Sour Diesel Thread

about 12 years ago i used TGA’s Qrazy train and crossed it to a sour diesel female. the qrazy train was subcool’s re-creation version of a purple trainwreck he tried. so best of both worlds i guess.

starting very recently i passed a few packs of the strain out (chicago purple diesel) to another member to be sent to interested parties. i’m looking for people that will actually grow them. qualified individuals feel free to contact me. please no new forum members.


Do you grow weed, or just troll?


man that sounds super cool! im definitely new, but maybe sometime when i have the extra space if its still possible ill try to help. stuff definitely needs tested. i never got to grow subcool stuff, but ive blazed some of it, and i know he had amazing plants. jilly bean was some good weed too. i liked querkle but man compared to regular erkle , thats night and day for me. cheesequake or whatever i think he made was super fire too. wish i knew about more. rip to a legend! im a weed nerd too . thx for sharing. no one ever knows about purple trainwreck usually, and its a unique cross sounds hard to make maybe it was even made feminizeds somehow who knows, i barely do. only had it once, it was just crazy.

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if you end up with space and want to test just shoot me a message. :+1:


initially i think i wanted to buy a pack of reserva privada purple trainwreck but they were out of stock so i wound up with the qrazy train. i’ve never tried purple urkel but i do have a few S1s from CSI humboldt i’m saving for a rainy day.

purple erkle is just the best grape terps ever, but the plant is small and low yielding and slow growing. its also just really old too. ive ne ver grown it but i did have a cross with it one time. it wasnt erkley enough. its what made GDP which u probly know. there could be some really good erkle stuff out there, honestly the only erkle cross i ever saw was the querkle. but i think since then theres people who have made newer stuff and theres probably some good crosses out there. it looks like csi did a lot of work with cool plants, mendo purps, purple erkle, even crossed em. thats probably some fire stuff even if i dont like feminizeds i bet those are super nice . its a way different effects tho compared to some heady green weed its more relaxing stuff. it never put me to sleep like some of this new stuff is tho. it was just really good. but i always did like green herb a little better for during the day lol. sour and jack was my all time favs

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Genetic drift usually appears in seed lines, if we talk about change in cuttings it would be somatic mutations.

[Quote=]Somatic mutation is a natural process that occurs in both plants and animals and leads to genetic diversity [1]. Unlike mutations that occur in gametes and are passed on to the next generation, somatic mutations occur in somatic cells and are usually not passed on to offspring. However, somatic mutations in plants can still potentially affect the reproductive organs of a plant, even though the mutation originally occurred in non-reproductive cells. [/Quote]

Somatic Mutations in Fruit Trees: Causes, Detection Methods, and Molecular Mechanisms - PMC.

[Quote=]Next to mutation, gene flow, and natural selection, genetic drift is one of the four factors causing a gene pool to change over time. Genetic drift is defined as the random variation in allele frequencies between generations in finite populations, due to sampling error. Genetic drift is a nondirectional process, causing (1) loss of genetic variation from populations, (2) genetic differentiation among populations, and (3) increased homozygosity of the individuals.[/Quote]


There’s a uni lab in Canada researching about that:

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I don’t want to come off rude. But when one sought out to learn, it’s a much personal endeavour. Calling out into the void for proof and understanding you would be keen to find, is not the method to become a guiding path of the community. It’s all up to one self to educate before speak.

Pz :v:t2:


Very very true statement right there. It’s so easy to tell whose a breeder, and who’s a pollen chucker. Anyway personally I don’t buy this SD genetic drift thing. I think the original SD is extremely rare, and all these others are s1 or hybrids. Think of all the seeds bought then those people selling or trading as real SD. Essy to see why there’s 200 cuts of it now lol. Obvious to me what’s going on. Same exact thing with og kush, bubba, etc. Nobody knows what they have anymore unless they’ve held it for 2 decades or can trace it back.

I mean hell karmas is from rezs SD ibl I think. That’s the issue right there. You can’t call that sour diesel, I don’t care how you wanna spin it. That’s why there’s a million threads about where is SD? Who has the real SD? Etc etc Real SD is a full 12 week cultivar that’s tall and lanky.

