Sour Diesel Thread

The Diesel cut we had smelled like straight gasoline and looked like some Chem plants. The Sour D grew more sativa like and didn’t have such dark green leaves. Super expanded bracts. Bracts on bracts. Sour D was much easier trim than Diesel, but much more finicky to grow. The Sour D cut we had had that sour lemon tingling your nose/clear your sinuses to it and very mouth coating taste. Only pictures I’ve seen that looked like that cut were people labeling it ECSD. Like I said though, I don’t know anything really. Just my anecdotal nonsense. Haha


I was super happy to drop my “Sour D” for Hollywood Pure Kush when I was finally able to get it.


I think the early stuff was a bit more honest with the label. In 2000 there was 1 sour and now we have a bunch of sour.
Talk to people about blue dream, original cut was an amazing flower. Got popular and people just slapped the name on everything to move it. Has happened to every popular cut unfortunately.

This thread is a bit of a train wreck. Nothing is provable and the main people have changed their stories over time


Yessss thank you that sounds like the real Sour. Even if you guys call it that it’s fine. But I remember there being definitely two different kinds of Sour ive seen. That’s the one we would argue is the true Sour. It was more calyxy like you said too. More nug structure. Cooler lookin. That rare Sour was never around just the common Grassyer. stuff. I knew someone on here would know the difference lol . Ppl know better than me out there

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Blue Dream and Trainwreck were ruined with fakes. The originals were great and then all of a sudden every bunk BC bud was Blue Dream or Trainwreck. Haha


You guys are right about everything no jokes . The general drifting being possible. But literally the same thing did happen to blue dream. Theres cardboard cuts and then there’s cuts that actually taste like that real blue dream that was blue tasting and dynamic . Seems there was remakes of thst too , or just common cuts float around that weren’t as good. And the cardboard blue dream was still blue dream too. It just wasn’t the real blue dream that was crazy blue tasting . The blue dot kind

Wish we had trainwreck still too. Man that was incredible

I do love sour d enough to join in for the funny discussions but this is a cool place because there’s like real OGs here that know whats up. I wouldn’t claim to be like that but I did blaze a ton of stuff. Having grown it is special tho. I just got to enjoy most of them.

Damn man Pure Kush I could really ask you about too. Idk what the diff versions are , but seems there could be 2 or 3 . I think I’ve seen someone say the Topanga cut is the marshmallow OG structured one I like. But I have no idea how to figure out which is which.

My buddy tried to find a pure kush plant and he came back with one that tasted just like it, but looked and smoked nothing the same . Maybe that was the Las Vegas PK? No clue about PK. But I’ve blazed one that I’ll remember forever.


Man tell me about Pure Kush more if you’re down. Would really like to hear about that cut or what you think it’s structures like

The one I saw was big OG build marshmallow metallic gas. Some of best tasting herb ever. Way b4 gorilla glue existed. Almost had a glue flavor in it. That’s some rare stuff. Never ever saw that in a store anywhere. I Think it all got smoked before it ever made it to one.


I’ll keep it out of the Sour Diesel thread, but I’ll have the cut back in a few months when this current run is done. I’ll document the grows of it on here. If you’re still around and a good member of the community, I’ll send you a cut of it to checkout yourself.


Thats too much to ask man !!! Legendary . I’d follow and check it out most definitely. I’d have to be able to offer a nice favor back! That’s really dope. Count me in as a spectator for sure. Maybe even cooler to try n do something we’ll see! I know PK is special too. Awesome to talk strain I like , with someone who knows so much. That’s dope. I definitely want to learn more about stuff u like, so much of its gone nowdays or harder to find.

It’s really crazy how hard it is to find real sensi star it always was. And idk if its even the same. That’s why I always like to talk about Sour or stuff I like too, bc it needs preserved n i want to figure out whst the hell the stuff I got to blaze was. I like it all so much better than new age stuff



I and my circle of friends grew a lot of weed in upstate NY in the late seventies and early eighties and it was every bit as good as anything you find today. We didn’t have names for anything back then. If it smelled like skunk, it was skunk weed. If it smelled like lemon, it was lemon weed, pine, etc. To say only good weed came out of Cali is a stretch. Good weed was being grown across the country. Even import weed was good back then. It had ridiculous names that couldn’t be traced back to anything, but just like today, it always came with a good story. “A sailor found a seed in his pocket after a night in Bangkok.”

People romanticize weed too much. “I have the only true elite clone of blah, blah, blah.” Give me a break :wink:


I agree man its no bias towards people or culture or territory. It’s well known Cali had a lot of stores. It was the availability and the marketing and all of that.

I 1000% agree that it’s possible ppl around the world had similar strains or cuts

But the clone only that come out of Cali definitely come out of Cali . Some strains are just clone only. But it’s not fair to say that clone couldn’t be anywhere else. It could have started somewhere else for sure. Someone else could have it. Or they could be the 1s who even brought it there for all I know. It’s still clone only plants tho to me, if they even exist like that still. It just ended up where ppl got them from and being a major source in the rec days

I don’t want any Cali club clones. That’s how u get the bad used to be different lol

Ppl do say blue dream was made in Sacramento and made popular in SF. But that’s just what ppl said a long time ago. The creator could’ve been from anywhere For all I know

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20 years before the internet? We had the internet when I was in highschool in early 90’s. My dad was using the internet to work remotely as shells oils head networker in the 80’s. The government was using since late 60’s. All of these are way longer than 20 years ago.

