Steampunk Water Culture

ohh my! Been busy today, I’ll say…
ok I got some photos of the bloom room and the big bud mother plant.


Always wanted to go dwc but still havent had the balls to do it.

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Was told you need a chiller and im a cheap skate.

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Depends on how your environment is. I use the cool floor to manage the bucket temps, and I try to keep the air temps near 22ish. If you water temps hit 30 your plants are dead for sure! You could test a bubbling bucket of water for temperature fluctuations in your grow, see how it is. You don’t actually need to grow anything just to see what happens. I try to keep the water at 18C but a little warmer won’t hurt.


Gotcha and that makes sense

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hah hah funny story… So I turned on the cpu virtualization and it made the system unstable. I had to update the BIOS! Crazy times. Never forget to load the optimized defaults after the BIOS flash.

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Gonna scrub scrub! These machines need to be completely scrubbed out so I can make the next clones.


The sensi plant b looks like of strange! It’s leaves are never in the upwards position during it’s moving around during the day/night cycle.

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Tubs work better than balls, IME.


metaphorical balls anyways! Root balls? Ahem! Anyways I scrubbed that clone machine and it’s almost ready for the clones. I’m going to start by cloning big bud and meat breath. We’ll see how I feel about doing the others.


ohhh yah! More growing…
I am going to do a microscopic scan of the c99 buds today. I know they are just forming but the flowers that have been there since veg are getting the “mature look”. I want to see WTF is going on :smiley:


Looking forward to pics

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Looks like it’s going to be a pretty good hash yield, We’ll see how it shapes up over time! Lots of good fish eggs there, though… yum, my kind of caviar.


Nice! Looks like it will yield well for sure. :smiley:


Is it just airstones in there? And whats in your solution ?


I have a lot of buds jarred and in sealed buckets. Lots of C99. Im starting think i need to be making more hash with them. The C99 has made some nice hash for me.
I believe your C99 came from Peakseedsbc too. What do you think of the it?


Cannabis Caviar… has a nice ‘ring’ to it… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:


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I just have an airline T with a stainless nut on there for weight. The solution is water and I use the bc boost, and grow, and bloom with some awesome blossoms.

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This will be my first round with it, but also I stress-bloomed the plant in veg. For a real test I’m going to reveg and try again, but at least this way I can get a feel for the hash yield quantity and if it’s got hermaphrodite in it.


So equal parts of everything?

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