Here’s my fake “sd” from seed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I say fake bc it’s not the clone only.


I agree, Genetic drift is used as an excuse when unhealthy plants are kept that way for a long time. I’ve run my NEM clone for 15 years. She is the same as day 1. I’ve never had any clone change over time. I like some variation to find those 1 off plants. If you want no veraition that is what an IBL is for.

Rez and other SD started with the legendary clone. At least that is his claim. Sour Diesel’s origin story is rooted in cannabis folklore and hearsay. There is no way to know what it was.


Thank you! I agree it’s an excuse


I think so too! I don’t believe in Genetic Drift in cannabis and I think anyone claiming so is likely pushing a fake cut. I’ve ran my own cuts from plants I’ve selected for 4ish years and they’re the same as they were at maturity years ago. There’s pics of TK from 2006 that look just like she does today, almost 20 years later.


As someone whos held a shameful collection of cuts in the past, I can say for sure 2 people with the same cut can have wildly different levels of vigor in them. I kept having it happen bringing in OGs back when. Id get the same cut 4 or 5 times, but one would always be clearly a lot better taken care of. Of course, it could be underlying diseases too. At the time, that was my theory. Which is kinda funny, because HPLV became such an issue not long after. And the symptoms we were calling dudding ended up being identical to HLPV. But when I had Sour D as a 15+ year old clone, it still outgrow 99% of the other stuff, seeds included.

IMO the underlying issue is how do you keep a cut healthy long term? Seems like a lotta people say they have these old cuts with 0 loss, which I 100% believe! But, I think it would be a lot more helpful to folks if they shared SOPs for it.

Ive kept cuts 4-5 years with no issues. But I also did it keeping the moms outside at least 8 months a year in simple organic soil focusing on keeping them really healthy. Basically take cuts on Oct-Nov, and keep em chilling inside until about Feb to turn into new moms. Also using clean(bleached) tools between plants when working on them and cloning. Just an angle Ive not seen, but I think could be a major factor.


You already know :arrow_down:

This right here :arrow_up: Putting them outdoors in the spring/summer but preventing flower, can really bring the cut back to about how it was from seed originally. I just had this done on my ~4yr old SSDD F2 #1 cut. Buddy stuck one outside for a few months and kept one indoors and sent me clones of both. The clones from the outdoor plant are basically how the cut was when I first got it off the seed plant, whereas the clones from the cut that stayed indoors the whole time are noticeably not as vigorous/lush/healthy.


Clones can express differently based on the environment, even when well grown. How people grow can be drastically different. It will impact expression. This is mostly an indoor thing. Outdoor I see far less variation from garden to garden. I do not keep the same plant alive over 6 months. Rotating the moms every 6 months is how I keep them long term.


Exactly. Look at gooeybreeder with his work some of it 30 years old, same clone, genetic drift is bantered about regularly as fact when there is no solid basis for it outside of growers forums in relation to clones of the same source. Inbreeding, yes but that’s another thing entirely.

Lack of vigour in cloning can be restored with different cloning technique too ( tissue culture/ tissue ponics) and phenotypic expression is driven by environment (and stress)


I just dig on the old school high mom gooey gives, and yeah ive had her for at least 3 years now and theres been no change to her. Granted I’m sure their has been some epigenetic changes in her since acclimating to my environment but shes at least 40+ years old at this point.


Ok so genetic drift is just a buzz word that I hadn’t heard before this point. That being said I live in a hot unruly environment and clones I’ve gotten from cooler environments act differently here. Genetic drift probably isn’t the best word to use my bad. Just a quick Google search will show the point I was trying to make not for genetic drift but clones acclimating to there new environment which can lead to different characteristics.

Different soils, elevations, temps , Rh play a role. If all these standards are different from original plant you’ll get different results. I received clones from eastern usa I live in SW usa they don’t act or grow the same. Theres purple mine don’t, there’s stretch a good amount again extreme heat mine don’t. If all these very important conditions are different you can’t really expect the same results. This is from what I have experienced.


I don’t know if that so much changes the genes, just how those genes are expressed. Acclimation is probably a better word?