Sour Diesel Thread

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And yet, there’s only one real Sour Diesel and no one in this thread has found it yet :joy:


I’m sure it’s been found. People are invested in their story. AJ will never acknowledge another sour as real, he had to much invested in his


AJ has two cuts.

Most of the named sour cuts are Original Diesel, not sour.

Rest are crosses or outcrosses.

No where in this thread has someone said they found which one is the real, mouth coating, sour from back in the day…

Bunch of people saying some things are close though, but still not it :man_shrugging:


Has @Hapi finished the Gabby sour diesel cut? That’s the one I’m awaiting to hear about, hope I didn’t miss it.


No that Gaby cut won’t go into flower until Late september/October. (Soil). Also in RDWC to start flower will be, “Original Sour Diesel” edit in: “the first sour diesel before all the renames and polyhybrids” Cloney and “AJ/Wing wang”.

In flower now and about a month away is “Albany” cut of sour, a Sour/Headband, Sour dub x TK, Lemon tree x Notso HB (sour leaner), 707’s Sour x Kush cleaner and other sour crosses.
and outdoor still is “Bloomington Headband”, “ECSD”, "Sour bx4 from @MG_Canna

now random pics!

Hapi Joy


Where can I find it? Only seeing the Chaco x S2 Hybrid


Definitely let us know if one of them turns out to be IT.
Girls are looking fantastic :heart_eyes:


If you have the time, could you please expand upon this?


My understanding of this is the older generation was looking for the best xyz as a starting point to work from.
The newer generation just wants the best xyz and that’s it. No plans or intentions to move beyond that.


Somas nyd has nothing to do with any diesel based on outcomes

Dudes been in holland too long if you ask me. Its his son that still lives in nyc

Somas diesel smells like pink grapefruits with a musty bottom

A guy in mission bc grew it from somas first release for years and years…apart from the name he found an incredible specimen. If you like sativas that is. Big perfect spears. Nothing sour.

Hope this helps the people that are talking about it


My take on the real cut debate is that it’s probably dead. If not, chances are that what remains of it is probably too weak or mutated. Might also be that if we end up finding it, we may be disappointed 'cause we smoked better sour diesel, who knows.

I see sour diesel as a weed archetype more than a single plant honestly. Like others, such as bubblegum or RKS (I mean one that really smells RKS), or you name it. Exceptional specimens that created a trend on their own. And in this archetypes sure there’s the original, but also a wider variety of work on it. Everyone can hunt their cut or seed line, their own vision of the archetype. Focused on the smell, or the effect, or the overall plant easiness, enhanced or closest to the original. You name it too. There’s enough progeny now to find the one that suits.

Granted I’m not such a fan of the clone economy. I understand why people chase the real deal though. At the very least it gives a reference, and good smoke. And it makes easier to put it in seeds for sure :smiley:


Its the other way around , most cuts are Sour Diesel or what it used to be known as East Coast Sour Diesel (ECSD) 15 plus years ago , must be several bag seed versions from the Original Diesel clone only from mid/late 90’s as many different versions , ive grown these Sour Clone only’s which get passed as different names

Captain Krip

All similar but different, then there the Original Diesel clone only that quite different growing but that same loud Diesel smell/taste/potency but more Chemdog growing with less stretch and done in 10 weeks


Original Diesel S1 is only available on the Triple list ( a separate list you need to request of sold out or unreleased strains charged at Triple Price)

But the new Original Diesel Feminized project just drop a few weeks ago on the normal list is available now( bottom of the stocklist) the Original Diesel S2 is available and the Original Diesel 5 x 3 , plus a hybrid line


It’s an half joke to express a necessary evolution when it’s no longer only about making some weed to fill the blunts.

That’s it. It’s not new and not even specific to the cannaweb, but the “cookie batch” was massive. So we got only the “find me the best” a long time.

Not really a rant, it’s changing more than i was expecting. To make a loop with the SD, i think that tasting multiple clones is necessary.

At personnal level it’s only with a nursery offering multiple cuts a good dozen of years ago, that I’ve really discovered the SD. As a dumb EU stoner not specially hyped, until this point i was considering the release of Rez as the SD … needless to explain the chock when i got the hand on some cuts ^^

Beside my incapacity to advise specific cuts, i think that an objective starting point will be :

  • a sd cut
  • an escd cut
  • a chem91 cut

A bunch of consideration can born with just these three cuts, imho. Even more in exploring the Chem galaxy, but it’s a personnal opinion.

Same philosophy. Not so “choose your poison”, but choose your “equation”.

But it require a dose of education and mileage to understand it. I loop on my first comment. My discover of the SD was quite optimized actually, with a panel directly and in a context of productivity.

The flaw was to can’t do what i want with the cuts, but the advantage was to realize the real crazy momentum of the cut itself. No matter the cycle, the trends, the new hobbyists … “this cut” continue to pump up the volume decade after decade. It’s not so for the ego to grow some, but realizing that it come from a big journey that imply the offer of today : wide and wild.


Yeah seems all the named ‘Sour’ cuts going around are either renamed Original Diesel or renamed ECSD. But I’ve not read a single person in ~20 years of forums say that either of those are the real deal, mouth-coating, sour diesel.

There’s also two different Original Diesel cuts.


Many of the famed ECSD ( Sour Diesel) clones have taken a severe dive in that wall pentrating taste/smell since broadmite pandemic ( around 2008-11 ) and hplvd , other diseases ,bugs , Mold etc etc.

Back then you didn’t need a perfect run to bring out the funk , was there every run , now seems most cuts need a near pefect run to bring out any of that wall pentrating Diesel Skunk Funk out.

My Original Diesel line guarantee an insanely loud Diesel every pack , and the hybrids, and Chem d wrecker Feminized and Regular line ( chem d x Original Diesel)


Talking about the Strayfox release

I agree with this, most of the horses start to be quite aged as well.

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As far as I’m concerned there are two. That is assuming Diesel and Sour Diesel are actually two different things.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that Sour D is just an S1 of Diesel/Daywrecker. The range of chem plants plants to be found in diesel S1 are rather interesting, maybe even curiously so.

Lastly, if you’ve ever grown these, from a commercial standpoint, Diesel/Daywrecker is the cut that makes the most sense to me, and I’m sure that diesel was sold as sour more often than this “real sour” people talk about. It’s also pretty well known that chemdawg and diesel were at least passed off as one another and …