Southern MD Bog Jr Sour Grape Grow

Well it’s defoliation Monday. Yeah I try to only do it one day a week as part of my litfa strategy. Also use moisture meter to dry mine when to water. Terrible problem with overwatering and the meter has helped me

These plants are taking time with flowering.

Oh well I need help with patience also

Good growing ya’ll



Could this be thrips damage? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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Tks. I’ll take a closer look

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I would lean towards the Fox Farm from the pictures. What do you think in person?

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All the plants are quite vigorous, the fox farm plant has the darkest hue of green. The one being fed coco canna nutes is looking hungry even though I have maxed out the recommended dosage. I plan to slowly up the strength to see it improves. As far as the GH trio is seems to be coming up at third. Now saying all that I don’t have the experience to say if the difference in the plants is due to nutes or genetics.

Good growing ya’ll



Upon further inspection I believe you’re right. I think I overlooked the thrips cause I attributed it to overwatering. Anyway I took a paper towel and wiped the leaves with insecticidal soap

I have some DE out in garage that I will top dress with and spread on floor of grow tents.

Thanks for catching that.

Good growing ya’ll



You’re welcome, you will have to water from the bottom if you top dress with DE, you can also use sticky traps… beer3|nullxnull

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Thanks for the heads up on bottom watering. I’ll just spread on floor and keep eye out.

Good growing ya’ll



You’re welcome, have a look … beer3|nullxnull,a%20certain%20collection%20of%20minerals.

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Thanks very informative. I’m expecting sticky traps today. And will be reapplying the DE.


Morning here’s the latest photo. I usually defoliate on Monday if needed but we are going let that slide while the thrips issue is being addressed. Thanks to @George for spotting that. Appears I had two issues 1) overwatering which I was addressing by buying a moisture meter 2) thrips. I assumed the thrip damage was due to overwatering. These 3 plants weren’t affected much but a couple others were impacted harder. Changes have been made to allow for the next lesson to be learned. Like I previously stated I consider myself a novice hobbyist and part of my motivation to start this thread was not to show how clever I was but hoping some of the more experienced growers would spot and inform me of issues I wasn’t aware of. So if y’all see something say something (did I say that?). Thanks to all.

Please send healing vibes to @Heliosphear as he was kind enough to provide the seeds with this grow but currently is going through some serious medical issues.

Good growing ya’ll



The ghost is back. I had the issues with the thrips , got sick, then went out of town. Thrips won, I got better and I had mixed results with auto drip system I set up for vacation. I needed to take more time to test and work out kinks which I didn’t have. Any way thanks to the ABC’s (always be cloning) of growing,I am still growing the sour grape. Shown is a cutting of Sour Grape two just starting to flower.

I will post more regularly I just let the above issues drag me down. Kept growing though.

Good growing y’all



This is a clone of Sour Grape 2 in veg. Unfortunately no cuttings of Sour Grape 3 survived. All part the game we play.

Good growing y’all


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Sour Grape 1 approx 3 weeks into flower

Good growing y’all



Question for the masses- what do I do with this mess? I believe the plant started flowering then got put back on a veg light schedule now it’s is back in flower tent. I don’t believe it completely reverted. Now I’m not sure to grow it or cull it and would love some input on this.

Good growing y’all



Gonna keep watching. Have some old bog sour grapes to try and these can’t be far off yes? I’ve never revegged so I couldn’t tell you what to do with that! Otherwise good luck with the plants!

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Chucking pollen on Sour Grape 1. On the right is Blue Moon Rocks pollen from the generous @DougDawson on the left is master kush and DJ Short blueberry f4 pollen sourced outside OG. Let’s include a hearty shout out to @Heliosphear for the seeds.

Hoping this is my first successful pollen chucking. Think I got excited and did it too soon. This plant is 3-4 weeks into flower. Any insight is welcome. I may be an idiot but I am capable of learning.

As far as the plant I asked about yesterday I decided to cull it. Rather not risk it herming from stress than dealing with a ton of seeds

Good growing ya’ll



Pic of clone on SG1 after week 3 defoliation.


Good growing ya’ll



Another clone of SG1 headed to flower tent.

Good growing ya’ll



Clone of SG1. Same one as shown in defoliation pic