Southern MD Bog Jr Sour Grape Grow

Photo of plant that started revenging and then reverted to flowering before revenging was completed or at least my best guess. I posted I was going to cull plant. When it came time, I couldn’t go through with it. So far so good.

Btw I didn’t plan any of this but when stoners grow, expect the unexpected.
Good growing ya’ll


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We interrupt this thread to state I love how Blackberry (auto) expresses the black in the sugar leaves.

Good growing ya’ll



Sour grape is fire. Ill be watching this thread. :+1:

Pleasant surprise I was greeted by this when I started gardening this morning. Mephisto Crème de la Chem. And a few hours later.

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Latest photo of an SG2 clone in flower

Good growing ya’ll



Things are looking great around here, keep it up! :+1:

This is a Barney’s Farm Tangerine Dream. It was experiencing light stress so I supper cropped and now the bud is growing toward the light.

Good growing ya’ll


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The one plant that I have been concerned about (see above) was culled yesterday due to bud rot.

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Harvesting Sour Grape 1 today. I hooked a hanger wire through the grow bag and around a limb for LST. Below is the result

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