Genetic drifting just makes sense. When a clone of a plant is introduced to a different climate it will over generations acclimate to that climate. Doing that will change the make up of the genetics.


Exactly man, back in my day, I had to walk up hills both ways to school. Shit was harder. Times were more real back then. The internet changed a lot but it did make communication work more easily. Now we can talk about stuff like when the internet was invented with each other. That’s what I’m saying man. Haha

That’s reasonable so genetic drifting could be conpareable to acclimating , acclimizing to the new environment t . Ppl say that’s why OG is so dynamic and different. that’s also why I could totally believe different OGs coming from different places. Same thing about Sour. Different sours from different places. OG is dope, but also a crazy subject . Much crazier if u ask me lol

I think the plant definitely does change, acclimate, drift, depending on where it is.

There’s definitely versions of sour diesel I’ve never tried out there.


I don’t have anything against clones, you just have to have perspective. A clone is something someone had the foresight to take from a plant before they flowered it just in case it was something special. I’ve done it and ended up killing more than I kept because there is just so much out there to explore. I have more regard for people that take the time to work lines. I don’t have the space or the patience for it, so I’m always impressed when I drop a half a pack of seeds from a worked line and there is little variation between them.

I will say this, Cali mastered seedless weed before the rest of the states caught on. I remember that like it was yesterday. We always pulled males, but it was because we knew they weren’t worth smoking, not because they would pollinate the females. There was no sense of urgency to get rid of them until the first time we heard the word Sinsemilla. That was a game changer.

Typically, states with the most lenient laws will bring the fire sooner because they don’t have the fear of prosecution that illegal states have.

An example would be BC bud.


Getting harder to find anymore. It doesn’t take long to see if a breeder put work into the plants, I like it too.


i agree guys about seeds, like when you say, drop half a pack of seeds from a worked line and there is little variation. man thats awesome if its possible. but even a longer time ago when genetics were more pure and less diluted, it was still hard alot.

i think i can tell right away too if theres been some work in the plants or not. i also do think the training and the work of the plants can be seen sometimes in the offspring. maybe thats the genetic drifting you guys are talking about, happening even indoors. the stuff the plant experiences and goes through its acclimating in its own ways too. the area and the climate effecfts everything as well, temperature, humidity, elevation. im sure you guys know all of this, its just definitely interesting to me.

i dont want to derail the thread or anything, sorry if i am annoying for that, but supersilver haze i think is a really crazy plant name too. i saw stuff in stores that was memorable. but it also was different a lot, sometimes had lemon lime jack flavors in it. the ssh haze i remember didnt have lemon lime flavors really. more metallic gas haze with earthy flavors . silver looking. but i know theres a million plants named super silver haze everywhere and they are probably all still super silver haze. lol


@dankisdope I got a pack of Trainwreck from Chris at Woodhorse genetics has some real Trainwreck IBL. I think that is where Bohdi sourced his. I think he’s had it since the early 00’s though my memory is sketchy. I would also check with Beahhorder too. He seems like a Wreck head.
I have a Trainwreck thread going where I am planning on going through a few different Trainwrecks and a couple hybrids over the next few summers. Now to figure out how to link it in chat here…


original train just tasted so good, i really liked the effects and stuff. it was like a haze flavor but non lemony and not lime. its just wrecky trainwreck. kinda gooey. damn i miss that.

i had tried a purple trainwreck one time, and ive seen some seeds listed as feminizeds for grandaddy x trainwreck, but man this purple trainwreck was some of the strongest and loudest tasting herb id ever seen. no clue what it was. but top 10 all time flavors ive ever seen i think. it was mostly a purpley flavor but it was intense and strong like gassy . it was most definitely a trainwreck GDP cross but idk where from or what it was

i browse a lot of genetics and dont even know about them so thx for that! also wavy flower company maybe? I see they got an old chem d x herjuana , ive actually blazed a cross like that called extrema the old sannies stuff, man thats a good cross. idk if thats the same or if he remade it or what. but that stuffs super good. crazy to see that might be out there still or something. thats another one i wanted to ask about one day lol. Jeez.

some of these effects are like sour diesel too , trainwreck, just really good green weed. i know other sour fans know some good weed too lol. thats why i will never know what these other sours are til i try them too. but some stuff i definitely know what it is. i wont know what cut is what until i see them explained that way. but if i smoked it, it definitely existed.


Just the Sour Diesel Thread being the Sour Diesel Thread I guess…

Wing Wang is either trying to sell you something with a story or has a wing wang for a brain as well…

Genetic drift?

I am nothing and no one, but I do like to gain knowledge whenever posible:

Please anyone that I quoted who referenced genetic drift or literally anyone else that sees this post, please link me any scientifically accredited article explaining genetic drift in cuttings. I will accept articles on cuttings of any plant, so it does not have to be cannabis specific.

Side note: My AOL dialup 30 day free trial cd would like a word. Positive vibes…
