Southern MD Bog Jr Sour Grape Grow

Found a worm in my solo cup this morning. First time I’ve seen one growing indoors. I assume worms are good thing, castings and all.

Good growing ya’ll


All is growing well. Planning on uppotting later this week into 5 gallon bags.

Good growing ya’ll


The before picture. Transplant day.

After. Red label- SG1 potting soil and fox farm nutes. White label -SG2 coco and canna coco nutes. Green label- SG3 coco with GH tri nutes. Just basic nutes at this point. Moving up to veg tent with marshydro FC 480.

Good growing ya’ll


Here is latest photo. Sour grape 3 I believe is suffering from wind stress. It was next to fan. I have moved it away from fan. Others are looking fine.

Good growing ya’ll


Looking nice good luck with the grow :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

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The latest photo. No issues at the moment.

Good growing ya’ll


SG1 being grown with Fox Farm nutes.

SG 2 being grown with Coco Canna nutes

SG 3 grown with GH Trio

Good growing ya’ll


SG 3 topped and chopped. Ready to start LST in a few days. The others aren’t quite this far along.

Good growing ya’ll


Topped SG1 and started LST

Good growing ya’ll


Topped and started Lst on SG3 today. Not much experience with reg seeds but I believe I have a male.

Messed up on SG 2 and broke a branch while trying to tie down. Got her taped up. We will see.

Good growing ya’ll.


Awwwww yeah you got it grow’n on over here. I was checking out another thread of yours…

Excellent read, Thank you for sharing. I’ve had cannabis in my life for 40 years and have loved every minute of it.

Those sour grape plants are looking great, are you going to use the male pollen to make the next generation of Sour Grape? I have a S1 grow of PMD about to start and have decided to try and make Sour Grape S1 at the same time. I would like to send you the feminized Sour Grape when they are finished, would you be cool with that?

Have a great day. :sunglasses:

If I have a male, as I desire, will be making some sour grape seeds along with some crosses. I have a 4 x 4 tent I plan on turning into a play pen for breeding

I would like to from some fem seeds as that is what I am most expierience with.

Good growing ya’ll

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Photo of SG2 taped up and apparently healing. Surprised as it like hanging just by the skin. We will keep tape on for a few more days before we look.

Good growing ya’ll


Edit photo of plant overall


Looking great brother… thanks for sharing your grow

And the break on your plant… actually that stress sometimes make for the best ones

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Trying to LST these plants is a bitch. The stalks are so robust I need to supercrop just to tie them down. I only hope they such robust stems in order to support such healthy buds. Last week I said I thought I had a male, after further observation I think I was wrong.

Good growing ya’ll



Plants are growing vigorously. LST is difficult as many branches are so thick causing stems to snap. This photo of sour grape 1 being grown with fox farm nutes. This is the middle size plant. The GH Trio plant is smaller but just as vigorous and the one I’m feeding Coco Canna nutes is the Beast. While I assume this is genetic, I can’t help but wonder how much of a role nutes are playing in the growth.

Shout out to @Heliosphear who gave me the seeds, so I assume he is the breeder. These are without a doubt the healthiest plants I’ve grown

Good growing ya’ll.



SG 2 on its way to flower tent. Very vigorous plant. I have abandoned LST on main branches as they tend to snap. Not enough room to get my sausage fingers between nodes and supercrop. Very much anticipating some stellar buds considering branches it has to support them.

SG1 and SG2 are maybe a week or less behind.

Good growing ya’ll



A Little defoliation on SG2

Good growing ya’ll



SG 1 ( front) & 3 (back) went into flower tent.

Good growing ya’ll



Defoliation Monday-

1st photo (Sour Grape 1) grown with fox farm nutes.

2nd photo (Sour Grape 2) grown with coco canna nutes.

3rd photo (Sour Grape 3) grown with GH Flora Trio.

Good growing ya’ll
