nugs and good structure . Purple diesel was way different . More like Sour D with a lot of spices flavor. The purp tasted like nothing in it. Purple diesel was the first dark herb I ever saw that tasted like nothing. Like blackcherrysoda. As mids as it could get without going down a step further . But purple diesel always tasted good too . Blackcherrysoda taste like nothing to me .

My buddy had really good Mendo Purps but he liked growing the Berry White more . Idk what that was. But it’s out there

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I grew it from ‘04-‘09ish in Santa Barbara, West Hollywood, and Silver Lake. From ‘99-‘04 on the coast of FL. Paid for college, was able to waste money on grad school that I didn’t finish, lived nicely as a kid, and all of that from Sour Diesel. I didn’t mess with tons of cuts or anything like that back then. Just grew the Sour D, because the prices you got per pack were insane compared to anything else at the time. So, I have no clue about Purple Diesel or anything like that.


I’d say you know it better than me for sure . Especially if you actually grew it. It’s kinda like alotta stuff where it gets super popular every1 wants it every1 says they have it. But i know you had a real sour if it was something you grew . you would know for sure. I always liked it a lot bc it was some of my favorite effects ever . Some ppl like calling me diesel cuz I always liked to have it . But I never got to own it or grow it


Ever time I come in here and post, I ask myself why I’m doing it and tell myself to not come back to this thread. Haha. I have no genetic testing of the cuts we grew and sold, so I have no clue if I had the “Official Sour Diesel cut,” but it certainly sold as that all day. Haha. I’ve said before too, that I preferred the cut we had called just “Diesel” or “NYC Diesel” according to Brooklyn ***** who brought down cuts for the younger guys. They were absolutely different cuts, so I have no clue about any of it.


Man i feel the same bc im that guy that thinks no single person made it. And then im told im not “everyone else” . Well i think its good to be different. Its all real sour to me. I’m glad headband made waves because that Sour OG type combo was like even better than Sour D original to me. And there’s some crazy Headband type remakes out there. It’s a cool plant and original but OGs are still better and more dynamic . I don’t understand all the fuss about Sour . It’s good but nothing i ever wanted to go crazy over . I liked Gas OGs metallic fuel 1s more still. I’m huge on green weed and Sour d will always be some of the best green weed ever to exist.